Christmas Blessing

In recent weeks we have commenced the journey of Advent which represents the start of the liturgical year in the Catholic tradition. These weeks mark the four Sundays that conclude on 24 December and ultimately lead us to commemorating the birth of Jesus. It is a time that can easily be missed especially as we are drawn into the commercial aspects of Christmas and preparing for our holidays.
I wonder whether the biblical authors also foresaw the importance of not missing transformative opportunities that help us to live a good life? I suggest this because in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus said to his disciples: 'Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.' (Mark 13:33). Is Jesus encouraging us to also be alert to the opportunities to welcome God into our lives?
This year our College theme – Speaking the Truth in Love encouraged us to live our lives as Mary and Jesus did, listening to scripture and embracing opportunities to follow Jesus’ words and actions through the way we treated each other and looked beyond ourselves to the needs of our world. I hope as an Our Lady of Sion school, we continue to reflect on this theme in the years ahead.
In recent weeks we have farewelled our Years 10, 11 and 12 students and today we said goodbye to our Years 7, 8 and 9 students and wished them well for their summer holidays. In a week or two the College staff will also begin a well-deserved break.
It has been a fantastic year of learning and community building, and I hope the photos allow you to remember the special moments of this year.
Finally, to all staff, students, and their families I wish you a very Happy Christmas and thank you for the contribution you have made to our community in 2022. Together with your friends, and extended families, may you enjoy the peace and hope that the birth of Jesus brings to all people, and I look forward to welcoming you in 2023, a special year for the College as it marks its 95th
Tina Apostolopoulos