Years 7 – 9 final day of classes (1.00 pm dismissal)
Friday 8 December
Semester 2 Reports released
Wednesday 20 December
College office closes
2024 Dates
Thursday 18 January
College office opens
Monday 29 January
Staff return
Thursday 1 February
All students return
From the Principal
Principal's Message
With a Grateful Heart
As we approach the end of our 95th anniversary, I would like to thank all staff, students, and families for the opportunities to which they have contributed so generously this year. 2023 has flown by very quickly and I think that is because we have enjoyed so many events and activities aimed at supporting and celebrating our students’ achievements. Celebrations are important to all cultures and reflect our endeavours and achievements as well as values that bind us together. In this milestone year, I hope students and staff have felt the strong sense of community that has been a long-held tradition of Our Lady of Sion College since 1928.
In the last few weeks, as they concluded their studies, final assessments and exams, we acknowledged the contribution of our graduating students, the Class of 2023, for the way in which they approached the end of their time at our school and for the gifts and contributions they offered over their six years as Sion students.
Today we farewelled our Years 10 and 11 students and within less than two weeks we will wish our Year 7, 8 and 9 students all the best for a good summer holiday. On Monday together with their families, we also welcomed our newest students who will begin their Sion journey in 2024. While it is a cycle of school life with which we are very familiar, to be an educator today also comes with increased rewards and great satisfaction as we support the learning and personal growth of our students in a dynamic and ever-changing context.
Thank You
I recognise that we undertake this vocation in partnership with our families and to this end I would like to thank all families for their support and in particular, acknowledge the many parents who contact us at this time of the year with messages of gratitude for how the school has supported their children. In recent years, the work of staff and teachers has undergone significant adjustments as we respond to the ever-changing social changes that impact us all. In this endeavour, staff have been unwavering in their commitment to the wellbeing and learning of our students. Please know that we are very appreciative of the time you take to speak or write to us to acknowledge the work we do.
Finally, best wishes to Lauren Baldasso (Head of Communication & Development), Sofia Stagnitta (College Psychologist), and teachers Ellie Ven Der Westhuizen and Laura Geilings who will shortly begin a period of Family Leave. I also take this opportunity to farewell the following teachers and staff who will conclude their time at the College: Michelle Arnold, Amy Beale, Anna Crow, Natalie Hall, Naomi Linossier and Brady Hamilton. I thank them for the support they have offered and the commitment that have made to our students and wish them well in their future endeavours. Finally, best wishes, thank you and congratulations to our Learning Support Officer, Melanie Hayes and our Deputy Principal Faith & Mission, John McInerney who have shared their gifts and significant contribution to education over many years.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
To all members of the Our Lady of Sion College community, I say goodbye.
After over seven years that I have spent here as Deputy Principal of Faith and Mission, my time has come to an end.
What an enormous privilege it has been to serve this tremendous College.
What a pleasure it has given me to meet the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion and immerse myself into their rich charism.
How thankful I am to our Principal, Tina Apostolopoulos, to have appointed me and given me this opportunity to work here. How grateful I am to have worked on such a supportive Leadership Team – particularly with my fellow Deputies.
To the staff – I say an enormous thank you and wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
To the parents and carers, I thank you for entrusting us all with the care of your child/children.
And to the students that I have interacted with since my arrival – I say thank you so much for all of the fun, the laughs, the support and the encouragement. I hope you all know, that I would have done anything for you – because you deserve it!!!!
I don’t really know how to write a final Newsletter article. After almost 40 years of teaching, how do you sum it all up? Perhaps I’ll just say this: As you enter our chapel here at Our Lady of Sion College, there are two boards that hang in the entrance. At the top of both are quotes from Scripture. The first is from the Book of Ruth and says, '… your people will be my people and your God my God.' Ruth 1:16b. The second quote is from the Prophet Micah which says, 'And what does the Lord require of you but to live justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.' Micah 6:8.
I hope I have been true to both of these quotes, not only for my time here at Our Lady of Sion College but all throughout my professional and personal life.
I wish all a very happy Christmas and may you always experience God’s everlasting love.
'Enjoy the Moment'
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
We look forward to welcoming families and students at the annual 2023 Night of Excellence on Tuesday 5 December. This will be a wonderful celebration of the holistic life of the College. Students will be recognised for their achievements and contributions across all the facets of College life and we will also be entertained by their significant music and performance skills.
As we prepare for the awards, it is timely to remind families and students of how the academic awards are calculated. Student summative assessments are averaged across the semester and scores above 90% become eligible for an award. It is important to note that teachers make careful decisions about which tasks are included in the tally, and which are not, ensuring that there is equity across the semesters. For this reason, it is not possible for students to calculate their own averages.
While it is great to have something to strive for, it is learning growth that is the most important thing to focus upon. Recognising that each year level is a step upwards in complexity, I encourage students to think about their entry points, and what they need to do next to improve. These are great conversations to have at home.
As our Years 10 and 11 students celebrate their end of year, we get to spend some time concentrating on the Years 7, 8 and 9 students. What a treat. The Year 7 students are finalising their units of work, with lots of assessments followed by learning games. Our Year 8 students are preparing for their Challenge Day, and the Year 9 students are finishing off their Ayin experience with a Mind, Body, Soul Day. Perhaps ask them what they learnt, what skills and experiences they will continue to pursue and what they would recommend for you to apply!
A huge thank you to the whole community for everyone’s engagement in the learning programs across 2023. I wish everyone a very restful break and the full blessings of the Christmas season. I look forward to doing it all again in 2024.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Safe Parties, Sleepovers and Holidays
As we approach the end of the school year, and academic endeavours are replaced with many more social ones, it's important to acknowledge the significant decisions parents/carers make when allowing their teens to attend social gatherings. Whether it's a sleepover, party, schoolies or a weekend gathering, the responsibility doesn't end once you have said ‘Yes'.
While your daughter will probably be concerned about who is going and what everyone is wearing, it is important that parents/carers are setting expectations for behaviour and exploring matters of safety and communication. These conversations should not be formal lectures but should be serious enough that your child knows what is expected and how to reduce risk.
While we don’t want to wrap a child up in cotton wool, we also don’t want the devastation of an injured or assaulted child. It is far better to be the cautious parent/carer who meets other parents face to face, who picks up first and who says ‘no’ when it does not feel right.
Once you say ‘yes’ it is important that your child knows the expectations for how to get support if things go wrong. They need to know that no matter what happens or who made the poor choice, you will come and pick them up. Sure, you might not like what you see when you get there but you will always come no matter how far or what the time is.
Make sure that the social event is age and stage appropriate for your child. A 14th birthday gathering can significantly change if older teens attend. Understand the expectation of other parents/carers; just because you would never turn a blind eye to drinking, vaping or sexualised behaviour doesn’t mean other adults won’t. Communication between adults is also key to a safe and supportive social life.
Let your daughter know that they can also call 000, especially if alcohol or drug use is affecting theirs or someone else's health. They should know that paramedics are available to help, not to judge or get them in trouble with the police and parents/carers.
If we plan for the unwanted and unexpected, and it does not happen there is no harm done. It means that you have had an important conversation with your daughter, and she knows that you will always be there for her. She also never needs to choose between getting in trouble and her own safety.
As the year concludes, we wish all our students and their families a joyful holiday season filled with warmth and laughter. May you enjoy a well-deserved break, and we eagerly anticipate a safe return to school in 2024.
Remember, our doors are always open, and we are here to support you. Have a wonderful holiday!
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
After a marathon effort in completing their final year of secondary schooling our final farewell to our Year 12 cohort of 2023 took place last Friday night at Marvel Stadium. It was an amazing night whereby students were able to relax and celebrate with their families and staff who have supported them throughout their journey at Our Lady of Sion College throughout the past six years.
The sun setting over the Docklands provided a perfect back drop for the students to take some memorable photos with family and friends. Guests enjoyed a delicious three course meal and then everyone danced the night away to a perfect selection of tracks chosen by the infamous DJ Fabian.
Again, I congratulate all our Year 12 students on their efforts throughout 2023. Completing Year 12 requires commitment, perseverance and hard work. All of our students demonstrated this and should be so proud of their individual efforts. This incredible group of young people also need to be acknowledged for the connections they made and strengthened with one another throughout the year and the support they provided each other through both the good and challenging times.
I wish all of our students well in whatever they choose to do and hope they carry with them the values and charism of Our Lady of Sion into the next phase of their life.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
What a massive end to 2023! Having finished up with exams in Week 7, continuing with Smart Start for Week 8, we are now referring to the cohort as Year 12s…
During the last day today, we were able to spend time reflecting on the school year.
We were able to celebrate our successes, as well as recognising our achievements
Time to recognise highlights from the school year, and what students were able to ‘get’ out of 2023 as a Year 11 student
I asked the students to consider whether they had exceeded their own expectations they had for themselves as an individual, student, child, sibling, friend etc. How did they develop as a person this year?
Other highlights for the last day included the Year Level Kris Kringle, and the final assembly - which is always a joyful opportunity to be together as a cohort.
The Year 11s stepped up and into the challenges of being senior students. They approached their studies with resilience and the perseverance to do their best. It has been an incredibly exciting and rewarding opportunity working with and alongside your child throughout 2023.
Thank you to the Year 11 Homeroom team, who have been an integral pillar of support for your child’s experience, alongside all teaching staff who have facilitated your child’s learning. Lastly, thank you to all families who reached out this year for further guidance, support, and feedback.
Until next week: for the Year 12 (2024) Retreat!
Have a restful, enjoyable break. Stay safe, hydrated, sunscreen-ed and well! We look forward to your return for 2024.
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Well that went quick... It only feels like yesterday that our Year 10, 2023 journey commenced and yet here we are at the conclusion of our journey.
I sincerely thank all students and family members for your continued support, encouragement and enthusiasm. Our Year 10 cohort have grown so much in all areas of life through their academics, co-curricular opportunities and all that has been placed before them. Each student is completing this journey a very different, more capable version of themselves.
To those families who are moving onto new opportunities in 2024, I thank you for your involvement within the Sion community and I wish you all the very best.
Year 10 has been a journey. The foundations that have been developed this year will support our Year 10, 2023 cohort, to continue to experience success in all that they do. Our ongoing willingness to explore our #innerexcellence is a growth mindset that I hope will always stay with this year level. It is through our mistakes that we learn, it is through our willingness to try that we understand, it is through our motivation to get up one more time that allows us to succeed.
To all those students who have held leadership roles this year, and to those who have just been announced as leaders for 2024. I thank you for your willingness to serve our community.
To all those students who have been recognised through our College affirmation program, congratulations on being willing to do your best and be involved in the many rich offerings available to you. Through your willingness to participate to the best of your ability you show us the value and importance of courage, grit and resilience.
Finally, I thank each Year 10 student. Your consistent enthusiasm, willingness to try and genuine care for each other is fantastic. As a cohort you are in a very good position to continue your life long journey that will see each of you succeed in your area of interest.
I would like to thank all members of the Year 10 team Mr Ben Kelly, Ms Katrina Gurciullo, Ms Alice Dawes / Miss Isabelle Votsis, Ms Cara Callum, Mrs Caroline Holly and Mr Paul Whitely. Thank you for being the guiding inspiration to our Year 10 students. Also thanks to the College counselling team, Mrs Brooke O’Hara and our Deputy Principals, Mrs Christine Kralj, Mrs Allison Stott and Mr John McInerney for guiding our Year 10s through all their Pastoral, learning and faith journeys this year.
So, for the last time in 2023, on behalf of the Year 10 Pastoral team, I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and new year break and until 2024, explore those intrinsic strengths that support you to develop and cherish your #innerexcellence.
Year 9 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As we conclude 2023, I personally reflect on the year feeling very proud of the Year 9 cohort. They have developed in personal growth, perseverance and dedication to their studies, whilst continuing to be true to themselves and create new connections.
I thought the best way to sum up the Pastoral Program for the year was to hear from the students themselves:
This year, Pastoral for Year 9 has been one with lots of exciting and new experiences. One of the highlights being our session on ‘Growth Mindsets’. This session taught us about how our mindset about certain things can affect the outcome. For example, if we believe that we will fail, or not do well at something, it decreases our chance of being successful. This kind of mindset is called a ‘fixed mindset’, and we want to try our hardest to avoid this. However, a ‘growth mindset’ is one where we believe in ourselves and our capabilities, and this is something that we want to strive for.
Another highlight of Pastoral this year would be our ‘Party Safe’ session. We had a guest speaker come to talk to us about certain problems we may be facing in our life. He talked about how it's important to always trust yourself, and how to remove ourselves from unsafe situations.
Another highlight of Pastoral was when we spent half the lesson on catch up work, and organisation. This session was held in a stressful assessment period, and was extremely helpful to have some extra time to catch up on work. The rest of that session was spent competing in a year level paper plane completion. We all folded and built our planes and then headed to the top court to see whose jets would take flight! This was so enjoyable and was a great break to laugh during a stressful time.
We would like to thank Ms Frood and the rest of the Year 9 Pastoral team for organising these sessions for us. We really appreciate it and are extremely grateful for their efforts. Year 9 SRC's Cecilia B (9 White) and Diya P (9 Gold)
I wish all students and families a joyous and safe Christmas break and we look forward to seeing how the current Year 9 cohort grow into 2024.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
I can’t believe that yet another year has flown by. I couldn’t be prouder of the way the Year 8s have taken on this challenge and grown so much as a result. Through events like our friendship day, Homeroom dance competition, year level basketball competition and camp (just to name a few) they have been able to make new connections and push themselves outside of their comfort zones.
On behalf of the Homeroom team, I would like to thank all students for their enthusiasm and involvement in all that Year 8 at Sion has to offer. A special thank you to all students who held leadership positions this year. You have brought great enthusiasm to the role and should be very proud of yourselves. Leaders throughout the year:
Simona C (8 Silver) & Maddy R (8 Purple)
Amelie P (8 Gold) & Claire R (8 Silver)
Social Justice
Laura C (8 White) & Mackenzie H (8 Silver)
Kayla G (8 White) & Annabelle S (8 Purple)
Molly P (8 Red) & Sophie P (8 Silver)
Sophia B (8 White) & Jocelyn B (8 Blue)
Violet D (8 Silver) & Willow M (8 Blue)
Visual Arts
Kaelyn F (8 Blue) & Kaitlyn S (8 Silver)
Carmel Freya B (8 Gold) & Indi G (8 Purple)
Kayley C (8 White) & Ava R (8 White)
Matilda D (8 Silver) & Matilda P (8 White)
Ava K (8 Purple) & Lara W (8 Silver)
Blue Kate B (8 Blue) & Emily K (8 Blue)
Sabine D (8 Gold) & Gabrielle GP (8 Gold)
Remi P (8 Purple) & Jade S (8 Purple)
Avni K (8 Red) & Kristina S (8 Red)
Meg L (8 Silver) & Liliana T (8 Silver)
Emily B (8 White) & Andrea G (8 White)
Thank you, Year 8s for a wonderful year as your Wellbeing and Growth Leader. It has been a pleasure to work with you all and it is with great sadness that I now need to pass you over to a new Wellbeing and Growth Leader. I will miss you dearly, but please don’t be a stranger…I’ll still be here, and my door is always open to you all. I am so proud of each of you and the growth you have all made since the start of the year.
Finally, I wish you and your families a happy and safe Christmas holiday. Best wishes for 2024!
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
It has been a true joy to work with each of the Year 7 students in 2023 as they began their first year of secondary school. We have enjoyed many milestones together, from the transition days in February, camp in March, swimming carnivals, Retreat and year level activities. This term, I asked students to reflect on the year and their favourite moments:
My favourite memory from this year was camp because that’s when I got to know some of my new friends a lot better.Dani B (7 Purple)
As soon as I set foot into the Homeroom I was excited and ready to take on Year 7. I had lots of new friends to sit with and was welcomed with teachers and friendly students. I was ready to place my books into my locker and try new subjects. As the year moved on, many experiences came along like the Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival, GSV and many other House events. School camp also came along in my Year 7 journey. Getting ready for camp is so fun! When you get promised activities it elevates your excitement until you are about to explode! Finding out who is in your cabin is always scary but in a fun way and is a great experience to meet new people. When I got to camp I was ready. The activities we attempted pushed our limits but you could always pull out and have your wishes and concerns respected. Overall the first year of secondary school is different and you get to experience things you might not have thought of doing.Erica B (7 Gold)
I have made lots of friends even though I was a Sion One student (only student from my primary school attending the College in my year level). At the start, I was really nervous and thought that I would just be alone, but then I became friends with people. My favourite memory has been camp and hanging out with friends at lunch and recess. Chloe M (7 Silver)
On behalf of myself and the Year 7 Pastoral team, we wish each of our students a joyful and restful break and look forward to seeing them as Year 8s next year!
Learning Area News
Languages – Gail Amato, Learning Leader
2023 has proven to be a remarkable and successful year for the Languages Department at Our Lady of Sion College. The department has provided students with enriching opportunities to excel in their language studies, fostering a passion for learning and to develop their linguistic skills. Such opportunities include the educational study tour to Italy, incursions, excursions, various competitions, the use of the Language Perfect program and much more.
International Partnership Program
While the school year is coming to an end, eight students will travel overseas over the summer holidays to complete the year’s international partnership program with USA.
On Tuesday 26 December, Kyah B (11 Silver), Abby H (11 Gold), Sameera K-K (11 White), Molly P (11 Red), Bethany
S (11 Blue), Lucy S (11 Blue), Olivia W (11 Silver), Emma W (11 Silver) accompanied by Mrs Jennifer Tilley, will travel to Kansas City, USA, to visit their host sisters and attend our sister school “Notre Dame de Sion” for three weeks. We thank Mrs Tilley for accompanying the students to USA and we wish them all the best during this time.
VCE Smart Start
This week, our upcoming VCE students have been completing their Smart Start Program. The commitment and enthusiasm displayed by these students during the program have set a positive tone for their language studies in the coming months.
Sion Education Perfect Language Competition
Meanwhile, our Year 7, 8, and 9 students are actively participating in the Sion Education Perfect Language Competition. The students are eagerly anticipating the chance to win exciting prizes, showcasing both their linguistic talents and dedication to their language studies.
Thank You
A special thank you is extended to all students who have demonstrated a passion for learning languages. The commitment of our VCE students studying Chinese, French, and Italian has been particularly commendable. Their dedication throughout the year, especially in preparation for the end-of-year exams, reflects their strong work ethic and determination to succeed academically. We hope that the hard work and effort invested in their language studies will be reflected in their final exam results. May they find success and fulfilment in all their future endeavours.
A huge thank you to our College Principal, Mrs Tina Apostolopoulos, for her support of the Language Department, the Leadership Team, in particular Mrs Allison Stott for her assistance throughout the year and all members of staff who have supported us with the different activities and programs.
In conclusion, the achievements, and successes of the Languages Department in 2023 are a testament to the dedication of both students and teachers. The department looks forward to building on this success in the coming year, continuing to inspire a love for languages and fostering academic excellence among its students.
In the spirit of the festive season, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy, safe New Year.
Mathematics – Libby Kempton, Learning Leader
Australian Mathematics Competition
In Term 3 during Maths Week, the Australian Mathematics Competition was held. This is the longest running mathematics competition in Australia and each year thousands of students compete.
In 2023, over 100 students across Years 7-11 participated. Congratulations to the following students who received a distinction:
Miranda K (7 Blue)
Clare N (7 Blue)
Claise S (7 Blue)
Ashley T (7 Blue)
Abbey R (8 Gold)
Claire R (8 Silver)
Annabelle S (8 Red)
Amelia W (8 Red)
Claire R also received the ‘Best in School’ certificate.
I encourage all students to get involved in the various mathematics competitions and challenges on offer next year.
Arts – Natasha Borg, Learning Leader
Creative Arts and Technologies (CAT) Week Award Winners
As part of the Creative Arts and Technologies Exhibition in October we had A People’s Choice voting box on the opening night to encourage visitors, students and staff to take a little more time to look around the show and vote on a favourite piece of work (or several) across the entire exhibition space.
We have now opened the little black voting box full to the brim of votes and tallied them up!
We are excited to announce that the People’s Choice Vote goes to Chloe K (11 Red) and the Teacher's Choice Vote goes to Mia G (12 Gold). Congratulations Chloe and Mia! We are all very proud of you. This is a wonderful achievement.
People's Choice Award winner Chloe K (11 Red)
Artist: Chloe K (11 Red) Artwork Name: Whispers of Yesterday Materials: Graphite, Acrylic, Watercolour
My artwork revolves around the theme Kahlya and ‘Internal vs External Isolation.’ I tried my best to reflect on memories and how they persistently stay with you, regardless of the passage of time. My artwork depicts a younger version of myself in her childhood room, looking up at the current version of myself. The red paint that exists on both sides shows how past experiences cling to you, how we reflect on our past selves and how we’ve changed.
I chose to depict this message through a mirror as I thought it would be an effective way to convey this depth and meaning through imagery. The inclusion of colour in small instances was utilised to create a point of contrast and attempt to establish means of isolation despite outside factors.
Teacher's Choice Award winner Mia G (12 Gold)
Endeavour Awards
At Creative Arts and Technologies Week opening night we also presented Endeavour Awards. These awards recognise a student from each class who demonstrates:
Innovation and creativity throughout the conception and development of their work
A commitment to their learning journey, making conscious steps to improve their practice
Active seeking and application of feedback that improved their learning
Creativity in all of their work and fostered in their peers.
Endeavour Award Winners:
Clare N (7 Blue)
Ruby N (7 Gold)
Evie G (7 Purple)
Addison W (7 Red)
Eliza B (7 Silver)
Ella M (7 White)
Digital Technologies
Clare N (7 Blue)
Sophie J (7 Gold)
Ashanti C (7 Purple)
Ann I (7 Red)
Abby T (7 Silver)
Ayla W (7 White)
Olivia M (7 Blue)
Pene B (7 Gold)
Kate L (7 Purple)
Audrey C (7 Red)
Ariel C (7 Silver)
Leena H (7 White)
Congratulations to all our wonderful winners!
Year 10 Art - Jennifer Schwab, Art, Studio Arts and Textiles Teacher
Inspired by artist Wendy Murray, a visual artist who works between NSW and LA, our Year 10 art class recently recreated photos of everyday scenes around Sion using fine liner and watercolour. Students have been enjoying seeing these around the College. The resemblance of the areas they have painted is remarkable. Well done to our very talented artists.
Religious Education – Anna Gionfriddo, Learning Leader
It is hard to believe that we are arriving at the end of Term 4 with students from Year 10 - 11 having completed their Smart Start week and students in Years 7 - 9 having completed their final assessments.
Over the past few weeks, the Year 7s have explored the Catholic Church and parish life through their study of the concept Church and Community. They have come to understand the significance that a parish plays for all members of the faith community and the ways that the Church actively works to support all people especially the poor and vulnerable in our world today. Currently, the students are creating their own Catholic church models. As a part of this the students are to include different elements of the Church such as the altar, tabernacle, baptismal font and pews. This activity has been designed to help strengthen the students' understanding and appreciation of the significance of Catholic places of worship and their importance in our faith lives.
In Religious Education we are currently learning about new churches and old churches. We are looking at how they have changed over time as well as comparing the different elements in them. In this topic we are building 3D models that focus on the different elements that make up a Catholic Church. It’s a really fun way to learn about the Catholic Church as well as being creative. Katherine T (7 Silver)
In Religious Education, to support our learning about the Catholic Church as a home of prayer and worship for Catholics, the Year 7 classes are making models of a medieval church. We are making these out of cardboard and lots of paint to make fantastic churches that may one day be real (if any of us become architects). Olivia A (7 Silver)
With the Liturgical Season of Advent commencing Sunday 3 December, the students will be taking the time to reflect on its true meaning, with its messages of hope, peace, love and joy and its significance for us as a Catholic faith community.
Congratulations to all students for their efforts throughout the year and thank you to all of the Religious Education staff for their continued dedication and passion for Religious Education.
Wishing all families a very blessed and safe Christmas.
Drama – Alex Bleazby, Drama Teacher
On Monday 13 November, Year 9 Drama students performed duologues from some of Shakespeare's most famous comedies and tragedies. The performances were so engaging and polished. It was wonderful to see such strong performers and also great camaraderie amongst this group. Thank you to Miss Thilini Ranasinghe and Mrs Catherine Bennett for all of their wonderful work with this brilliant group this semester!
Learning Enhancement Leader – Laura Geilings
As the year quickly draws to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the families Learning Support has worked with this year. We have all enjoyed being able to support a large number of students, meeting with many families for PSG’s and achieve a number of successes for each student’s learning.
In 2024 the College will welcome a new Learning Enhancement Leader who will be there to support students and families. If there is anything you wish to speak to me about before the conclusion of the year, and I take some family leave, please contact me via my email.
On behalf of the Learning Support team, we wish all our families a safe and happy holiday break.
Humanities – Sarah Chalmers, Learning Leader
The Model United Nations Assembly teams attended a Rotary breakfast this week and spoke with the members of Box Hill Central about their experiences participating in the Model United Nations Assembly.
The common theme amongst what the girls had learnt from their experiences was the importance of young people engaging with world issues and being informed. Without our youth actively participating in important decision making processes, we cannot hope to improve on the challenges that exist throughout our world. As 2023 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2024, let’s all keep encouraging our young people to think outside their own worlds and engage with the broader world. They can make a difference.
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Victorian Schools Music Festival – Year 7 Bands representing OLSC
Congratulations to the 102 members of our two Year 7 Concert bands (the Monday morning group and the Tuesday afternoon group), and members of the Sion First Year 6 Music program, who performed at the 2023 Victorian Schools Music Festival last week. The girls presented the repertoire that they have been working on in the magnificent Hawthorn Town Hall. Students also benefitted from an on-stage tutorial with the adjudicator and were able to listen to bands from other schools.
Instrumental Music Private Tuition 2024
Enrolments are now open and available on-line for Instrumental Music lessons in 2024. All the details including fees, instrument hire charges and conditions are available here. Confirmation of enrolment needs to be completed here. Please note that charges will be applied to your College fees statement in early 2024. Address any enquiries to the Head of Music at:
Year 7 Spring Concert – a packed LHC!
Congratulations to all Year 7 ensemble members, small groups, and those Year 7s in Intermediate level ensembles who performed to a packed out LHC audience at the annual Year 7 Spring Music Concert last week.
Sion First Final Concert and 2024 Launch
The Sion First Year 6 Music Program concluded for 2023 with the final graduation concert. It was a great way to end the year and we look forward to the Sion First class of 2023 becoming fully-fledged Sionians next year. After that we had 70 families attend the launch of the 2024 program. Dozens of girls had the opportunity to trial a range of instruments and put their preferences in for the program.
Year 12 Valedictory Mass musicians
It was great to have girls from the Year 7 Junior Choir, the CVE and Senior Strings perform music for the mass as part of the 2023 Year 12 Valedictory evening held at Marvel Stadium last week. Those not in Year 12 got a taste of performing in such a wonderful venue, looking out over into the Docklands.
Upcoming Music Department Dates
Night of Excellence Tuesday 5 December 7.00 pm LHC, Senior Concert Band and CVE.
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
As we come to the end of the school year students are reminded to return any overdue books to the LRC so that other students may borrow them over the summer. If a book is lost, please come and talk to us before we send a request for reimbursement or replacement home.
The Sion Summer Reading Challenge
The Sion Summer Reading Challenge is on again and gives students a chance to gain their first community spirit point of 2024. Read five books over summer and have a chat with your 2024 English teacher and we will allocate a point to you.
Come and collect a postcard from the LRC and pop it on your fridge as a reminder. Students can read hardcopy books, audiobooks, eBooks and graphic novels. Just be ready to explain what the books were about to your English teacher!
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Gloria Steinem
Students and families can find the fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnightly newsletter there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events: Accessing your results, Year 12 (2023) Change of Preference period, 2024 VCE Summer School programs
Things to consider: Gallipoli Scholarship – First year tertiary study, Doxas Cadetship Program
Researching options: Deakin College pathways to Deakin University, Useful tips for successful interviews
Parent News
College Psychologist – Sofia Stagnitta
The end of the school year certainly has come around quickly! This last semester may have been a lot for some of our young people, and I am sure they are looking forward to a rest. Please see below some information and advice for the holiday period.
Headspace suggests six ideas for parents to support young person’s mental health and wellbeing in the holidays:
1. Encourage them to stay connected
2. Encourage them to stay involved
3. Encourage physical activity
4. Encourage a regular routine
5. Encourage healthy eating habits
6. Encourage play and fun!
For further information about this please click here for the factsheet.
I also wanted to provide details of organisations to contact should support be needed over the break. Although Christmas can be a wonderful and relaxing time for families, it can also be a time of great stress. If you feel like you or your family are struggling over this time, please contact the following services:
beyondblue – 1300 224 636 – 24 hour information and support line, daily webchat from 3 pm - Midnight and online email service
Parentline – 13 22 89 – telephone counselling and support to parents in Victoria available 8 am - Midnight every day
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – 24 hour counselling and support line for young people aged 5-25, various webchat hours and email service
headspace – Range of counselling and support services available
eheadspace – 1800 650 890 or - phone and online support for young people and their parents
CYMHS Box Hill - 1300 721 927 – should you need immediate support over the break. Specialist mental health service for children and young people up to the age of 25 years who are displaying symptoms of psychiatric disorder or severe emotional and behavioural disturbance.
Claire has made a great resource for students which you can see by clicking here.
If you are concerned about support over the holiday break, please contact the Counselling Team before Wednesday 6 December and we can discuss this further – 9890 9097 or
Wishing everyone a safe and restful break over the summer holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Sofia, Vanessa, Claire & Pamela – College Counselling Service