Years 9 and 12 House Spirit Day (lunchtime activities)
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Welcome to all staff, students and families. The beginning of the school year is always a time of anticipation as we launch into what we hope will be a year full of new experiences and opportunities for learning and growth. In recent weeks, the staff worked to ensure all was in readiness to welcome our students and I am pleased to report that the year has started well. Classes are well and truly underway as are a number of our co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
This year marks the 96th anniversary of the College and it promises to be another exciting chapter in our history. 2024 will witness the completion of the next stage of our Masterplan which encompasses three elements: the completion of our new STEAMD & Administration Centre (due for completion in July), and the redevelopment of the front garden and parking area, and the refurbishment of our current administration building into six new Year 10 classrooms by the beginning of 2025. Over the January break, we repainted our Emmanuelle Learning Centre (Year 7 & 9 classrooms) and the Year 8 classrooms and corridors, and last week, we commissioned the newly refurbished Visual Communication and Media Rooms.
We often speak about the curriculum as the subjects and learning programs we offer. In reality the physical learning environment is an integral part of the curriculum because it creates the spaces in which our students can be inspired and supported to learn. I hope the new facilities will strengthen and expand these learning experiences for our students and support staff in their work.
Artist impression of the STEAMD & Administration BuildingArtist impression of the CourtyardArtist impression of the stairs and landingArtist impression of a Science Room
You can see a flythrough of the new STEAMD and Administration Centre building here.
Staff and Students
I take this opportunity to welcome the return of the following teachers from a period of leave: Mrs Catherine Bennett (Drama), Mrs Jennifer Gatehouse (French), Mrs Lynette Stancombe (Music) and Ms Joon Tan (Chinese).
We also welcome the following staff who join our community this year: Ms Carolyn Anderson (Religious Education/Humanities), Ms Serena Bellotti (Librarian) Mr Jarryd Black (Learning Enhancement Leader), Mr Liam Cox (Head of Sport), Miss Stephanie Cross (Religious Education), Mrs Amanda Fisher (Art/Textiles), Ms Jade Goss (English/Humanities), Ms Maria Greco (Science Laboratory Technician), Ms Maria Hawkes (Mathematics/Science), Mrs Tania Purser (Learning Support Officer), Miss Isabelle Rebecca (Health & PE), Ms Tabitha Southey (Heath & PE Learning Leader), Miss Jemima Stafford (Humanities), Mrs Kate Steward (English/Religious Education), Dr Melissa Walsh (English Learning Leader) and Mrs Sheena Wright (Technologies Learning Leader)
It also gives me great pleasure to welcome the following new students:
Year 8: Caroline C (8 Purple), Mikayla P (8 Purple), Veda D (8 Silver), and Juliette J (8 Silver)
Year 9: Minnie W (9 Blue), Chelsea P (9 Blue), Chiara O'B (9 Purple), Lily K (9 Purple), Maria M (9 White), and Gabriella P (9 White)
Year 10: Natalie S (10 Silver) and Dahlia F (10 Blue)
Year 11: Anne T (11 Purple) and Clover C (11 Purple)
Improving student wellbeing and learning outcomes
Thank you to those parents and carers who were able to join us for this week’s Information Evenings to meet your daughter’s Wellbeing and Growth Leader and Homeroom teacher, and to learn about the particular programs for each level. We also took this opportunity to launch and seek your support for our Sion Connect program. For those who were unable to attend, please read Christine Kralj’s article and reach out to your daughter’s Homeroom teacher if you require further information and/or support.
It is important that we work in partnership with families, in order to better support your daughter to experience a sense of wellbeing and confidence which in turn is an essential foundation for achieving her personal best this year.
Next Monday, we will celebrate the wonderful achievement of our Class of 2023 and also those current Year 12 students who accelerated last year. Last week we were also notified by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) that Ella C. (Class of 2023) has been selected to perform her Drama solo Eliza Emily Donnithorne at Top Class Drama and Theatre Studies 2024 at the Melbourne Recital Centre on Friday 19 April 2024.
Top Class is an annual concert series coordinated by the VCAA showcasing outstanding performances by VCE and VCE VET students from schools across the state.
Each year for the last 9 years, Our Lady of Sion students have been shortlisted or featured to perform their work in the VCE Season of Excellence. This year, 102 top performing students were invited to audition for Top Class Drama, and Ella is one of only 25 students selected to perform. Selected performers exemplify the skill and creativity that can be achieved within the VCE curriculum.
Congratulations to Ella!
Parents Association
The Our Lady of Sion College Parents Association encompasses all parents and carers and to this end all are invited to join us for a meeting once per term to share information and plan events which benefit all families and students. Thank you to the parents who have accepted the leadership of the association:
President: Jakki Poustie
Vice President: Gina Giusti
Secretary: Andrea Barnett
Treasurer: Belinda Van der Lit
2024 College Theme
Finally, this morning staff and students gathered to celebrate our Beginning of Year School Mass. We also launched our theme for the year: ‘Hear the call of Jerusalem: widen your horizons’. While at first glance the theme may suggest a political intention, as explained to our students today, in reality it points to the commitment of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion which permeates not only their vocation but the life of our school as well.
The charism of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sionis “a threefold commitment: to the Church,to the Jewish people, and to a world of justice, peace and love.”
They also encourage us to adopt this endeavour “Because the various forms ofoppression and discrimination areinterrelated in our world, [and] we areconvinced that justice for any groupof people will not be fully attaineduntil there is justice for all.”
The word Sion means Jerusalem. Over many centuries, Jerusalem has taken on a particular significance based on its root meaning ‘Ir Ha Shalom’ – City of Peace. Historically and in scripture, Jerusalem has represented many things: the navel or centre of the world (‘Thus says the Lord God: This is Jerusalem; I have set her at the centre of the nations, with countries all around her’ Ez 5:5), and an ideal world where all can live in harmony. Ironically, today it is anything but a City of Peace. Like many locations in our world, it represents conflict and disunity.
In choosing this theme, we hope that students and staff come to understand the needs of our world more closely and as our College motto calls us - ‘To speak the Truth in Love’. While we cannot solve the big conflicts we witness in our world today, perhaps in our own small way we can treat those within our school and those within our various communities with justice, peace and love. In this way we are positively contributing to our world and modelling a way of being that enhances rather than destroys life. In order to do this, we need to ‘widen our horizons’ and aim for the ideal – to work to create a City of Peace.
2024 College theme symbol: Justice, Peace and Love and a globe.
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – Anna Gionfriddo
The beginning of the school year has been a very different and exciting time for me as I move from my position as Religious Education Learning Area Leader, which I held for the past 11 years, to my new role as Deputy Principal Faith and Mission.
With this significant role come many new responsibilities and challenges but most importantly it allows me to help create wonderful opportunities for all members of the College community to participate in the faith life of our school, which is such a privilege. I feel honoured to serve our students, staff and families in this way.
Today we gathered to celebrate our Beginning of Year School Mass, where we welcomed to our school community, our new Year 7 students, those in other year levels as well as our new staff members. It was wonderful that the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion were also able to join us.
Our College Theme for 2024- Hear the Call of Jerusalem: widen your horizons was officially launched with the students and was a focus for the mass where our College Chaplain Fr. Mark Reynolds, allowed all present to consider ways that we can live our lives to be agents for justice, peace and love.
Students from across all year levels, who led the different parts of the Mass, were supported by our Liturgy Captain, Emma G (12 Blue), and along with the beautiful music and singing, the Mass was a true celebration of who we are as an Our Lady of Sion College.
Next week we will be entering into the Season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on 14 February.
Wishing all members of the College community many blessings.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." Herbert Spencer
A hearty welcome to the 2024 academic year from Learning and Teaching. Learning as an action has long been a hallmark of the programs of Our Lady of Sion; from the Horizons programs of Years 7 and 8, to Ayin in Year 9 and the Duke of Edinburgh Award culminating in Year 10. Moreover, 2024 brings the College much excitement with the completion of the STEAMD building, and all the possibilities that the new learning spaces will provide. We look forward to the energy that will emanate from the Music and Drama rooms, the HPE learning in application in the new fitness centre, the practical work in the Science Labs and the expressive pieces created in the Visual Arts classrooms. Tying it all together will be the inquiry mindset of our students. Thinking about a problem or issue and using our voices to positively contribute to the discourse. So exciting.
Our Notre Dame students this week set SMART goals for their learning across the year. 105 Year 12 students attended a General Maths Masterclass extending upon a skill that they commenced in Smart Start. The Vocational Major students are preparing for an excursion to the Queen Victoria Market, combining a study of history, economics, and nutrition. Our VET students commenced their classes this week, and we look forward to hearing more about this applied learning experience.
As a way of connecting with the learning, I encourage families to explore the features provided in the SEQTA Engage application. We will shortly be opening the lesson details to both the students and families. Teachers will enter the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each lesson as well as the main tasks that are completed. Most often, students will be referred to the Google Classroom, as this is one of the places that the meaning will take place, however this feature of our Learning Management System will be a powerful tool to engage families in the learning process. More information will be provided to families about this release.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Connecting with Sion: Enhancing Student Wellbeing and Academic Success
Firstly, let me welcome you back to the College for 2024. It is wonderful to have the students back, and the corridors, classrooms and the yard filled with their positive energy. I also want to take this opportunity to introduce families to a change for 2024 and the rationale behind it.
In our ever-evolving educational landscape, it is crucial to stay attuned to the needs of our students. Seeking feedback, staying informed through professional reading, and understanding current educational trends are not just initiatives; they are calls to action. This became abundantly clear to the Pastoral team in the latter part of 2023.
The positive responses from students in the 2023 MACSSIS survey were heartening, but a desire for stronger bonds, increased learning confidence, and more avenues for student voice was unmistakable. Simultaneously, we noted attendance rates that fell below our expectations, a challenge not unique to Our Lady of Sion College but one we couldn't overlook.
In response, our Pastoral team has designed a back-to-basics approach aimed at nurturing both student wellbeing and academic outcomes — introducing Sion Connect.
Sion Connect is built upon four strategic pillars: Expectations, Attendance, Relationships, and Engagement.
Parents and carers who joined us for our recent Parent Information Evenings have already been introduced to this holistic approach. The initial phase includes actions such as:
closely monitoring, following up, and supporting high attendance
clearly communicating expectations (including the Year 7-9 Expectations matrix)
fostering relationship-building skills in pastoral lessons, utilising student focus groups to amplify their voices
promoting engagement both in class and through our rich co-curricular offerings.
We urge parents and carers to support staff and foster a positive partnership, as we implement the Sion Connect approach. Together, we can create an environment where every student feels connected, supported, and empowered to excel.
In Remembrance
Our particular thoughts and prayers go to Ms Chrizelle Cortina, College Maths and Science Teacher, whose grandfather passed away. Also, to the family of Jan Murphy, past student and staff member, who passed away. Jan was a student at the College between 1956 and 1960 and commenced working at the College in 1987 as a Library Technician and Archivist. She was employed at the College for 20 years before her retirement in 2007.
We remember Ms Cortina's family and Jan's family in a special way at this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
Pastoral Care
Director of Pastoral Care – Paul Kerr
The Adventure Starts Here
Last week, we welcomed the Year 7 cohort and a range of new students from Year 8-Year 11. I would like to add my welcome to the Year 7 students, who I had much pleasure working with on their first day of school and during the Orientation Day at the end of 2023 and the new students in Years 8 to 11, who started their transition to the school during our session late last year. I would like to add my special welcome to the Sion One students, who have made the solo journey from their primary school to Our Lady of Sion College. I was in a similar position when I started high school, so I completely understand the challenges of this new and exciting beginning.
When a young person transitions from primary to secondary school, they face multiple changes. The physical environment is different, they have a range of new teachers, routines are very different, different timetables, and of course, many have spent a substantial amount of time at home in recent years.
As parents and teachers, we can normalise and validate those feelings as you and I will have been through a similar process during our own schooling. For example, in the past I have shared my own transition stories as most of my friends went to Whitefriars and I was on my own.
We can also continue to acknowledge the strengths of the young people in front of us by problem solving together, assisting in organisation and letting them know that they will find their tribe. They may not find close friends straight away; however, they will have many instant acquaintances in their Homeroom and in the Emmanuelle Learning Centre, where many of their classes take place. As the year progresses and the students participate in their classes, Friendship Day, music, sport, House activities, art and creative competitions and of course the annual camp, friendships will develop within their classes and the array of other co-curricular activities we offer at the College. As a team we will reinforce that secondary education is not an unreasonable or unattainable jump, but a natural progression from their primary experience.
Throughout this year, the team will strive to give our students the belief, resources and capabilities to manage challenging situations. One of the keys, will be teaching them to be organised for the day, managing a locker that is not in their classroom, and a timetable that may take time to get used to. If possible, maintain as many routines outside of school that are familiar to your daughter including keeping up with primary friendships where possible. It is positive to have a wide range of friendships and this can be reassuring for our students when they share stories of their own new beginnings in different settings with their primary school friends.
There is no question that many students may feel uncomfortable letting go of what they know and love. This is normal and we don’t ignore it, we acknowledge it as normal human emotions and encourage the growth that can come in such an exciting year.
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As this is our first newsletter for 2024, I would like to extend a warm welcome back to the new school year for all our Year 12 families. I am very much looking forward to working with our current Year 12 students and you as their parents and carers.
Our Year 12 cohort have made a very positive start to their final year at Our Lady of Sion College. We will be encouraging them to maintain a committed approach to their studies alongside enjoying the activities and events that are part of our Sionian tradition.
Thank you to those who attended the Information Evening on Monday night. If you were unable to attend, the presentation was sent to you via EdSmart. It would be appreciated if you could view the information shared as it contains important details and contacts specific to Year 12. Please do not hesitate to contact Dale Hunter, Brooke O’Hara or myself if you have any queries or would like further clarification regarding the content of the presentation.
The evening also provided the opportunity for the Year 12 Homeroom teachers to be introduced.
We are very much looking forward to supporting our Year 12 students and sharing in the events and experiences that will be part of their last year at Our Lady of Sion College.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back to all Year 11 students and their families for 2024! After a much-needed summer break, the Year 11s now start the new year as senior students residing in the Notre Dame Centre. Returning from the summer break always brings a sense of hope and excitement for the year to come, but also can bring a lot of worries regarding the ‘unknown’. The unknown of VCE and VM will soon become familiar to our students, but for now, there are new routines, processes, and plenty of questions to be asked. So far I have been impressed by this group of young people, stepping into a new space with, new teachers and peers - with confidence, ready to engage in learning.
During this transition period, the Year 11s can develop new relationships with their peers, find their feet in Homeroom and their new subjects. Moreover, they will be working closely with their subject teachers to navigate their approach to learning and engaging in subjects that they enjoy.
The Year 11s also have the support of their Homeroom teacher throughout the year. We thank them in anticipation for their ongoing support, assistance, and guidance for your child.
The support and care for your child rely on a partnership between the College and the broader community. Please contact your child’s Homeroom teacher or me if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year.
If you were unable to attend the Parent Information Night on Wednesday 7 February, the presentation has been sent to all parents and carers via SEQTA.
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to Year 10, 2024.
It has been a fabulous start to the year by our Year 10 cohort, with plenty of energy and enthusiasm being displayed in and for all areas of College life.
On behalf of the Year 10 Pastoral Team, thank you to all the Year 10 families who attended our Parent Information Session this week. Please remember that we are here to help and support you throughout the year.
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (the Duke of Ed) is our first big item for this year and our Adventurous Journey camp will be held on 13-15 March up at Lake Eildon. Shortly all families will receive a broadcast asking you to respond to a series of questions that will help support our camp and I ask that families complete this form by the due date.
For some students (and families), our Adventurous Journey may be something very new. Camping out in the wilderness for three days and two nights. If you are not used to this, it certainly will be challenging. But what we want you to know is, you won't be alone, you will be supported every step of the way, we will celebrate each and every success that you have on our journey. Ultimately, I want you to know that you are safe, you will have the best time and when you get back together as a family on Friday night upon our return, you will have so many memories to share.
And so we begin our Year 10 journey, seeking our #innerexcellence and to discover if we are #worldready...
Year 9 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to Year 9 2024, I hope that you and your family had a beautiful holiday and that you are ready to be a part of your child’s Year 9 journey.
A big welcome to the enthusiastic and experienced Year 9 Pastoral Team (Homeroom teachers):
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to the new students starting in Year 9 this year, Minnie W (9 Blue), Chelsea P (9 Blue), Chiara O'B (9 Purple), Lily K (9 Purple), Maria M (9 White) and Gabriella P (9 White). We are thrilled to have you in Year 9 and hope you feel welcome.
Our year level theme for 2024 is ‘Have courage and be kind’. We want to encourage the students to have the courage to create new friendships, try new activities/opportunities and to not be a ‘bystander’ if they see poor behaviour from other students. We also want the students to show kindness and gratitude, to parents and carers, staff and their peers and to actively seek to make others’ days brighter.
We have so much in store for our Year 9 students this year. The dynamic Ayin program has been developed and expanded over many years and provides opportunities for the Year 9s to make connections with the broader community and encourages them to step out of their comfort zone and take risks with their learning.
I would like to thank the many parents of our Year 9 students who attended the Information Evening. We hope you found this useful, and we look forward to working with you all throughout the year.
All the best for the year ahead.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back! The first week of school has been a busy one with many tasks to complete and information being provided to your daughter. They are no longer the new ones at the school and are now setting the example of what it means to be a Daughter of Sion.
Year 8 poses a slightly different set of challenges. They are familiar with the school and the expectations; however, they still have new students in their Homerooms that they will have the chance to get to know throughout the year.
The Homeroom teachers will be regularly changing seating plans to allow each student to have a chance to meet new people and make new connections. We would appreciate your support in reminding your daughters over the next few weeks that new connections do take time to build, they do not form overnight.
We have to continually put time and effort into making those first connections, so that friendships can form and then flourish. Please encourage your daughter to approach this task with an open mind and to reach out to their Homeroom teacher if they are struggling to make these new connections.
Furthermore, our Pastoral program aims to develop key skills for resilience such as autonomy, independence and respect, which can be uncomfortable at times but are essential to personal wellbeing and growth.
It was lovely to meet those of you who were able to attend our Information Evening on Wednesday. Slides from this will be shared as soon as possible. As introduced on the evening, the Year 8 Homeroom Teachers are:
I am delighted to be your daughters' Wellbeing and Growth Leader. Hopefully, the fact that they have been able to have a full year here at Sion is of some comfort after a year of new routines at a new school. Year 8 is another exciting year of change and growth and I look forward to supporting and going on this journey with you and your daughter in 2024.
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to Our Lady of Sion College! I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members of the Sion community, our Year 7s and their families. The first week of school has been busy, with many tasks and information being provided to students. Some of these are:
First day orientation
Receiving and organising lockers
iPad induction
Getting to know new people and making new friends
Our Beginning of Year School Mass
Secondary school is a great opportunity for new habits, friendships and passions to form. During this time, there are going to be many questions as well as times where support may be needed. I encourage both Year 7 students and families to reach out to myself and the Homeroom team when this occurs. Introducing our Homeroom team:
As is to be expected, some students may find the first few weeks exciting, but also challenging at times. This may present as anxiety, headaches, stomach aches, and at times not wanting to come to school. I strongly urge all families to encourage and support each Year 7 student to attend school as regularly as possible so that they may form key connections with peers and staff and settle into life at Our Lady of Sion College.
Year 7 is an exciting year of change and growth; the Homeroom team and I are looking forward to seeing what exciting opportunities each student will embrace as part of this journey.
Learning Area News
Languages – Gail Amato, Learning Leader
After a glorious summer holiday, we welcome back all our students for the commencement of the 2024 school year – the year of the Dragon! In particular, we welcome our new Year 7 cohort who in the first few lessons have already shown great enthusiasm towards language learning. This year the Language department is more passionate than ever about providing students with more opportunities to improve their language skills, as well as facilitate and foster multicultural understanding.
We are excited to bring you an exclusive glimpse into the recent partnership program with our sister school Notre Dame de Sion that took eight eager students and a dedicated and inspiring teacher away to the enchanting landscapes of Kansas, USA.
For three weeks, they embarked on a cultural journey that not only broadened their horizons but also brought them face to face with the fascinating beauty of winter in Kansas. All the participants have made memories that have undoubtedly left an unforgettable mark on all of them. They learned about a different educational system, immersed themselves in another culture, navigated the snow-covered landscapes, forged lasting connections, and embraced the warmth of their host family’s hospitality. From the bustling streets of Kansas City to our sister school Notre Dame de Sion, to other parts of the USA, each day was filled with adventures, laughter, and the spirit of discovery.
The enthusiasm and behaviour of all the students while on the trip made them exceptional ambassadors of Australia and our College.
A huge thank you to Mrs Tilley who accompanied the students and shared this remarkable event with them.
One of our students has shared her experiences below:
During the summer holidays, I along with seven other girls and Mrs Tilley had the opportunity to attend the USA partnership program. It was a three week experience, where we stayed with a student’s family from Notre Dame De Sion (Sion school in Kansas). I believe that these three weeks were the highlight of my year. I had the opportunity to learn all about American culture and school, as well as learn about the way my host family lives and the different ways I have been able to incorporate skills that they use into my personal life. My host family also took us to a Chiefs game, which is the Kansas City football team, and it was an experience I will never forget! We were also very lucky to be taken by our host families on an interstate trip during our stay. Some places where the girls went were Chicago, New York, Tennessee and Washington DC. My host family took us to Los Angeles for a weekend, during this trip, not only did we get to sightsee different landmarks, but we also got to try a variety of American cuisines. We also attended the Sion high school in Kansas where we wore the uniform and chose classes to go to. Although we were only able to go to the school for a few days due to the snow, it was interesting to observe the differences and similarities between our school and theirs. However, my favourite part of my trip was getting to know my host family and spending time with them!Sameera K-K (12 Red)
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Music 2024 is up and running!
We are certainly looking forward to another fantastic year of music-making in 2024. Please note the following times for all ensemble rehearsals throughout the week.
Year 7 Music Program
During the first weeks of Music classes, the Year 7s will be trialling a range of instruments. The next step will be to complete the instrument preference form, which your daughter will receive in class in weeks 3 and 4. This process needs to be informed by her availability for one of the following compulsory ensemble rehearsals, that will begin at the end of February:
Junior Choir (singing/voice students) Rehearsal timeTuesday mornings 7.25 am – 8.30 am starts Tuesday 27 February
Junior Concert Band 1 (brass, woodwind, percussion) Monday mornings 7.25 am – 8.30 am starts Monday 4 March
Junior Concert Band 2 (brass, woodwind, percussion) Tuesday afternoons 3.25 pm – 4.30 pm starts Tuesday 5 March
Instrumental Music 2024 Applications – it’s not too late!
It is not too late to apply for private instrumental music lessons for 2024. Singing, strings, brass, woodwind, percussion, drums and guitar tuition are still available.
The 2024 Music Program brochure includes details about fees, instrument hire charges and conditions, can be accessed here
2024 Music Captain – Vision Australia Carols by Candlelight
Congratulations to our 2024 Music Captain Hayley B (12 Silver) who, as a senior member of the Australian Girls’ Choir, performed at the 2023 Vision Australia Carols by Candlelight held on Christmas Eve at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
Sport – Liam Cox, Head of Sport
A big welcome to our newest Sionians, and a big welcome back to our returning students from Team Sion! We hope you are as excited as we are to get cracking on another action-packed year of sport both within and beyond the Cherry Red Gates. Our focus this term within the Sporting Department is on connection. We encourage our students to connect through sport, building confidence and resilience.
Our Seniors were first off the block for GSV on Monday in indoor cricket, softball and tennis. A special mention goes to Senior Tennis for their exceptional performance against Ivanhoe Girls Grammar. Intermediate and Junior GSV teams will kick off next week.
GSV Swimming and Diving were also underway this week with their first training meet at PLC on Tuesday.
Sport Captains Pippa L (12 Red) and Ava K (12 Purple) represented the College at the annual GSV Sport Leaders Breakfast on Thursday at Strathcona Girls Grammar.
We look forward to sharing the results in our next newsletter
Sporting Achievements
Katie D (10 Purple)
Congratulations to Katie D (10 Purple) who has been selected to participate in the Melbourne Victory Girls Accelerator Program (GAP)! This is an incredible opportunity that will complement Katie’s performance as she undertakes her fifth season in the NPL Girls with Box Hill United SC. We wish her all the best in the program.
Lara H (Class of 2023)
Congratulations to recent Year 12 graduate and former Sports Captain Lara H (Class 2023) on being selected by Sydney Swans in the 2023 AFLW Draft.
Lara is Sion’s second past student to be drafted in to the AFLW, following Rosie Dillon (Class 2014) in 2019.
Lara had a sensational year on the field, representing Vic Metro in the AFLW U18 Championships, playing 3 matches for Collingwood in the VFLW, participating in the AFLW Draft Combine, as well as captaining the Coates Talent League Premiership team – the Oakleigh Chargers.
We are extremely proud of Lara’s success and wish her all the best at Sydney.
Carn Sion!
Social Justice – Lucy Miotello, Coordinator
Welcome back to all returning students and families and a warm welcome to our Year 7s and any new families who are starting their journey at Our Lady of Sion College.
Maddie S (12 Blue)
Congratulations to our 2024 Social Justice Captain Maddie S (12 Blue). Maddie has been heavily involved in numerous Social Justice initiatives and programs over the years and is a member of our St Vincent de Paul School group. A warm congratulations also to the following representatives who will lead their respective year levels this year in raising awareness and fundraising for the various initiatives throughout the year.
Year 11: Gisele C (11 Gold) and Aleisha DM (11 Gold)
Year 10: Bani K (10 Purple) and Zara T (10 Blue)
Year 9: Bridgette M (9 Silver) and Ilia P (9 Red)
Year 8: Claire N (8 Gold) and Zara O (8 White)
Project Compassion
Our Term 1 initiative, Project Compassion is fast approaching. Our Project Compassion campaign starts on Ash Wednesday, Wednesday 14 February and begins the season of Lent. Over the term, I will be showcasing the numerous initiatives that will run and we look forward to your support to beat our efforts of last year.
Indigenous Immersion 2024
This week we launched the 2024 Indigenous Immersion to Alice Springs with our Year 10 and 11 students. This opportunity will allow our students to broaden their understanding of Indigenous culture and spirituality. Expression of Interest forms were released today through EdSmart outlining the details of the program and costs associated with the experience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Ms Anna Gionfriddo. We look forward to offering this opportunity this year.
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration. Thomas Edison (Inventor and businessman)
Students and families can find the fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnightly Newsletter there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events: Year 12 RSA course, Victorian Police Information Session, HMAS Cerberus Open day and Victorian Careers and Employment Expo
What can the Careers Domain do to assist students and families?
Career Industry in the Spotlight – Careers in Aviation in the Navy
Things to consider: 2024 Year 10 Work Experience, 2024 Year 12 Careers Meetings
Researching options: The University of Melbourne Hansen Scholarship, Australian Government – Nuclear Powered Submarine Student Pathways
Debating – Morgan Chandler, Teacher
Debate Club
In what promises to be another successful year in Debating, I'm pleased to introduce our 2024 Debating Representative, Hannah D (12 Purple)
Welcome Message
No matter what reaction the words ‘public speaking’ brings up, Debate Club is the place for you!
We offer both formal out-of-school debating through the Debating Association Victoria and informal in-school debates as well. One of our favourite traditions is The Sion Day Great Debate that is student vs teachers in an epic battle of wits.
As your Debating Representative for 2024, I am so grateful for the opportunity to build my knowledge and be able to help others do the same. I know that practice doesn’t make you perfect, but it can make progress. Ms Chandler and I are super excited to get to work this year- we have a lot of great things planned and we need you to make them happen!
I will leave you with a quote that I came across during my History holiday homework from George Orwell: “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Hannah D (12 Purple)
Parent News
College Counsellor – Pamela Ioannidis
Welcome back, we hope everyone had a restful break.
Returning to school after the holidays is a significant event for students and their families. Adolescents often experience a range of emotions about returning to school related activities and expectations. Some may feel exhilarated by the return to routine, whilst others may feel uneasy, finding the adjustment challenging and requiring some time to settle in. These varied responses about the return to school are entirely normal during adolescence. In general, the period of adolescence, is a phase of developmental change which can be a challenging and stressful time for young people and their families. Our Lady of Sion College offers counselling services to all students to help support and manage social and emotional issues and improve their overall wellbeing.
This week during Homeroom, the Counselling department visited Homerooms to introduce themselves and provide a snapshot about what our department offers, hours of operation and answer any general concerns about the service. Whilst many students may not need to utilise the service immediately, situations can arise throughout the year where students will benefit from additional wellbeing support from the counselling department. Support may be needed for mental health issues, school and learning, stress and time management, family and friendship concerns, social skills, and any other personal issues they may be facing. Being aware of the available service at Our Lady of Sion College provides students the opportunity to connect with the service when the need arises. Students can self-refer or be referred by a staff member or parents. The service is voluntary, confidential and personalised to the needs of each student.
The Counselling Service is available Monday-Friday and appointments are available before and after school, during recess and lunch time, and during class throughout the day. There are three College Counsellors in the team, Vanessa Cheng (College Psychologist), Claire Jenkins (College Psychologist) and Pamela Ioannidis (College Counsellor).