Tuesday 26 April First day of Term 2 – Easter/ANZAC Day Service
Thursday 28 April Student Progress Meetings (Session 1 – onsite) Students dismissed at 1.00 pm
Friday 29 April Talk and Tour Year 9 World of Work interviews
Sunday 1 May Senior Play rehearsal 10 am – 4 pm
Monday 2 May Parents' Association Meeting, 7 pm
Tuesday 3 May Actura Space School Parent Information Evening (virtual)
Wednesday 4 May Student Progress Meetings (Session 2 – online) Students dismissed at 1.00 pm
Friday 6 May Significant Women's Day Breakfast House Cross Country
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Easter – a new beginning
This Sunday we begin the most important week in the Christian tradition. It commences with Palm Sunday and leads us to Holy Saturday. Holy Week, as it is known, is the final week of Lent. During this week we recall Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, an experience of triumph and joy for those who greeted him. However, by Wednesday, we recall that the crowd had turned against him and his disciples begin to waiver. We recall how Jesus gathers his disciples on Holy Thursday in an act of service and commissioning. He washes their feet and calls them to love one another as he has loved them. He breaks bread and shares wine commemorating the commitment that binds them and what will be remembered for over two thousand years as the Eucharist which we continue to celebrate today. The darkest moment during Holy Week is Good Friday. We remember the brutal agony of Jesus’ humiliation, suffering and death and at 3.00 pm, we mark his final breath. Holy Saturday, Jesus’ body rests quietly in the tomb, a moment of stillness before the joy of Easter Sunday when the Church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over sin and death.
You may be asking why I am recalling these events which are widely known. In fact, a good question might be why, each year, do we recall the actual events of Holy Week that I have outlined above? Firstly, I think the answer resides in the fact that we love recalling stories that bring us happiness and joy. We recall moments of adversity and how they were overcome. We do this because it brings us closer together – we can all relate to these experiences and in most cases, it is because the story brings us hope and comfort and helps us face the future with the promise of a new beginning.
The story of Easter is no different, in fact, it is the greatest story ever told because of the hope that it brings to our lives. In recalling the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we are invited to become part of a community which believes in new beginnings, a community that supports each other, especially when we face adversity and despair. It gives us hope and the promise of new life founded on love and service. If we don’t surround ourselves with such stories, what would our world and our lives be like?
I thank our students who this week helped us begin to recall this great story through the Lenten Liturgies held for each year level. Through their re-enactment of Holy Week and the Easter Liturgy which we will celebrate upon our return next term, they remind us of Christ’s life, a life of hope which if we continue to recall it and take on its message, helps to draw us closer to God.
In our last newsletter, we showcased the artwork of Year 12 student, Anja B. Her piece titled Headspace was selected for the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Creative Arts Exhibition held recently in East Melbourne as part of Catholic Education Week. It is with great pleasure that I now share with you that Anja’s artwork was recognised for the prestigious People’s Choice Award for this year’s exhibition. Congratulations Anja!
Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all staff and students for a very successful Term 1. Students have resoundingly shared with me that it has been great to have everyone back at school and to enjoy school life and events together. I hope the term break brings everyone the opportunity to rest and recharge, and I wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
I thought I’d just share with you what I love about working at Our Lady of Sion College.
About 30 days ago, we recognised Ash Wednesday. I worked with our Liturgy Representatives to plan a liturgy and asked them to invite others to be involved in leading our school in this most important ritual in the Catholic tradition.
Sure enough, our students said yes.
Each week, since the COVID-19 restrictions have allowed, once a fortnight at each year level, we have gathered in the Chapel for prayer. We have focused on Project Compassion and peace.
Sure enough, our students said yes.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – each lunchtime, we have spent time preparing for our Lenten Liturgy – where we recognise and celebrate this incredible Easter event that is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And, again, sure enough, our students said yes.
We are part of a College that is named after 'Our Lady' – the mother of God.
When asked, Mary also said yes.
How beautiful it is that our students continue to be inspired to say 'yes' as Mary did!
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
End of Term
Congratulations to all of our Year 7 students and families for completing their first term of learning at Our Lady of Sion College. This edition of the newsletter will be all about the recent Year 7 camp to The Summit; the challenges faced and friendships made, however, one of the key messages that The Summit staff reinforce with the students is to set a target, to create a stretch target, and then to create a super stretch target. This applies to learning as well. What are our learning targets, what do we need to do to achieve this, and how can we stretch and super stretch to grow even further? The Year 7 students can be reminded of the feeling of zipping across the flying fox or leaping off the Leap of Faith when we really stretch to reach goals.
Years 7 and 9 students have now completed the NAPLAN practice tests ready for the official NAPLAN tests early next term. If families would like to know more about the nature of the NAPLAN assessments, or how the information is used, you can visit the Public Demonstration Site and experience sample tests yourself.
Student Progress Meetings
Families will have been emailed instructions on how to book for and attend the Student Progress Meetings for Semester 1. A reminder to allow time between the meetings for movement and for catching up. If you have something that you especially would like to communicate, that may take more than the five minutes allocated to the Student Progress Meeting, please make a time to speak with the relevant staff member outside of this process.
I hope that everyone has an opportunity to slow down as we approach Easter and that we return as a community in Term 2 invigorated and ready for learning.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
A Winter Uniform for Everyone
At the beginning of the year, I wrote to families regarding the standard of dress we expected of students when wearing the College uniform in 2022. For the most part, students have risen to the challenge and, if they didn’t, I ask for the continued support of parents/carers to ensure that requests to amend the uniform, especially dress/skirt length or the purchase of new shoes are acted upon.
Students are asked to return to school for Term 2 in their academic winter uniform. They are still able to wear their PE uniform on days that they have a Physical Education class or GSV morning training, and an afternoon game on the same day, but must wear their jacket, PE polo and tracksuit pants to and from school.
It has been disappointing to see the number of infringements given out to students for inappropriate earrings or facial piercing. Students will be reminded again at the beginning of Term 2 of our uniform policy.
I strongly suggest that parents/carers read the uniform expectation in the College Planner so that they can ask their daughter to adjust their uniform or appearance before leaving home. This sends a clear message that the College and home are on the same page in regards to this matter. I encourage families to check the suitability of the winter uniform regarding cleanliness and size, and that all items have been purchased including tights rather than stockings.
After two years of working with the Student Uniform Advisory team, I am pleased to announce that students now have the option of wearing pants with the winter academic uniform.
The official Our Lady of Sion College pants are the only ones permitted and can be purchased at Bob Stewart, our uniform supplier. Pants are to be worn with mid-length black socks. The winter skirt can be swapped with the pants but all other items including the blazer as the outer garment when coming to and from school remain the same. The inclusion of the pants is a wonderful example of staff and students working together to enact student feedback.
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
There is great excitement amongst our Year 12 students at the moment, not only because they are ready for the term break but because the fourth rescheduling of their Year 11 formal is about to take place this Friday evening at The Centre, Ivanhoe. The Year 12 Homeroom team and other staff within the College are looking forward to this celebration of community with our Year 12 students. The below invite has details of the celebration and a letter has been sent to all Year 12 parents and guardians outlining College expectations for this event.
Last week as part of the Year 12 Pastoral Program we commenced a rotation of workshops on different life skills that we believe are valuable for all students to be aware of once they embark upon their journey in the broader community as young adults. The Year 12 Homeroom teachers have teamed up and over the course of three Pastoral sessions our Year 12 students will have experienced seminars that cover the following:
Food and Nutrition
Party Safe
Car Insurance
Enrolling to Vote
Moving Out of Home.
At our last year level assembly, I also reminded the students of the importance of using the school holidays to recharge and reset in preparation for Term 2. Encouraging your daughters to prioritise a healthy lifestyle over the holidays as well as organising themselves for the term ahead will help them get off to a positive start.
I wish you all a very happy Easter and thank you for your ongoing support.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Well done to the Year 11 cohort for making it through their first term of VCE and VCAL. I have enjoyed watching our young people find their feet after several changes that have come their way. The focus throughout Term 1 has been on transition, navigating a new routine, and implementing study habits. It has been in their hands to take the next step and try something new to find what works for them. I know this will be an ongoing effort for these young people to continue to implement throughout the remainder of Semester 1.
Some highlights from this term have included our Year Level Assemblies where we have been able to acknowledge and celebrate the many achievements of our students. SRC and Class Leaders have been allocated to present an assembly throughout the year. Well done to Ava and Charlotte for presenting our last Assembly for Term 1! I have also loved meeting with our student leaders each fortnight. They have provided valuable feedback and ideas about what the Year 11 experience has been like so far, and what they want to work towards throughout the remainder of the school year.
Well done Year 11s! Acknowledge and celebrate your successes. Consider what you have learned across the past 10 weeks.
Have a great break, stay safe, and have fun. We look forward to seeing you back at school for Term 2.
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
What a fantastic achievement by all Year 10 students and families throughout Term 1; such resilience, persistence and patience shown by all.
Term 1, 2022 has been a very significant ten weeks. These weeks mark the most consistent time we have had at the College over the past two years. We have planned for, participated in, learned and reflected on our day-to-day learning, Duke of Edinburgh's International Award – Adventurous Journey, Opening College Mass, College Swimming Carnival, our Peer Support program with Year 7 students and assisting the College with Talk and Tour mornings and Open Day.
Each day, our Year 10 cohort has proactively decided to put their best foot forward, no matter how challenging it may have seemed.
Term 2 will bring about new challenges and opportunities to continue to discover our excellence within. We will continue to chip away at preparing for Work Experience, Ballroom dancing and our Semester 1 examinations.
I now hand over to 10 Gold for a reflection on their assembly they presented to the year level last week:
On Thursday, 31 March, our Homeroom, 10 Gold, was responsible for running the year level assembly. This was the first time that we were able to hold an assembly in the Miriam Theatre and we really wanted it to be enjoyable.
We started with Acknowledgement of Country where Molly paid respect to not only the traditional owners of the land on which Sion sits but the location of our Year 10 camp too. Nadia and Olinda chose an uplifting prayer that thanked God for all the goodness He sends.
Ava and Bianca launched the Class Leader application process and encouraged everyone to consider getting involved and taking on a leadership role at the College. Finally, Jaymie and Liv reflected on the highlight of the term, the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Adventurous Journey, and reminded everyone just how much fun they had and the challenges they had completed.
On behalf of the Year 10 Pastoral Team, I would like to thank all students and families for your support throughout Term 1 and we wish you all the very best for the upcoming term break
Over the next two weeks, we hope that all Year 10 families will continue to discover their ‘excellence within’ by taking on new opportunities.
Year 9 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As Term 1 comes to an end, I wanted to express my thanks to all parents/carers for your support in making the start to 2022 so successful for our Year 9 students. I would also like to thank the Year 9 Homeroom team for supporting each student in their return to school. After two very turbulent years, the students have settled back in very well overall.
A reminder that next term is the return of the winter academic uniform so please note the following;
skirt lengths to the knee
maximum two earrings in the lower lobe of the ear, gold or silver thin small sleepers or small plain studs
no necklaces, bracelets or rings are allowed
no makeup of any kind.
Please take a moment to ensure your daughter is presented correctly before leaving for school in the morning, where possible.
Due to this being the conclusion of the term, I thought it would be appropriate for you all to hear from the students themselves. Below are some short reflections on the term from our Year 9 SRC Representatives, Nakita N and Carla V.
The beginning of the year has been full of exciting opportunities for the Year 9 level, with City Experience being something that I most enjoyed. After the past two years of online learning, I found that our week in Melbourne City was a fantastic way to familiarise ourselves with new people though group work, as well as being able to effectively work together as a team to explore our city. These were two greatly beneficial skills we gained through this experience, overall making it a true highlight of the term.Nakita N, 9 Purple
The start of this year has been packed with fun activities and experiences for all of us across year 9. From City Experience, spending a full school week in the CBD completing an amazing race and having booked tours, as well as fun as school activities for Easter. This term has been jam packed and engaging. A great start to the year and all its opportunities yet to come! Carla V, 9 Blue
I look forward to an exciting and rewarding Term 2 as we begin our Social Justice campaign and further explore our theme of ‘Have courage and be kind’.
Have a safe, restful, and enjoyable holiday and Easter break.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As the end of Term 1 draws to a close, we can look back and say what a term! For most students, it has been the first full term of onsite schooling. I would personally like to thank and congratulate all of the Year 8 students for their ongoing commitment to their learning and adjusting to the demands of being at school. It has been challenging and tiring at times, but they have adapted so well and should be proud of what they have achieved this year.
At a recent assembly, we formally presented our student leaders with their badges. Congratulations to the following students undertaking the following roles:
Liturgy- Sarita T and Asmira A
Social Justice – Eliza A and Athena H
Drama –Ananya D S and Lorena G
Debating –Gabriela G-B
Environment –Ashley W
Music –Alexandra B and Ava B
Sport –Alexis L and Ella S
Visual Arts –Bani K and Layla N
House Representative – Carmel- Ava M and Charlotte M
House Representative– Fatima- Anria A and Charlotte K
House Representative– Loreto- Coco L and Lily D
House Representative– Lourdes- Olivia P and Emma J
SRC – Abbey G and Samantha O’D
Class Leaders:
Blue –Alice H and ‘Akosita L
Gold –Cecilia B and Alice W
Purple –Maddy B and Angelina S
Red –Amy F and Maeve G
Silver –Isla H and Diya P
White –Paige M and Sienna T
Even though these students have a formal position of leadership, ALL students are encouraged to take opportunities that arise throughout the year to lead and show initiative within their Homerooms or the year level.
Finally, I would like to thank all students and families for their efforts this term and to wish you all a happy and safe Easter. I hope the break is restful and I look forward to seeing the students return fresh-faced and ready to tackle another term!
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As our first term draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate our Year 7 cohort on their resilience and enthusiasm for trying new things. There has been no shortage of wonderful experiences and opportunities to get involved in and the Year 7s have truly embraced life here at the College. I have asked the students to let me know what they have enjoyed most about secondary school so far, I think we can all agree there has been a lot to be thankful for!
My favourite part of Year 7 so far would be Camp! I have made lots of new friends and had such a fun time doing team building activities to grow our trust and friendship with one another! Alessia G, 7 Red
My favourite part of Year 7 was making new friends! I think making new friends was definitely a hard process, as everyone was new, and everyone was trying to meet people. I now have some wonderful new friends who are always there for me, which I think is amazing!Avni K, 7 White
I have really enjoyed all the opportunities on offer at Sion, like helping prepare for the Lenten Liturgy, participating in three events for the Swimming Carnival, going on camp and doing things that I never thought I could do! Year 7 has been a wonderful journey so far; I am looking forward to continuing on with it next term. Ilia P, 7 Blue
I enjoyed classes and I liked how I was able to understand subjects that I struggle in. I also like how the teachers respect the students and treat them equally.Zara D, 7 Gold
My favourite part of Year 7 so far has been participating in camp. I found it exciting, challenging and a great way to make new friends.Georgia G, 7 Silver
My favourite parts so far of Year 7 have been the classes as I’m learning new things as well as the company of my friends. The camp was also fun, and I liked giving things a go and testing my comfort zone.Leticia G, 7 Purple
Learning Area News
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
As we approach the end of the term, students from Years 7 to 10 were busily borrowing books for the break so that they can continue reading for the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge; a yearly reading challenge that runs until the end of Term 3. Ms Branson has created a Libguide for the challenge with all the details here.
We congratulate the following students who have completed the challenge already by reading 15 books that adhere to the challenge rules:
Rose N, 10 Orange
Zara T, 8 Gold
Holly Y, 8 White
Violet D, 7 Blue
As this is a challenge, we encourage readers to talk to us about what they are reading and how they can meet their challenge goals. We have many suitable books ranging from complex fantasy novels to 'quick reads' that can be read over a weekend.
During the break, students will have full access to our eBook and audiobook platform. The app can be downloaded onto their smartphone and some of the books can be downloaded so students can listen or read them away from direct internet access.
Arts – Natasha Borg, Learning Leader
We are delighted to inform the community that Anja B (12 Purple) has been awarded the People’s Choice Award at this year’s MACS Creative Arts Exhibition 2022. This award is an incredible achievement for Anja, having her work selected from the gallery of VCE pieces from Catholic school across the archdiocese.
In this last edition of the newsletter for the term, Paige P of 11 Gold has provided us with an insight into Year 11 Media:
Year 11 Media students have been exploring the different techniques of engagement used within the film industry, such as the appeal to audiences and what impacts messages can have on society in a series or movies. We have taken this information on board and are now in the process of creating our own trailers. Learning how to use the media equipment provided by the school such as dollys, tripods and gimbals to achieve a variety of shots, which we are now beginning to edit into a trailer.
Everyone has the opportunity to create a different style of trailer depending on the genre they picked, whether that be crime, mystery, or action. Regarding my own experience, I found using the camera to be the most fun aside from acting. It has been an enjoyable experience and I look forward to continuing VCE Media.
Please find photographs of Anja’s work and the Year 11 Media Class below.
Students reflect on their excursion to Sovereign Hill which was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the Gold Rush, and the Eureka Stockade as well as investigate what life was like for the locals on the goldfields in the 1850s.
Our excursion to Sovereign Hill was a great experience. We got to not only learn about the Gold Rush times but also physically what life was like then. Life was difficult for women and the men who worked the mines. The Wadawurrung people suffered terribly due to their land being taken and their food being destroyed by farming practices. The Eureka rebellion was important as people fought for their rights and demanded changes. Lia C, 9 Gold and Ysabella R, 9 Gold
We learnt about life for women on the goldfields during the 1850s. They wore really restrictive clothing including corsets, day and night, creolins and petticoats. Even when they were pregnant, women were expected to dress this way. Girls began wearing corsets at age seven so that as adult women their body shapes were completely changed. Macy C, 9 Red and Katie M, 9 White
The excursion was interesting. We learnt that girls finished school after Year 6 and were usually married by age 12. They began having children from this age and usually had a child every year. Sadly only 50% of children lived to adulthood. Our tour in the mines showed us the difficult and dangerous working conditions the miners experienced as they searched for gold in the dark, cramped conditions. At the Eureka Museum we saw the original Eureka flag and learned about the individuals in the rebellion.Sienna P, 9 Gold and Melissa C, 9 Silver
During the excursion we got to explore some underground mines and learn about a tragedy that killed many miners when it flooded. The ride down into the mine included 90 seconds of complete darkness which was terrifyingly fun. It was amazing to be in such a significant historical space. Sarah W, 9 Silver and Tarlissa H, 9 Silver
Year 8 Geography
Year 8 Geography students have been studying urbanisation. They have been exploring the movement of people from rural to urban areas over time and the changes this has caused to our cities. The Melbourne map provided a good insight into the changes that occurred between 1990 and 2020.
Drama – Alex Bleazby and Laura Geilings, Drama Teachers
What an amazing Drama week we had for 2022! The week was jam-packed with fun activities for all students to get involved in and meet other students from all year levels. It was wonderful to see so many turn up and get involved. During Drama Week, our students embraced the chance to perform, collaborate and engage in Drama together. Homerooms took part in a Kahoot and a 'Guess that musical' quiz. We held our first ever Drama Breakfast and participants from all year levels attended. Consumption of breakfast pastries plus Drama games equalled starting off the morning in such a positive way!
Many students, past and present, attended Top Class Drama at the beginning of the week on Monday evening to see Livinia Thompson (Class of 2021) perform her exceptional solo Drama piece to audiences at the Arts Centre. Our VCE students were then treated to a fabulous series of Top Class performances on the following day to help inspire their own solo performance work.
Workshops run by students, a special guest workshop by Katie Cawthorne and dramatic photoshoots were held throughout the week which were well attended and enjoyed. Our three competitions yielded some fantastic entries with the winners announced this week! Thank you to all who contributed to these competitions; the design work and films have been fantastic!!
Thank you to our Drama Captain, Emma Hayes, for assisting with the organisation of the week and bringing such enthusiasm to all events, to our Reps and student facilitators for all of your brilliant work promoting and assisting during the week and thank you also to Arts staff members for helping to supervise the events throughout the week.
There is so much more to come in Drama throughout the year. In Term 2 we will begin our winter warmer workshops, the Senior play Clue will be performed (watch this space for ticketing information), and we will be launching and auditioning for our 2022 Junior Production!
Literacy Coordinator – Laura Geilings
Over the past two weeks, the Year 7 and 9 students completed their NAPLAN practice tests. These tests were designed to provide the students with a trial run of the assessment to access the platform so that they can manage all the functions, become familiar with what the tests look like, the types of questions to expect and run through the setting up of the online system and use of technology. These runs were successful and most students were able to participate in both the written and omnibus tests. For those who didn’t have the opportunity due to absences, we will be providing some resources early next term so that no student is disadvantaged by their situation. We will provide this information to all Year 7 and 9 students in the first week of Term 2.
Laura Geilings and Jerani Pettikiriarachchi
VCAL Zoo Excursion – Joshua Larkins, VCAL Teacher
Thank you to Lexie M and Amy D B for sharing the following reflection on their recent excursion to the Royal Melbourne Zoo.
On Friday 25 March, our VCAL students had the opportunity to go on a numeracy excursion to the Royal Melbourne Zoo. As a cohort, we visited multiple zoo animals and enclosures to help us finalise our designs of a zoo enclosure for our chosen animal that we had been researching during class. While at the zoo, we attended our specific animal keeper talks to learn more about the environment our chosen animals were living in and the special requirements of their habitats. We then used this information to reflect upon our design. Overall this excursion was a fun and insightful day, that included catching public transport, reading maps and working as a team. Lexie M and Amy D B, VCAL students
STEAM – Margaret Lawson, STEAM Teacher
Year 10 STEAM: Aviation Unit
The Year 10 STEAM class had their much-anticipated practical lesson this week for their Aviation and Drones unit of work. As part of the MACS Aviation project, students constructed their own balsa wood single prop model plane, and then connected it up to a tether where we could test its flight capabilities using a small voltage power source.
Of course the process of scientific inquiry is always fraught with challenges, and whilst some of the planes crashed, we did have two that managed to do several laps of the classroom.
This hands-on approach allows students to understand the mechanics of flight as we explore the process that the Wright brothers took to design and fly their first aeroplane in 1908.
Languages – Gail Amato, Learning Leader
This term, Year 10, 11 and 12 French students participated in the Alliance Française French Film Festival 2022. Students watched a film called Fly Me Away.
This film focuses on a privileged and spoilt young man forced to look after a 12-year-old boy who is chronically sick. He completely changes from a self–centred young person to someone who gives everything to enrich the boy’s life and make all his dreams come true. He also learns that there’s more to life than drinking, clubbing, and having fun.
Given that one of the topics covered in the French VCE curriculum is the problems that young people face today, this film is of great relevance to the VCE girls and their studies.
We thank Miss Teicher and Mr Wilkes for providing our French students with this educational and fun learning experience!
Two of our Year 10 students who watched the film wish to share their thoughts:
On Tuesday, we went to partake in the Alliance Française French Film Festival where we viewed the French film ‘Envole Moi’ (Fly Me Away) alongside other French students in Years 10, 11 and 12 at Sion. It was the perfect opportunity to develop our French reading and listening skills in a practical setting, whilst appreciating the French film industry that is embraced during this time of year. The film was based on the true story of an ill boy who had spent his life in medical centres before he was placed into the care of a young man who helped him to live a normal life and bring new experiences. It was a beautiful film and an experience within our French studies that we have really valued!Abbey M and Lillie D
Mathematics – Libby Kempton, Learning Leader
Next term, the Maths team will be running Maths Challenge, a competition for Years 7 – 10 students running for weeks 2-4 of Term 2. The competition involves solving six problem-solving questions and writing up the solutions clearly and logically, so it is a great way for students to extend themselves mathematically. Teachers will be asking for participants during the first week of Term 2, and I encourage as many students to get involved and challenge themselves.
Also, a reminder that Maths Assist is now regularly running twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes, and all students are welcome to come along to get help with their maths homework.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter.
Year 9 Science – Maree Campbell, Science Teacher
Year 9 students have been busy in Science this term learning all about electricity.
Their task has been to design and make a model room with a working electrical circuit.
Students have had fun designing and building everything from their ultimate bedroom to ballrooms, theatres, discos and even a volcano. The brief required students to become electrical engineers, drawing up full working floor plans and circuit diagrams. They then set about wiring and soldering their circuits together with components such as globes, LEDs, resistors, switches and batteries. Take a look at their wonderful results!
In Science, we were assigned a task to create a mini model of a scene of our choice. We also had to incorporate an electrical circuit into our design. To make the circuit, we were given wires, three LED lights, two light globes, two switches and a resistor. We learned new things like how to strip wires and use a soldering machine to connect wires. My group (Eliza T and I) made a disco that included a parallel circuit. We had so much fun on this assignment and learnt a lot of new things.Elena P, 9 Gold
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Year 7 Open Rehearsals in Term 2
Parents and carers are warmly invited to attend their daughter’s ensemble rehearsal – please refer to the flyer below for specific information. Those attending will have to check-in via the QR code and provide evidence of COVID-19 vaccinations.
Amy Y – Year 9 Red Music student
The Year 9 Music class was treated to a special performance this week from student Amy Y, who plays the Guzheng. This unique Chinese instrument has 21 strings and is tuned to the major pentatonic scale. Amy has been learning this instrument for nine years and performed a wonderful piece ‘Yuzhouchangwan’ to the amazement of her classmates. Well done Amy!
All-State Jazz Competition – Senior Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Club
A reminder to students and families involved in the jazz ensemble that the All-State Jazz Competition will be held on Saturday May 14 at the Leonardian Centre, St. Leonard’s College in Brighton. Specific times are yet to be determined.
Upcoming Dates – Term 2
Saturday 14 May: All-State Jazz competition, St Leonard’s College, Brighton
Monday 16 May: VCE Music Performance class Unit 1 and 3 recitals – 5 pm, Notre Dame Foyer
Monday 16 – Wednesday 18 May: Year 7 Open Ensemble rehearsals
Monday 23 May: Term 2 Soiree – 5 pm, Music Room 22
Tuesday 14 June – Friday 17 June: Music Week at Our Lady of Sion College
It was a pleasure to see Sport in full swing for Term 1. With over 150 students participating in weekly sports, and additional athletes enjoying swim/dive carnivals, triathlon, touch football tournaments and strength and conditioning. We are looking forward to another term of fun-filled sporting opportunities and encourage all the students to continue to check the Student Bulletin, Google Classrooms and emails for any updates.
Touch Football
Our Touch Football squads represented the College at the Victorian Touch Football Tournament on Tuesday 29 March (Senior/Inter) and Thursday 31 March (Junior). The improvement within all three teams from the first to the last match was outstanding. As it was the first tournament for the majority of our students, we are in a tremendous position to build on our results next year. All teams should be extremely proud of their efforts. Liam Cox, Sports Administration Assistant
Junior Team – 2nd Overall
Intermediate Team – 3rd Overall
Senior Team – 5th Overall
Our Year 8 Sport Reps, Alexis L and Ella S reflected on their experience below:
On Thursday we participated in the Victorian Touch Football competition. We played five tough games and went through undefeated, including winning the semi-final 3-0. Our grand final was a very close game against Ivanhoe, it was equal after full time and, unfortunately, we lost in overtime by one try. Everyone worked really well as a team and we all enjoyed the experience. We are aiming to achieve one better next year!
Athletes of the Week
Do you have an outstanding sporting achievement or know someone who does? Please let us know!
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
We recruit for attitude and train for skills.Atul Gawande (Businessman)
Students and families can find the fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnight's newsletter, there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events – VCE and Careers Expo 2022, Victorian Careers Showcase 2022 and Victorian Law Week 2022
Careers in the Spotlight – Endocrinologist
Things to consider – 2022 Year 10 Work experience, RMIT Discover what’s next series, Holmesglen Virtual Open Day
Research ideas – RMIT Flight training and aviation, Holmesglen Games Design and Development courses, Holmesglen Outdoor Leadership course, Australian Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information Services, RMIT YouTube Video.
Environment Team – Hannah Muller, Science Teacher
Throughout this term, the Environment Team has worked to raise awareness within the school community, particularly on the topic of waste management and recycling.
During the Swimming Carnival, the Environment Team supported students to responsibly recycle and dispose of their waste. This was an effort to reduce littering on site and to educate students about the environmental impact of events. At the conclusion of the day, the team weighed the rubbish collected and it was 22.7kg! We hope this number will inspire students to continue their personal efforts to live more sustainably, and next year we can reduce the amount of waste generated.
The Team also initiated 'Eco Fact Friday' where sustainability-related facts and recycling tips are posted every Friday in the Student Bulletin. We hope this will empower students to navigate the often confusing waste management system.
The Environment Team also focused on rejuvenating the school’s veggie patch. We weeded the patch, trimmed back the rosemary bush, added new mulch, and planted a variety of herbs for Food Technology students to use. It was an exciting project to begin investigating Sion’s food sustainability and we hope to see the veggie garden flourish again.
We are thrilled to see what possibilities lie ahead for us this year!
All efforts count!
Social Justice – Lucy Miotello, Coordinator
Here we are at the end of Term 1 which concludes our Project Compassion campaign for 2022. The Social Justice team has been raising awareness of the work of Caritas Australia and busily raising funds.
This week we held a Fudge n Bunraiser where homemade fudge and Hot Cross Buns were sold. We also held our annual ‘Voices for Change’ concert where several of our talented students entertained us during lunchtime. Thank you to our Music Captain, Natalie K S, who helped with the planning and running of the concert. Our principal, Mrs Apostolopoulos, also drew the Easter Hamper raffle. Congratulations to the following raffle winners:
1st. Beth N, 8 Purple
2nd Emilie R, 12 Blue
Nina W, 9 Purple and Sylvie W, 7 Gold
4th Chiara G, 8 Red
5th Alice H, 8 Blue
6th Katia T, 9 Blue
As we enter Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond by supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal.
Your generosity this term is the pebble that allows Caritas Australia to create the ripples that will improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, supporting them to flourish and create opportunities for future generations to live to their full potential and thrive. Early next term, I will be able to announce the grand total that has been raised through your generous donations and initiatives held throughout the term.
Finally, I would like to wish our Sion community a safe, happy and holy Easter.
Jennifer Tilley, House & Student Leadership Coordinator
International Women’s Day SRC Fundraiser
To coincide with the International Women’s Day celebrations, the Student Representative Council held a bubble tea sale to raise funds for the McAuley Community Services for Women charity. This charity assists women who are fleeing family violence or are homeless, with employment support and work to support families. The SRC felt that it was important to participate in an action that lifted other women while also providing an opportunity to spread positivity in our own College community. Each cup of bubble tea had a positive affirmation written by a member of the SRC or Year 12 Captains team. Some played on the words of ‘tea’ and wished the recipient a ‘positiv-tea wonderful day’, while other messages encouraged students to recognise their strengths, value and remind them that they are loved.
Through this sale, the SRC raised $500 for the McAuley Community Services for Women.
Congratulations to the SRC team for raising such a wonderful amount – one that will surely make a difference to the lives of others.
Parent News
College Counsellor – Diana Murphy
As the end of Term 1 draws to a close, it is a gentle reminder to self, to take time out to rest, recover and recharge during the term break.
The term has been filled with a lot of events and activities. In some ways we have been making up for the lost time created because of the restrictions endured over the past two years.
Whether it be returning to school, work, and other life events, most of us have been in an interesting space of anticipation. Whilst it is exciting returning to resume life’s activities, it can also bring with it stress and anxiety.
The quote below highlights the importance of taking time out for self to replenish and in doing so, you give yourself the greatest possibility of being able to be present and available to others in your life.
Here are some affirming mantras to help you practise self-care:
I am important
When I pour into myself, I can shine my light onto others
I am worthy of all the things that bring me happiness
I can make time to nourish my mind, body, and spirit
I am doing my best.
Wishing you a safe and happy term break and Easter celebrations.
Significant Women's Breakfast
Parents' Association Invitation
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Application Form
The CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is paid directly to the school to use only towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
$225 for secondary school students
You will only need to submit an application form in 2022 if any of the following changes have occurred:
new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools or you did not apply at the same school in a previous year
changed family circumstances: such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2022
If a form was not lodged in 2021, parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and lodge it with the college for processing.
Application forms should be completed and lodged with the college as soon as possible in Term One, as payments are made from March onwards.
CSEF payments are for the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.
Please click here to download the application form.
CASE Space School – Information Evening
CASE Space School
Our Lady of Sion College is excited to announce our participation in CASE Space School Expedition December 2023. All Our Lady of Sion College students are invited to join CASE Junior Space School or CASE Senior Space School and visit NASA in the USA!
The space industry is the most stimulating environment to showcase the impact of STEAM and innovation in our world and inspire students in the pursuit of STEAM studies.
This is a wonderful opportunity for all students to learn beyond the classroom and be inspired!
Information Evening: Tuesday 3 May 2022, via Zoom; Years 7 - 8 at 6.00 pm and Years 9 - 11 at 7.30 pm
CASE Space Academy’s, It’s a Mars Life school holiday program
It’s a Mars Life, is a fun and interactive course where students aged 9-13 will be stranded on Mars! They’ll work in teams to create a new Martian colony and design and build a galactic farm, water filtration system and renewable energy device to help them survive – and thrive – on the harsh red planet!
These April school holidays CASE Space Academy makes STEM fun and achievable for all curious kids. Hosted live by knowledgeable and enthusiastic course leaders, students enjoy loads of hands-on activities, engineering design, science experiments and team challenges in an inspiring and interactive environment, all supported by NASA experts.
Tuesday 19 – Friday 22 April, 12.30 –3.30 pm
Live NASA Tour at Space Center Houston on 23 April!
Use promo code CSALSCVIC to receive course discounts. $20 off one course and $50 cashback when you group purchase three or more courses with friends.