Tuesday 16 November Correction Day (student-free day)
Wednesday 17 November VCE Exams conclude SmartStart Sion First 2022 Information Evening (virtual)
Thursday 18 November Talk and Tour SmartStart
Friday 19 November Sion Day (1pm dismissal)
Monday 22 November Smart Start Year 7 2022 Transition Evening (online)
Tuesday 23 November Smart Start Year 12 2022 Student Leaders Evening Seminar (TBC)
Wednesday 24 November Year 10-11 Final Day (1 pm dismissal)
Thursday 25 November Sion One Day – Year 7 2022 Sion One Parents Webinar
Friday 26 November Year 7 2022 Orientation Day
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Traditionally in the Catholic Church, the month of November is a time when we pray for and reflect upon the lives of those who have died. All Saints Day and All Souls Day (1 and 2 November respectively) call us to remember those who lived lives that demonstrated the love of God by the ways in which they loved and committed themselves in service to others. In November, we also remember those who have touched us in a particular way, whether because we have personally known them or because they were inspiring role models on which to base our lives. Remembrance Day (11 November) is also a time to remember those who have died or suffered during times of war and conflict. All three days were marked by our students in the Liturgies they led in recent weeks.
Keeping in mind the ongoing suffering experienced by many in our world at this time, and those within our own families and school community who have lost a loved one, it can be hard to remain hopeful. Yet in his recent homily, Pope Francis offered us a reflection worth remembering. He said, '"Hope does not disappoint," Romans 5:5. Hope attracts us and gives meaning to life … hope is a gift from God that draws us towards life, towards eternal joy. Hope is an anchor that we have on the other side.'
Lord God, we remember with love all those who have died…
We ask for the support of all your saints who by their persistence
and example have shown us how to live and love in Your ways.
Give us strength to cope with the daily routines that wear us down.
Help us to act as your witnesses when we respond to each other with love,
not with impatience, carelessness, rudeness or fear.
In your love, we can find our way forward into your promised heaven.
Sion Day
One of the events we are very much looking forward to is our College Feast Day. Sion Day usually occurs on 15 August, the Feast of the Assumption. Lockdowns prevented us from celebrating our special day in 2020 and again this year, however, we are very much looking forward to a modified day of celebration next Friday. All money raised by the students and staff will go towards supporting the San Luis Lumad Community High School in the Philippines. It is one way in which we invite our students to show love and commitment to those who are less fortunate than ourselves and whose right to an education is very much enhanced by the contributions we can make.
Two small words; one profound impact
On any given day or time, one of the most frequent expressions we hear from our students is 'Thank you'. It is the most common expression we hear as they walk out of each class and at any time when you have greeted or spent some time chatting with them during their breaks. It is a truly unique feature of our school culture which acknowledges the strong relationships our students share with our staff, and for which staff are very grateful. On 29 October, Australia celebrated World Teachers’ Day. Here at Our Lady of Sion College, we celebrated the day as ‘World Staff Day’. We do so in recognition that all staff; teaching and non-teaching, play an equally vital role in the education and wellbeing of our students. The day was celebrated with a staff morning tea and special messages from some of our students who took the time to record them during our recent lockdown. I would like to acknowledge and thank all staff for the tremendous work and dedication they continue to undertake in support of our students. I also want to thank our students who through their two small words, contribute to a sense of belonging in a community where respect and support for each other are paramount.
Congratulations to our Years 11 and 10 students for the successful completion of their Semester Two exams this week. This experience not only supported the development of examination skills but allowed them to also demonstrate the learnings and skill development they have strengthened throughout the semester in their various subjects. Over the next week or so they will complete their SmartStart program in readiness for a positive start to their 2022 VCE studies. We wish them all the very best during this time.
Year 12 students are also to be congratulated for the positive manner in which they have undertaken their final examinations which conclude next Wednesday. Their teachers have commented on how well they have used their SWOTVAC time to complete practice exams and seek further feedback. We hope they are proud of their achievements and leave Our Lady of Sion College with a rightful sense of pride.
COVID-19 reminder
Now that restrictions have eased and with the prospect of further activities being possible in the coming weeks, it is still essential that students continue to follow expectations around wearing their masks when indoors and following hygiene practices that work to support all students and staff. I would also like to remind all families that if your daughter is identified as a Primary Close Contact, or she or those within your family test positive, you must contact Christine Kralj, Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing, immediately so that we can offer our support and advice regarding onsite attendance.
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
Sion Day – Friday 19 November
Sion Day is our school’s opportunity to support the work of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion. Over the past three years, we have been able to unite, raise awareness and much-needed funds for the San Luis Lumad Community High School in the Philippines.
As a Catholic school, we take great pride in having the willingness and determination to seek justice for those who cannot seek justice for themselves. This is part of our College’s Mission Statement. We as a Catholic school immerse ourselves in the values such as caring for the poor and vulnerable, being the voice for the voiceless and being committed to striving for change when it is needed. As such, we recognise that San Luis Lumad Community High School not only needs our help but also deserves it - it becomes our rightful obligation to help and assist them.
Sr Etta Banayo from San Luis Lumad Community High School shared a message with our College earlier this year. She wanted to thank our community’s consistent contribution to their school. She outlined that the 'pandemic has caused a lot of havoc and fear', with the difficulty of the virus spreading and with classes unable to be conducted face to face, teachers have remained resilient towards the sacrifices in carrying out the modules to their students every week. This reminded me of the same resilience the teachers at our school have successfully carried out during the past year. In addition, Sr Etta Banayo wants us to 'keep them in our prayers'; despite the challenges they face, they continue to carry out their 'mission with the Lumad students and community.'
On Friday 19 November, we shall recognise Sion Day and again support the work of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion by raising funds for San Luis Lumad Community High School.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
Significant People, Significant Lives
On Thursday 11 November, I was fortunate enough to join with the Year 9 Ayin students in the official launch of the Significant People, Significant Lives Project. Not only was this a celebration of the students’ work, but it also joined us together as a community and reminded us that we are more than just how we define ourselves; we are how we impact other people. Our special guest, Kate Austin, more than inspired the students as she talked us through her life experiences and how she is making a difference in the world, but also challenged us to think about how small acts of kindness can have meaning for others, and how we can grow these into something much bigger. I hope that you enjoy the photographs and stories that may come home from the event and congratulations to anyone from our community who was recognised.
Recognition of Excellence
The 2021 Recognition of Excellence across all aspects of College life will once again be a memorable occasion. Held in the afternoon of Thursday 2 December, the students that will be recognised will be invited to attend a special ceremony to be held in the LHC. Parents and extended family members will be able to join online and later via a recording.
Students will be further congratulated for the achievements across 2021 in the Awards Assemblies that will mark their final days. We look forward to celebrating these occasions as a whole College community.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Squid Game - Popular viewing but is it right for your child?
With today’s easy access to streaming services, our young people have increasing access to programs that many parents may not want their daughter to view for very good reason. One such program is Squid Game; a popular eight-part South Korean drama series currently streaming. What you might know is the show centres around South Korean citizens who have found themselves in debt and agree to ‘play games’ from their childhood to win prize money. What they soon learn is that the result of losing is an immediate and often brutal death.
This is not the Hunger Games series and parents need to be aware that the level of violence is very intense in Squid Game. There are instances of torture and sexual violence throughout. Themes concerning the satisfaction one gets from gambling, winning, or manipulating others for financial benefit are strong in the series.
Parents and guardians should be aware that the series has frequent and extremely violent scenes that are realistic and gory. The storyline is dark, full of grief and killing occurs with no regard for human life. The sex portrayed is devoid of emotional connection or affection, transactional and only for the benefit of winning.
The program is rated MA16+ but asking around, it appears that many of our younger students have also watched this series even though it is designed for an adult audience. Our young people, particularly those in the 11-15 age bracket, may believe or assume that they have the capacity to cope with viewing this show, however, the frequency and severity of violence in Squid Game has a powerful desensitising and harmful effect on children at this stage of development.
You may have children clamouring to watch the series because it is talked about a lot at school. Older children may argue that they are mature enough to know that it is not real, and it will do no harm to watch the series. The problem is that they will never know until they watch it and by this time the harm may not be able to be undone. It is worth exploring with your child attracted to such viewing, what do they get out of watching such cruelty?
The horse might have already bolted and your daughter may have already watched the series without you knowing. However, it is worth thinking about the impact of viewing such material can have on her, especially when the mental health of many in our community is fragile at best.
Year Level News
Year 12 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
We are nearly there...
One more push to go with our final Year 12 VCAA external exams. All members of the Class of 2021 should be very proud. You have done the required work to give yourself every chance of achieving success with each exam. You have done your best. It has been great to see the way you have continued to support each other prior to and after each exam.
Throughout 2021 your sense of community and understanding of what it means to belong has been clearly evident. You have continued to show these attributes during your exam period.
For those students who have one or two exams to go, remember to follow the checklist below. Continue to build upon your strengths and do those little things well. For those who have completed their exams, remember to be a good friend. Be supportive and encourage each other. Give those who still have exams to sit, the room they need to prepare well. Help them if you can; be willing to listen, to ask questions and help clarify knowledge and understanding.
To the families and Class of 2021, soon this exam period will be over and the next steps begin. I encourage you to stay in the moment, stay focused on what is important in the now. Do not wish this time to go any faster. Enjoy this time, enjoy the journey together as a family. Once the exams are done you can celebrate the amazing things you have achieved.
On behalf of all of the Year 12 Pastoral Team, stay safe, be proud and always push your boundaries each and every day.
Year 11 – Jessica Baddeley, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Year 11 Exams 2022
The Year 11 students have once again demonstrated their strength, perseverance and determination heading into the examination period which commenced on Monday. With a whirlwind return to school, it is admirable that each student tackled their examinations with such positivity and resolve. I am sure I speak on behalf of the Notre Dame teachers when I offer my congratulations to all students for finishing their Year 11 exams and hope that everyone is excited to begin their final year together during SmartStart!
We have some wonderful resources that can help our soon to be Year 12 2022 cohort best prepare themselves for the year ahead:
Tools and Apps - useful resource leading to the Smart Start period
Within these resources are some very handy tips and suggestions for parents to support their children as they begin Year 12, and I encourage you to familiarise yourselves with these so that the home environment is as supportive and nurturing as possible in preparation for the year ahead.
Year 10 – Paul Kerr, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
We were delighted to hold our first Year 10 assembly together, in person, since before our last lockdown. It was wonderful to see the entire level in the same space to celebrate with prayer, present awards and discuss the examination period which began on Thursday this week. We were able to cover all aspects of the examination period and field any questions and concerns the students had during this time. The examination program is a key element of experiencing assessments in a formal examination setting and is valuable practice, especially given that the examinations were online in Semester 1.
This week, we awarded our first recipients with the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award including a certificate and badge which they can wear with pride. In total, 36 students were presented on Monday with the remainder of certificates to follow.
It was also an opportunity to present medals to the students who participated in the National Aerobics Championships. We congratulate Isabella P (10 Silver), Scarlett M (10 Purple), Lilly B (10 Gold) and Alyssa M (10 Purple).
L – R: Isabella P 10 Silver and Scarlett M 10 PurpleL – R: Lilly B 10 Gold and Alyssa M 10 Purple.
Our last presentation was for the Year 10 Sion Sports Woman of the Year. We congratulated Lara H (10 Gold) on her wonderful achievement.
Lara H (10 Gold)
Next week, the level will begin SmartStart and spend a week experiencing their chosen Unit 1 subjects for Year 11. This is an exciting time for the students as after Homeroom they will often head to the Notre Dame building for their classes, welcoming a new space for their learning.
Year 9 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
With only three weeks until the end of term, it is an extremely busy time in Year 9 at the moment. On Wednesday 10 November, you would have received an email from Rebecca Bennett outlining some of the activities that have been prepared for the remainder of the year as part of the Ayin program.
Below are some key dates for our Year 9 students as the year draws to a close:
Thursday 11 November Significant People Launch
Friday 19 November Sion Day
Monday 29 November Mind, Body, Soul Day
Tuesday 30 November Ayin End of Year Liturgy
Wednesday 1 December City Experience Race Around the City
Friday 3 December Final Day for Students
These activities have been scheduled to provide the students with opportunities to socially interact with others across the year level as well as experience life beyond the College grounds. They will also be a fitting way to celebrate all that the Ayin program offers our students in Year 9.
In addition to these planned activities, we are encouraging the girls to maintain a vigorous study program for the remainder of the year as we prepare the girls for their transition into Year 10 in 2022. I know that the students have a number of assessments they are currently working on, so it is important for them to maintain a committed approach.
I was thrilled to receive so many applications from the girls for both the Peer Support Program and for Talk and Tour Guides in 2022. I will be processing the applications for these roles within the next week, and training programs have been organised for the successful applicants towards the end of the term.
Communication has been emailed to parents from our IT department regarding electronic devices for Year 10 in 2022. Can you please ensure the relevant documentation is completed and returned to school by your daughter?
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Year 8 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Back in Term 2 you may remember the Year 8s undertook many fund and awareness raising activities for ‘The Generosity Collective’, with highlights being the donations for the clothing drive and, of course, the bake sale.
The Generosity Collective collects lightly used and brand-new clothing and creates specialised 'Generosity Crisis Packs' for people facing hardship in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. They support individuals who may be fleeing domestic violence, in crisis accommodation, those who may be accessing residential and psychiatric support services, young mother and baby programs, youth homelessness and children in out-of-home care.
On our return to school, we organised our final fundraising activity, a sausage sizzle. Not only did it bring the year level together, but with a gold coin donation, we were able to raise additional funds.
I will reveal the final amount raised in our next newsletter. Thank you to all of the Year 8s for their ongoing generosity and involvement.
Year 7 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
I hope that your daughter has successfully returned to her routine of onsite learning; I know that having to wake up earlier compared to Online Home Learning was a sore point for many of them! For a number of students, the return has been somewhat of a new start. Friendships may have changed while we were online or new friendships may have formed. Now that we are back onsite, it is also a great chance to make new friends. Importantly, face to face communication is different to online, which our young people can struggle to distinguish. This could be an interesting conversation to have with your child, specifically about what they have noticed about the differences in the way they communicate during lockdown/remotely and in person.
This week during our pastoral lesson, the Homerooms were asked to reflect on their year and discuss how they have improved, compared to this time last year. We also began writing letters to the incoming Year 7s to provide them with a list of tips and things they wish they knew before they started at Sion. It’s almost hard to believe that Orientation Day for them was almost a year ago! There were some insightful discussions across all Homerooms and I know our incoming Year 7s will appreciate the wise advice they have all been given. I encourage you to discuss these with your daughter and focus on the positive growth they have made over the last twelve months.
The student leadership application process for 2022 is also underway, with Student Representative Council (SRC) speeches occurring this week. Well done to everybody who put themselves forward for a leadership position and all the best with your applications!
Yesterday we had the absolute pleasure of officially launching the 2021 Significant People, Significant Lives Project as part of the Year 9 Ayin Program. The project, which is the culmination of work done in Ayin and English lessons, sees students given the opportunity to interview, learn and publish a person’s achievements in print and through art.
If you have been past the College in recent weeks, you will have seen the beautiful display of artworks presented in the front garden of the school where they serve as a testament to those in the community selected by our students because of the impact they’ve had on themselves and others.
For the launch, we were thrilled to have Kate Austin, Significant Person of Hannah D (9 Red), speak to the Ayin students and staff to share her incredible story. In Hannah’s words, 'I chose to interview her because she is such an inspiration to millions of young women like us. Kate has won many awards throughout her 12 years of community service, such as the National Female Entrepreneur Award, but her greatest achievement is the impact she’s had on so many people's lives'.
Kate shared her extraordinary journey as a survivor of domestic violence as an adolescent and her struggles to maintain her dignity without access to hygiene products to the life-changing moment the idea for Pinchapoo came to her at a time when she was severely struggling with her mental health. Pinchapoo, has become the nation’s biggest provider of hygiene products through the simple acts of donors taking the complimentary toiletries provided at hotels to be made up into packs, distributed to thousands of people of disadvantage. The message Kate left with our students will hopefully be one they will take with them on their own journeys: 'When someone tells you that you can’t do something, that’s their boundary, not yours'.
Guest speaker Kate Austin with Hannah D 9 Red
Arts – Natasha Borg, Learning Leader
2021 Bookmark Competition
With over 60 entries, this year’s Bookmark Competition saw work entered from a range of year levels with entries using both manual and digital methods to complete their designs.
We are very proud of all of the student entries for the Art competitions during this year and the number of entries still continues to grow. We are thankful for our Visual Arts representatives for spreading the word about these activities over the course of the year and look forward to all the works we will receive. Students are encouraged to join the Visual Arts competition Google Classroom to participate in competitions contributing to colours for 2022.
We are happy to share our winning entries for our 2021 Bookmark Competition which was themed ‘Out of this world’ in correspondence with the 2021 Book Week theme.
Please find below the entries chosen to be made into bookmarks that will be distributed from the College library. Enjoy the delightful illustrations/paintings from our creative students and let their artworks take you Out of this world.
Looking ahead to our next co-curricular competition, we are looking for our budding artists to create a portrait for our annual Young Archie’s competition. Find all the details in the aforementioned Google Classroom.
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) – Monique Davey, Teacher
When you are unable to go outside, it is time to go inside. Self-reflection is something many of us struggle to find time for, but in VCAL, students took the opportunity during lockdown to work on personal projects whilst at home. Budgeting, creativity, research, and for one group, collaborating with materials across suburbs, were some of the challenges faced and skill areas being strengthened. Their projects were not only presented at a high standard, but also showed some hidden talents.
Year 12 students centred their projects around finishing their time at Our Lady of Sion College, whilst Year 11 VCAL students showed a very real and stark reflection of the COVID-19 pandemic for them, and the societal impacts over the past two years.
The projects chosen by our VCAL students include:
Kate: Personal Sion Scrap book
Evangelina, Claire and Francesca: Key ring creations to reflect VCE
Tobey: Impacts of COVID-19 Scrapbook
Elise: COVID-19 montage
Amy: COVID-19 art
Some of the Year 11 students' work is currently being displayed in the Learning Resource Centre.
We wish our Year 12 Students Kate, Evangelina, Claire and Francesca the very best in their future endeavours.
Gingerbread House Project
On Tuesday 9 November, four of our VCAL students took part in a gingerbread house making project under the direction of Mrs Brooke O'Hara. With icing sugar and colourful lollies at the ready, students had a wonderful time constructing their houses and showcasing their creative flair to decorate them however they liked. Now for the next challenge: not to eat them before Christmas!
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
2021 Ensemble Performance Videos
Congratulations to members of the Jazz Club under the direction of Mr Parks who have recently produced their lockdown video for 2021 called ‘Havana’ by Camila Cabello. It continues the amazing work of our Music students, who have developed skills in practising and recording individual parts for this ensemble at home.
A Week in the Life of the Music Department
The Year 8 Music classes are busy working on their major assessment task for Term 4 – the GarageBand composition. Each student is required to compose two short melodies using the ‘Flat’ notation platform, and then import those melodies into GarageBand. That’s where the real fun begins! From there, there a literally thousands of options for the students to build and develop their songs, by adding chords, a bass line, a drum pattern and even recording their own vocals. Some of the work is worthy of an ARIA nomination!
Sion First Year 6 Music Program 2022
There will be an online information evening and presentation to launch the Sion First Music Program for 2022. This evening is for Year 6 students in 2022 who have gained a place at Our Lady of Sion College for Year 7 in 2023 and will outline the details of this fantastic program. Each week, your daughter will have an instrumental and ensemble lesson with our wonderful music staff, perform at concerts and get to know her prospective classmates. The evening will be held online on Wednesday 17 November from 7.00 pm. Interested parents and guardians are asked to register at: https://bit.ly/SionFirst.
Instrumental Music 2022
Applications are now open and being accepted for Instrumental Music lessons in 2022. Details including fees and instrument hire charges are available in the official brochure which is available on the College website. Confirmation of enrolment needs to be completed here. Charges will be applied to your College fees statement in early 2022. Please address any enquiries to the Head of Music: mmacaulay@sion.catholic.edu.au
2022 Music Lesson Scholarship Applications
A number of scholarships for two years of instrumental music tuition in 2022 (both full and half-scholarships) are available for students currently in Years 7, 8 and 9 for the following instruments:
To complete the series, we acknowledge the outstanding service of our incredible Year 12 musicians from the Class of 2021.
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
Is listening to an audiobook cheating?
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) team has been going into classrooms with a trolley of books to allow students to access and borrow physical books for their recreational reading while COVID-19 restrictions are in place. We have also been talking about engaging with audiobooks as a way of tackling summertime reading.
Listening to audiobooks is often perceived as a 'soft' way of reading a book, but research supports the claim that students still get many benefits from listening to audiobooks. If students (and adults) are reluctant to read, then an audiobook is better than not reading at all!
From a learning perspective, it depends on what you want to achieve by reading. An audiobook is a flexible option that allows you to get through a recreational reading book while travelling, walking the dog or even cleaning your room! But if you are studying a book as a text for English, then listening to the book and also following along with the physical book, is the better option. Students looking to improve their academic marks benefit greatly from reading books with two modes of input, reading and listening.
Students at Sion have access to an extensive range of audiobooks through the Sion LRC Wheelers ePlatform and with a membership, they can also access the Box Hill Library. Many families also have a subscription to Audible.
Top 5 audiobooks borrowed at Our Lady of Sion College
Our Top VPRC Readers from each year level had the opportunity to meet and chat with Mrs Apostolopolous and Ms Stott about their favourite books that they had read this year throughout the Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge. Each student received their certificate and a showbag celebrating their achievement.
Holly Y 7S (104 books), Gabriela G-B 7S (104 books), Samantha P 8W (51 books), Kiera D S 9R (61 books) and Erin K 10B (30 books) gathered with Mrs Apostolopoulos to chat about their favourite books from the challenge. They received their prize bag, a Dymocks voucher and a certificate for being the Top Readers in their year level.
Sport – Katrina Gurciullo, Head of Sport, and Liam Cox, Sports Administrator
Homeroom Competitions
This week was the first week of the Homeroom Competition for Years 7 and 8. We have been working with the Sports Representatives since the start of term to devise a five-round competition with finals. The Year 7 Homerooms are competing in Netball, Year 8s in Kickball and Year 9s in Volleyball. We have missed all aspects of sport during lockdown, especially the connection and excitement it brings. All details can be found in the Year 7, 8 and 9 Google Classroom. Good luck to all for your upcoming fixtures and may the best Homeroom win!
2022 GSV Sport Weekly Sports Trials
Planning for GSV Term 1 2022 has begun. Students interested in participating in the weekly sports program (Indoor Cricket, Softball or Tennis) have been asked to submit a Google form and collect a permission form from the LHC for trials held across Week 7 and 8. Bring on 2022!
Senior GSV Trials (current Year 10 and 11 students)
Monday 15 November – lunchtime (all sports)
Wednesday 17 November – before school, 7.30 am – 8.20 am (all sports)
Inter GSV Trials (current Year 8 and 9 students)
Tuesday 23 November – before school, 7.15 am – 8.25 am (all sports)
Wednesday 24 November – lunchtime (Tennis)
Wednesday 24 November – after school, 3.30 pm – 4.45 pm (Indoor Cricket and Softball)
Junior GSV Trials (current Year 7 students)
Thursday 18 November – 3.30-5.00 pm (all sports)
Thursday 25 November – 3.30-4.45 pm (all sports)
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop. Confucius
In this fortnight's newsletter, there is information relating to:
upcoming events – reminder VTAC 2022 key dates, AIE Open Day, William Angliss November online information sessions, Monash University 2022 MYSci science program
careers in the spotlight – Australian Job 2021 publication
things to consider – 2022 Year 10 Work Experience, access your results for Year 12 students and accelerating Year 11 students, 2021 Year 12 Change of Preference period
research ideas – Monash University – New Economics major in Bachelor of Arts, low income health care card for Australian students.