Wednesday 16 November Victorian School Music Festival Sion First Music Program final concert, 5.00 pm Sion First Music Program 2023 Information Evening, 7.00 pm Tuning into Teens workshop, 6.30 – 9.30 pm
Thursday 17 November Staff Day - Student free day (no classes)
Friday 18 November Year 7 Horizons Program Year 12 Graduation Mass and Valedictory
Monday 21 November VCE Smart Start (Monday – Thursday) Year 7 2023 Parent Information Evening, 7.00 pm
Friday 25 November Years 10 – 11 Final Day (1.00 pm dismissal) Years 7 – 11 Final Eucharist, 9.00 am
Tuesday 6 December Years 7 – 9 Final Day (1.00 pm dismissal)
Tuesday 20 December College closes
2023 Dates
Wednesday 18 January College office opens
Wednesday 1 February All students return
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Our young people learn in a myriad of ways at Our Lady of Sion College. In addition to the very important classroom learning, we believe our co-curricular and leadership programs enhance classroom learning, and support confidence building and the development of both academic and important life skills. In this edition of our newsletter, I would like to celebrate how students have risen to the occasion and engaged with learning that complements the traditional classroom experiences.
Year 7 Horizons Program
Last week I had the pleasure of visiting several Year 7 classes to see how they were undertaking the first of our three-day Year 7 Horizon Program. In each class, students worked in groups and were focussed on research that will support them to design solutions to the real-life problems. The question they must address is How can STEAM help the community? It is an open-ended question that intentionally invites students to identify a need in the local community and then use Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics to address it.
With the level of creative and critical thinking that I witnessed, I think the future is in good hands and look forward to the final presentations students will give. In the meantime, I would like to share with families one brief conversation I had with a group of students when I asked them to justify their idea. They have decided to design a piece of technology that will support drivers who may not have a strong command of English. When I asked why they thought this would be a good idea, they replied that they had researched the 2021 Census data and found that well over 50% of people in their focus area came from a non-English speaking background so they believed there is a real need and many would benefit from this design. Their response was impressive and showcased their appreciation of strong evidence to inform decisions. All from young people who have just turned 13!
The Horizons program is a valuable way to consolidate their first year of secondary education and provide both an enrichment and extension opportunity for all students. I encourage Year 7 families to discuss their child’s ideas and how their group is using their time to research, collaboratively design and trial a prototype that they will pitch to the class. Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs are encouraged to enjoy this innovative way of learning.
Year 8 Camp
Another important learning opportunity the College offers are our camps. This week our Year 8 students travelled to the Lake Dewar Discovery Camp just outside of Bacchus Marsh. The camp invites students to challenge themselves and to also build skills of collaboration and communication. The learning framework is based on personal growth, sense of community and a connection with the natural world.
Given the last few years, this was an opportune time to focus on fostering resilience and building self-esteem and confidence. Thank you to Mr Chris Wilkes, the Year 8 Homeroom teachers and other staff who made this camp experience possible.
Student Leadership
In an all-girls school, all leadership positions are open to all students and testament to the way that Sion students value the opportunities we offer them, is the fact that 260 students – over 27% have applied for leadership positions for 2023. This is an extraordinary affirmation that our students want to be part of the running of the College and work towards making a positive difference. What is also unique to our school is the role that the Year 12 leaders play. The College Captains and the senior student leaders form part of the interview and selection process in determining the leaders in each of the younger levels. Again, this is by design because we believe that being a leader is not just about the badge or speaking at assemblies, it is about developing your leadership in an authentic manner, and supporting the leadership of others. For the 2023 Year 12 leaders and those who will eventually form their teams, this is an important and valuable learning experience.
Finally, with only three more days of VCE external examinations, I would like to acknowledge the Year 12 students and the positive approach they have taken to this final assessment period. Their teachers have commented on their hard work and commitment during the last few weeks. We look forward to our final celebration with the Class of 2022 and their families at our Graduation Mass and Valedictory dinner next Friday evening.
This week saw the commencement of the Year 10 and Year 11 examinations. I hope students have valued this time as a means of showcasing their learning for the semester.
Oh behalf of the community I would also like to welcome Mr Rahul Nanda, our IT Support Officer, who has recently joined the College.
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
Remembrance Day
Today at our College we prayed for peace.
Today is Remembrance Day. Remembrance Day commemorates the sacrifices of armed forces and civilians during times of war. Today we observed a time of silence – to mark the end of fighting on the western front at the end of WWI and also prayed for peace – believing firmly that the message of God, which is love and peace, is possible throughout the world and that war is never the answer to conflict.
As a Catholic College in the tradition of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, one of our core beliefs is the importance of dialogue. The wellbeing of both our students and staff is based upon the importance of having and maintaining healthy positive relationships.
In 1914, poet Laurence Binyon wrote “For the Fallen”. Part of this poem is now commonly referred to as "The Ode" which is now read as part of prayer services to commemorate victims of war.
The Ode
They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
Congratulations to all of our Units 3 and 4 students as the VCAA exams conclude. It has been a very smooth process and once again the students have shown themselves to be wonderful learning role models for our younger students. Again, we wish them well with the pathways they take from here.
Once the Years 10 and 11 students conclude their exams, Smart Start will commence, allowing the students to fully prepare for the learning challenges that they will encounter in 2023. I encourage all of the students to take advantage of this opportunity; clarify their understanding with lots of questions, set in place quality processes for study and revisions, and to set actionable and measurable goals for themselves. One of the sessions during Smart Start is the return of the examinations. This is what turns the exam process into a learning process and I encourage all families to hold conversations about how the students felt, what they did to prepare, and what they can do differently next time, rather than the actual result.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Outside the Comfort Zone
I feel that now more than ever it is important to support teenagers to take healthy risks and venture outside their comfort zone. After students spent so much of 2020 and 2021 at home in the safe social environment of their family and experiencing fewer external expectations, it is now time for them to stretch themselves.
The College’s co-curricular program is a rich source of supportive, structured opportunities for students to meet new friends, experience new environments and develop new skills. Year 8 camp was a perfect opportunity for students to stretch themselves. They biked, paddled, solved puzzles, and had time away from devices. They also worked in mixed Homeroom groups that allowed them to build rapport with students they may not have spoken to even though they are in the same year level.
If our young people are to have the 21st century skills needed for success, we need to help them develop them over a period of time and through a range of opportunities. The skills of critical and creative thinking coupled with good communication, collaboration and teamwork are difficult to cultivate if one does not step outside their comfort zone, mix with others, and try new things.
If your daughter is concerned about taking on a new challenge even though good support is in place, please re-think removing the challenge as the best option. This approach often gives short term relief to the student but does not develop coping skills that can be used for the next challenge. I encourage parents to be familiar with the College’s programs and look ahead if you know that your daughter’s outlook on undertaking these is not a positive and resilient one. Support can then be provided well before the event and coping skills can build up over time.
If the past two years taught us anything, it is that the future can be a little uncertain and may not turn out as we hoped. Those who still flourish are the ones who are brave and take on new challenges. They accept what cannot be changed but also have the skills and dispositions to make the most of what can be changed. So, let’s start building those dispositions and skills now!
In Remembrance
Our particular thoughts and prayers go to Ms Anna Gionfriddo, Religious Education Learning Leader, and Mr Stephen Skidmore, Maintenance, whose father and grandfather sadly passed away recently. We remember Ms Gionfriddo, Mr Skidmore and their family in a special way at this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
Year Level News
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Well done to those Year 11 students who are well into their Semester 2 Exams this week. In preparation for the final assessments for Unit 2, I have really seen a difference in how Year 11 students have been able to work through a busy period of the school year. They have been working hard to manage their studies and exploring study techniques. The Homeroom team, subject teachers, and I have emphasised the importance of this process, as it is an opportunity to practise the exam format before the commencement of the Unit 3/4 exams.
We hope that students see this as a challenge and that they are capable of success. Every student will have their own standard of what ‘success’ looks like to them. We have encouraged the students to consider:
Are their goals realistic and achievable?
Would they be proud of their efforts, to do their very best?
Please refer to the email sent Thursday 3 November, regarding the Year 11 Exam process. Here are the resources for the Examinations Outline and the Year 11 Exam Timetable.
As students complete subjects they will not continue with in Year 12, I would encourage them to consider:
What did they learn throughout this year?
What skills did they refine?
How are these skills transferable to other contexts?
Good luck to the Year 11 VCAL students, who are completing their work placements during the dedicated exam week.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
This week, Year 8 students had an amazing experience on camp! Every single student should be extremely proud of the resilience they showed and things they experienced for the first time. The weather was amazing for the most part, and despite the slight hurdle on Tuesday with a downpour of rain, they soldiered on. I am so proud of each and every camper! A final thank you to all staff who were involved with our camp; without them, these opportunities wouldn’t be possible.
Please see below some student reflections of their experience:
Overall camp was a really great experience that tested our survival skills and participation. It was extremely fun and there were so many memories made. There were many activities such as kayaking, the dual flying fox, mountain bike riding and more. On the first night my group participated in what was called the “Camp out”. In this we cooked our own dinner, slept in a tent and had to be self-sufficient. On the second night we slept in cabins. Overall camp was a really great experience and definitely a tiring one. Samantha O (8 White)
Year 8 camp was probably one of the best camps I have been on. My favourite activity was stand up paddle boarding because it was something I’ve never done before and while it was a challenge, it was still fun to give it a go. Throughout the whole camp, I talked to some new people and made bonds with those I already knew. It was a good time to be able to connect with already existing friends and new ones. Alessia D (8 Purple)
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
A sense of excitement and energy has been humming through the year level over the last two weeks with many different activities and experiences to enjoy. The Year 7 Netball Cup has seen all six Homerooms compete in a round robin of games, with most Year 7 students either playing or attending to watch the matches. Thank you to our SRC Representatives Claire R (7 Red) and Amelie P (7 Silver) in the organisation of this fun experience for us all!
Last Wednesday 2 November saw the commencement of the Horizons Program. Across three days, students will work in groups of four or five to investigate "How STEAM can be used to help the community". Groups have completed a session on the Research Cycle and have worked to understand how to unpack a design brief. On the final day, the groups will present their ideas and work to each other and staff.
On November 3 and 4, students had their Humanities excursion to Edendale Farm in Diamond Creek. The year level truly demonstrated what it is to be a student at Our Lady of Sion College; engaged in learning, demonstrated curiosity about their surroundings, and sought to understand the experiences and perspectives of others. The way they conducted themselves and represented their school is to be commended.
Key Dates for Year 7
15 November - Year 7 Spring Concert
16 November - Victorian School Music Festival
17 November - Staff Correction Day (NO STUDENTS)
18 November - Year 7 Horizons Day 2. Students to wear PE uniform
25 November - Final School Eucharist (Years 7 - 11)
1 December - Year 7 Horizons Day 3. Students to wear PE uniform
5 December - Night of Excellence
6 December - Final day of school for Years 7 - 9. Dismissal at 1.00 pm.
Learning Area News
Humanities – Sarah Chalmers, Learning Leader
Civics And Citizenship Pilot Program
Reflection by Natalya B (10 Blue)
Recently I attended the Civics And Citizenship Pilot Program at the Windsor Hotel to discuss the topic ‘should voting be compulsory in Australia’.
We heard from three guest speakers, Professor Judith Brett (La Trobe University), Professor Christine Wallace (University of Canberra) and Professor Mark Evans (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Charles Sturt University) who gave us some background information about the topic and shared their personal views. Then we were given the chance to work with groups of people from a range of different schools and backgrounds to discuss our views on the topic. At the end of the day we were able to share and discuss the topic with other states and territories around Australia via video link-up.
I found the discussion with the different states a really interesting part of the day because I got to hear different viewpoints about the topic that I hadn’t thought of and I was able to share some of my views and opinions on the topic and the statements made.
One of the guest speakers talked about different types of elections in countries around the world, and the pros and cons of them and why the type of country would have that type of electoral system. It surprised me that there were so many different types of elections because before participating in this event I was only aware of the type of elections we hold in Australia. Now I have a much better understanding of political systems around the world.
I also learnt a lot about why compulsory voting is so important in Australia and that it does so much more than just upholding our right to vote.
Hopefully I can use this knowledge in my future studies, now being more aware about Australian elections, and also in my possible future career in politics.
Year 7 Edendale Farm Excursion
Going to Edendale Farm was a lovely experience. We were there to test out how we can improve our water conditions and we also had to find out how clean the water is. I was really interested in finding out the ph levels for the dam water and the creek water. I was really surprised that when we wash our cars, the sudsy liquid we leave behind ends up in creeks and rivers. I learned more about how to keep our waterways clean. This would help us, animals and the environment. Overall it was a pretty good experience.Ilia P (7 Blue)
In week 5 the Year 7 students went to Edendale Farm in Eltham to learn how we can keep our waterways clean. I found all of the activities interesting as they helped to broaden my understanding of how our actions can have an impact on our local waterways and environment. I was surprised to learn how little things like mowing your lawn can immensely change the quality of our water. In the future I plan to be more cautious of my actions now that I understand the effects they have on the world around us.Sophia B ( 7 Blue)
I loved going to Edendale Farm because it was such a unique and fun experience. At the farm we focused on the topic of water. I was surprised to see the little things we can do in your community and damage to our creeks and water sources. It taught us all to be more careful with what we take for granted and think with the creeks in mind. My favourite part of the day was when we had a tour of the farm. I loved seeing all the animals and I was interested in the things that the farm did to be sustainable and what we could do at home to improve our nearby creeks.Violet D (7 Blue)
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Instrumental Music 2023
Enrolments are now open and available online for Instrumental Music lessons in 2023. All the details including fees, instrument hire charges and conditions are available here. Confirmation of enrolment needs to be completed here. Please note that charges will be applied to your College fees statement in early 2023. Please address any enquiries to the Head of Music at
Instrumental Music Lesson Scholarship Applications
A limited number of music lesson scholarships, lasting two years, will be made available to students currently in Years 7 and 8 for the following instruments:
In 2023, we will be again running our Sion First Music Program for students who will be in Year 6 in 2023. This outstanding program gives students the opportunity to learn a string, brass, woodwind or percussion instrument for the whole year. Each week, your daughter will have a small group instrumental lesson, an ensemble lesson with our amazing music staff, perform concerts and get to know some of her classmates before she comes into Year 7 in 2024. The evening will be held on Wednesday 16 November 7.00 pm in the Miriam Theatre. Interested families are asked to register here.
Year 7 Spring Concert – Next Week!
All Year 7 ensembles, small groups, and those Year 7 students in Intermediate level ensembles will be performing at the annual Year 7 Spring Music Concert, to be held on Tuesday 15 November 7.00 pm in the LHC. Bookings are now open via the TryBooking link here.
Upcoming Music Department Dates
Year 7 Music Spring Concert Tuesday 15 November 7.00 pm , LHC. Book here.
Year 7 Concert Bands (two groups) to Victorian School Music Festival onWednesday 16 November, Hawthorn Arts Centre
Sion First 2022 Final Concert Wednesday 16 November 5.00 pm, Miriam Theatre
Sion First 2023 Launch Wednesday 16 November 7.00 pm, Notre Dame Foyer
Drama – Catherine Bennett, Teacher
Junior Play 2022 – Sixty Minute Shakespeare ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
October 27, 28 and 29 saw the staging of our Junior Play for 2022.
For the first time, we held our Production outdoors, in and around the school Piazza.
The rain certainly did not dampen our spirits and our careful placement of actors, set pieces and audience meant that no one got even the slightest bit wet! The audience were able to be immersed in an atmospheric world that was skilfully and colourfully lit, and enabled the action to occur in and around each audience area with characters occasionally interacting with their audience.
The cast of Year 7, 8 and 9 students did an amazing job of bringing to life Shakespeare’s classic comedy and the wonderful characters that are caught up in the magic and trickery of the feuding fairy King and Queen. The final scene with the play of ‘Pyramus and Thisby’ became increasingly comical with each performance. All of our student actors did a marvellous job of understanding and presenting their own characters, and their relationships and interactions with other characters.
Our student crew were fantastic in creating sets, props, front of house and backstage roles that enabled our play to shine.
Staff assistance and leadership was incredible and very much appreciated. Congratulations to all involved.
Catherine Bennett (Director)
Year 10 Drama Performance Showcase Evening
On Thursday 3 November the Year 10 Art of Theatre and Year 10 Drama classes presented their final non naturalistic ensemble performances to an invited audience at the Miriam Theatre.
The Art of Theatre class presented their interpretation of a script that they had worked on through their participation in the Malthouse Theatre’s Suitcase series for 2022.
They shared their final performance with family and friends after presenting at the Malthouse Schools Day on October 19.
Their performance was based on climate change and a highly non naturalistic visit to the lost city of Atlantis to find solutions to our major climate and political challenges.
The Year 10 Drama class researched, devised and scripted their own scenes in response to the theme of ‘Connection’. Small groups presented scenes looking at the role of technology, phones, human interaction and possible solutions to create a more connected world in the future.
Performances were wonderful and the students have learned a great deal about the playmaking techniques, working together and strengthening their expressive and performance skills.
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
Learning Resource Centre
As we move bookcases and resources out of the LRC learning space, students have been enjoying the re-configuration including chess tables that have been set up where the Non-Fiction books used to sit. With the light streaming through the overhead skylights, students have been sitting and playing quick games at lunchtime.
Closure of LRC
The LRC will close its doors on Monday 21 November so that we can move the furniture, shelving and books into our 'portable home' while the STEAMD and Administration Centre building is constructed. This will mean that students who wish to browse our physical fiction collection, will have to do so before we close, making Friday 18 November the last day to 'browse and borrow'.
While closed, we will still assist students to access physical resources using a 'click and collect' strategy. We are asking students to either:
Reserve a book using the SEQTA> LRC interface, which we will check every day and we will negotiate a handover of books to students.
Of course, students can still access a myriad of rich online resources, including Wheelers eBooks and Audiobooks, Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book Encyclopedia. These databases can be accessed through SEQTA> LRC.
Campion MyConnect
Throughout the last week we have 'switched on' Single Sign On for eTextbooks purchased through Campion. As families start purchasing their Textbooks for 2023, they should see them appearing in this interface and this should make the 'purchase and then access' process smoother for the Sion Community. When parents purchase digital resources online they need to make sure that the student email address is assigned to the correct digital resource. Any enquiries can be directed to
VPRC Pizza Lunch
We wrapped up our 2022 Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge with a Pizza Lunch for every student who completed the challenge. Students had a chance to chat about their favourite books and Mrs Apostolopoulos distributed certificates and gift cards to the Top Readers of each Year Level. A big thank you goes out to Ms Branson for organising the Pizza Lunch for our 2022 Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Social Justice – Lucy Miotello, Coordinator
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal – Toiletry Bags
Our Lady of Sion College has a long tradition of providing assistance for St Vincent de Paul. This year students from Years 7 – 11 will be assembling Christmas toiletry bags, where St Vincent de Paul, on our behalf, will give during the Christmas period to those in need living in the Box Hill area. In keeping with tradition and the charism of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, we have invited all students to contribute to this project.
Each Homeroom has been provided with two Christmas bags, Christmas cards along with a checklist of toiletry items. Students have been encouraged to purchase these items and we hope to donate 62 bags which will assist the members of our local community who are experiencing financial difficulties and to stand in solidarity with people who are living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage. Each Homeroom will present their bags at the End of Year Eucharist during the offertory on November 25.
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.C S Lewis
In this fortnightly Newsletter there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events: Year 12 VTAC very late applications, Year 12 Change of Preference period
Things to Consider: Study Abroad Programs offered by Victorian Universities, Scholarships to Study Abroad, 2023 Year 10 Work experience,
Research Ideas : University of Melbourne – Studying Biomedicine and Science, News from Deakin University – Communication and Creative Arts courses, LinkedIn.
Parent News
College Psychologist – Vanessa Cheng
As we approach the end of the year and the long summer break, it can be helpful to have a list of resources on hand should you become concerned about your child’s wellbeing or mental health and want to do some further research. These can also be helpful to refer to while waiting for professional services as many currently have waitlists to access support.
Head to Health. A comprehensive hub of digital mental health resources that brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services for all Australians.
Raising Children Network.Information for families to help corners, carers, and children grow and thrive together. Not only are there many mental health resources, but also information on general parenting and physical health topics.
ReachOut.A fantastic resource for both parents and teens where you will find plenty of information, resources and a forum to discuss a range of topics.
Healthy Families (BeyondBlue). Whether you’re a parent, guardian, grandparent, a favourite uncle or an awesome auntie, there is information available to give you the confidence to support the young people in your life
Headspace. As the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, they have plenty of resources on a range of topics including how to contact Headspace Centres across the state.
If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Homeroom Teacher, their Wellbeing and Growth Leader, or the Counselling Team (
Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place Christmas Toy Drive