Principal's Message

The impact of the global pandemic continues to be felt in our world and to this end, we continue to pray for those in countries where there is still much suffering. This time last year, we found ourselves in the early days of lockdown that called for unprecedented ways in which to live our lives. No one can deny the last 12 months have highlighted many challenges to the health frameworks and the social fabric of our world. Relatively, here in Australia, our lives have resumed a measure of normality despite some ongoing restrictions.
While we have become increasingly adept in the use of technology to remain connected and to continue our lives, this time has also reminded us of how important face-to-face relationships are to our wellbeing and to our school community.
I am very pleased that as we approach the end of Term 1, we can be very grateful for the face-to-face learning and community events we have resumed with our staff, students and families. In particular, I thank our families for strongly supporting our Information Evenings, and more recently, our Year 7 Family Eucharist and our Music Soiree.
Our students tell us they value the sense of belonging within our school and we pride ourselves on naming and knowing our students. This sense of community is grounded in our Catholic tradition and the Charism of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion both of which call us to build a community based on love and respect, listening and dialogue, truth and justice. It is also made possible through the commitment of our staff, who work hard to provide excellent learning and wellbeing experiences for our students.
Recent media reports have highlighted unacceptable ways in which women have been subjected to sexual abuse and how the behaviour of some young men is not meeting the expectations of respectful relationships. As highlighted in my recent letter to all families, we provide a range of curriculum programs and opportunities designed to educate and empower our students about respectful and safe relationships. We will continue to refine and develop these programs and I am committed to continuing the dialogue with our neighbouring schools, with whom I have already spoken last week. I also remind students and families that students are always encouraged to raise any concerns they may have, with their Homeroom teacher, Wellbeing and Growth Leader, Mrs Kralj or our counsellors.
Last week, the College celebrated its Open Day, which witnessed in excess of 600 people visit our school. I thank the students and staff for their efforts in making this day possible. In particular I would like to highlight the wonderful welcome offered by our Year 10 and Year 11 Tour Guides and those students who assisted them. I received many positive comments and emails complimenting the guides for the articulate and excellent manner in which they guided visitors and answered their questions. I also sincerely thank the Parents' Association for providing hospitality at both our recent Year 7 Family Eucharist and our Open Day. Their commitment to our community is extraordinary and much appreciated.
We are also very happy to confirm that the extension to our Louise Humann Centre will begin over the term break. As outlined in my letter in January, the extension will provide much-needed storage, a new stage and audio-visual infrastructure for the Centre. I thank our Business Manager, Maree Roberts, our Property Manager, Alex Pote, and our IT Manager, Kosta Pagoniou, for working with me and our architects, William Ross Architects, on the planning of this extension. I also thank the College Board, Finance Committee and the Members of Our Lady of Sion Ltd for their due diligence in recent months. The project is due for completion in July.
I take this opportunity to thank Mrs Laura Geilings who will begin a period of Family Leave at the end of this term. Mrs Geilings’ support of the Learning Enhancement Leader role has been excellent and I know families who have worked with her this term appreciate the support she has offered. From the beginning of Term 2 we will welcome Mrs Nicole Flynn-Jones to the College as the new Learning Enhancement Leader.
Finally, as we begin our Easter Week ceremonies and celebration, we are reminded of the great joy and hope that awaits us on Easter Sunday. If we see as God sees, we come to appreciate the dignity of all people and the love of God who desires the full flourishing for each and every one of us. I offer all students, staff and families my continued best wishes for a very Happy Easter and a restful term break.
God bless
Tina Apostolopoulos