Principal's Message

I would like to thank and congratulate our students for the calm manner in which they gathered their resources and returned home yesterday afternoon. While it is disappointing to find ourselves back in lockdown, it is important that the health and safety of our community is maintained. Parents/guardians and students have received a number of communications from the College in the last 24 hours but if there are further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate person by email or the College phone number. We look forward to welcoming students and staff back to face-to-face learning as soon as possible.
Valedictory Evening and College Reunion
For many people their school experiences and the connections they make with their peers and their teachers are enduring. Memories are made and often last a lifetime. In the last 93 years since the College was established, past students have continued to reconnect with the College in a myriad of ways. In the last fortnight we have had a number of such occasions, which always brings us great joy, especially as we hear stories of the early years of the College and learn how life has unfolded for our past students following the conclusion of their secondary education. Most importantly, we take pride in knowing how the College has contributed to the lives of so many confident women whose lives have taken such diverse pathways and touched so many aspects of our society.
For our most recent past students, their memories are still quite fresh yet no less important. Two weeks ago, we honoured the Class of 2020 with a Valedictory cocktail party.
Despite the disruptions of last year, students and their parents appreciated the chance to enjoy this final formal connection with the College. We are confident that the students will take with them a part of Sion that we hope will continue to support each of them.
As one parent, who has a long history with the College commented to me, ‘once a Sion mum or girl, always a Sion mum or girl’. We wish the Class of 2020 all the very best as they continue to pursue their goals and ambitions, and we look forward to seeing them at future reunions or one of our past students’ events.
From time to time, I also receive news about the achievements of our past students and it gives me great pleasure to share with you news about Amelia Sloan (Class of 2019). Amelia is now a Health Ambassador for Down Syndrome Australia.
She recently completed a public speaking course online with her co-ambassadors from around Australia. The Health Ambassador program was officially launched in Canberra in March. It was quite an experience for Amelia and her family, meeting MPs, being shown around Parliament House and having morning tea there. She also attended a reception at Government House with the Governor General to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Each ambassador worked on a short speech with a core message. Amelia’s message is captured in the image above. We are proud to have been part of Amelia’s life and wish her every success in the future.
Last weekend, we also hosted our annual reunion and welcomed past students from the '0' and ’1' years.
Well in excess of 80 past students shared many memories and experiences which made for a very enjoyable afternoon. Each decade in the last 70 years was represented including one past student who graduated in 1950. It was a pleasure to host the event and witness that, despite the years, the Sion community is alive and well.
And finally, we look forward to welcoming many past students to our upcoming Mentors Breakfast on 18 June. This has now become an annual event where past students share their career paths with our current Year 12 students and offer them advice and experience. Our current Year 12 students will certainly benefit from this opportunity as they consider and finalise their pathway options in Term 3.
Masterplan update
I am pleased to report that the extension to our Louise Humann Centre is progressing well. The weather has been on our side and we hope this continues over the next six weeks when this first stage of our masterplan is due for completion.
It now gives me great pleasure to share with the community that the next stage is ready to be launched. Recently, the Members of the Company and the Board of Directors approved Stage 2, which focuses on the building situated at the front of the College at the corner of Dorking and Whitehorse Roads. As part of the College’s long term masterplanning, the next stage will see the demolition of this building and the construction of a new STEAMD and Administration Centre. We look forward to the centre facilitating opportunities in Science, the Creative Arts and the integration of aspects of technology, engineering, mathematics and design so that all our students have the chance to continue to strengthen their critical and creative thinking skills and their personal and interpersonal skills so that they are inspired and well prepared to access a variety of pathways in the future. Stage 2 is a significant undertaking, which is anticipated to take the next three years. I look forward to sharing with you this exciting planning and construction process as it unfolds.
Tina Apostolopoulos