Tuesday 20 September Actura Senior Ocean School begins
Wednesday 21 September Indigenous Immersion returns
Sunday 2 October Actura Senior Ocean School concludes
Monday 3 October First day of Term 4
Tuesday 4 October Year 7 Retreat
Wednesday 5 October Year 10 Geography excursion
Thursday 6 October Year 9 Leadership Networking Day Year 9 Social
Monday 10 October Talk and Tour Unit 2 VCE Music Recital
Wednesday 12 October Year 9 Days for Girls Tuning into Teens session 6.30 - 8.30 pm Year 12 Graduation
Thursday 13 October Last day of Year 12 classes Investiture, House Cup and Year 12 Farewell Assembly
Friday 14 October Year 12 Celebration Brunch
From the Principal
Principal's Message
As we conclude Term 3 and reflect on the opportunities we have shared, I sincerely thank our staff and families for your contribution and the support you have offered to our community, and in particular to our students. I also congratulate students on their participation and the eagerness with which they continue to embrace College life.
In addition to formal classroom learning, students were offered enrichment and extension experiences through our themed weeks - Library and Information Week, Maths Week, Science Week, Book Week, Humanities Week and Health, PE and Sports Week. Our Denise O’Hara Science academy is back in full swing, as was House spirit fostered through Feast days and competitions. Students participated in subject competitions and social justice activities such as Year 11 Ozanam House visits and inter-faith opportunities such as our Year 10 Day of Dialogue. We celebrated great achievements in GSV competitions as well as the School Aerobics National competition in Queensland, the Victorian Schools Music Festival and the Monash Youth Music Festival.
Pathways planning was supported through Year 9 Ayin, Year 10 L’Chaim and Work Experience programs, and our subject selection process with students and families. A highlight of the term was Sion Day when staff and students gathered in the LHC to celebrate our Feast Day Mass with Fr Mark Reynolds followed by fundraising activities and House celebrations.
The importance of home/school partnership was facilitated through our Tuning into Teens Parent Seminars, Semester 2 Student Progress Meetings, our Significant Men’s Day Breakfast attended by over 500 people and last Friday evening’s Year 8 – 12 dinner, both sponsored by our Parents’ Association. This term the College completed its Whole School Review process and we look forward to further feedback and reflection based on the MACSSIS survey completed by students, families and staff. Once again I thank all members of our community for the many and varied contribution you have made.
The end of Term 3 also marks a transition point for our senior students. Last week, VCE and senior VCAL students completed the GAT. Internal assessments are currently being finalised and VCAL students are completing their VET studies and work placements. Units 3 & 4 students will undertake a trial examination process in the first week of the term break as they prepare for external examinations in October. Year 12 students have begun the final stages of their secondary education. We look forward to next term’s Graduation ceremony and end of Year 12 celebrations to mark this significant milestone. I take this opportunity to thank the 2022 Student Leaders for the generosity of spirit and enthusiasm with which they have undertaken their leadership over the last 12 months. I hope this time has enriched and inspired them for future leadership opportunities beyond Our Lady of Sion College. Congratulations and thank you to Chelsea L (12 Purple), Alannah M (12 White), Caitlyn G (12 Blue), Charlotte S (12 Red), Emma H (12 Gold), Jaimee M (12 Purple), Winnie W (12 Purple), Natalie KS (12 Silver), Mia M (12 White), Sienna S (12 Red), Alannah W (12 Red), Grace N (12 White), Tahlia P (12 Silver), Alexandra P (12 Blue), Victoria S (12 Silver), Arianna C (12 Gold), Georgia W (12 Gold), Chloe L (12 Silver) and Jessica D (12 Gold).
2023 Year 12 Student Leaders
It gives me great pleasure to introduce and offer our prayerful support to the 2023 Year 12 Student Leaders who will be formally presented at our Investiture assembly in the second week of Term 4.
Once again, thank you to all students and staff. I wish you all a very restful term break and look forward to an equally successful and rewarding Term 4.
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
Spring and God’s creation
Once a fortnight, each year level gathers in our chapel during one of their Homerooms and shares prayer together.
Under the leadership of our College Liturgy Captain, Caitlin G (12 Blue), this week has seen our Chapel Prayer conducted outside in the setting of our Shalom Garden – reminding us all that during Spring we see so many examples of God’s beautiful creations and re-creations.
Below are some extracts from our prayer:
Today, as we gather together outside, we ask everyone to take in their surroundings, the scents and the sounds of nature as we pray.
Spring is a great time for us to reflect on change. Like the beauty that comes in these seasonal changes, the changes that occur in our lives will always be for the better. They may seem challenging at first, but the benefits we will receive from them will outweigh the shock of the initial change. And the best part of all, is that God will be with us all throughout the changes we experience in our lives. God will be there to comfort us, encourage us, support us, and remind us of his love.
Dear Lord,
We ask that you continue to guide us during these upcoming months. We ask that you provide us with Your guidance, and grace as we journey through spring, inviting us to accept new beginnings, opportunities and possibilities. Let us be led to discovering our unique gifts and talents and using them within the new months of spring. This is your garden, Creator God, a thing of beauty beyond understanding, a poem that is being written not in words but in colours, wind's whispers, soaring birds, the gentle rain, the sunlight's warmth. This is your garden, Creator God, A thing of beauty beyond our understanding.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
On Wednesday 7 September our Unit 3 and 4 Senior VCAL students sat the new General Achievement Test. They should all be congratulated for the manner in which they approached this new examination format. It was a long day, with a lot of unknowns, but as usual the Sion students rose to the challenge and that can only lead to positive outcomes for them.
It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of Term 3 again, but here we are. So much has happened over the term that it is impossible to list. For the Years 10, 11 and 12 students we are approaching the end of the designed curriculum and we are moving into final assessments, revision and exam preparation. For Years 7, 8 and 9 we still have a term of hands on learning, camps, and activities to come.
During the term break, the Units 3 and 4 students will complete the Trial Exams. They have already been issued with the timetable for this. The Trial Exams are a great opportunity to build assessment readiness skills, with the double bonus of formative feedback from which they can extend their skills and knowledge.
I wish everyone a restful two weeks, to return to Term 4 with renewed vigour and energy for learning.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Last week saw the announcement of the 2023 Student Leaders. The student leadership process is rigorous and all those senior students who completed applications and candidate speeches should be commended for their courage in putting themselves forward. Staff involved in the interview process spoke of the quality and excellence they brought to their applications. We acknowledge that we always have many high quality applicants and for those that were not appointed to an official role, we look forward to them serving the community in other ways next year.
The 2023 Student Leaders now have the opportunity to lead the student body and make a positive difference. These young women follow the exceptional 2022 Student Leadership group that was ably led by College Captains, Chelsea L (12 Purple) and Alannah M (12 White).
On Thursday 8 September, the 2023 Student Leaders along with Mr McInerney – Deputy Principal Faith and Mission, Mrs Tilley – House and Student Leadership Coordinator and myself had the utmost pleasure in supporting the students at a two-day Leaders Camp. During this time, the new leaders grew their understanding of the role and who they serve, explored the challenges and rewards leadership brings, and planned new and exciting events, via a Shark Tank style session, in preparation for the year to come.
Each member of next year’s leadership team brings something unique and special to their area of leadership and most certainly to the collective group. I thank them immensely for their dedication and commitment to Our Lady of Sion College. They are sure to serve our College community with honour and excellence.
Changeover to Summer Uniform – Term 4
As of Monday 3 October, students should be wearing the summer academic uniform to and from school. This includes wearing the College hat.
Students are also reminded that the College blazer is the outer garment of the uniform when travelling to and from school. On particularly hot days, College staff will let students know if it is a blazer-free day.
Please ensure that all items of uniform are in a presentable state and that the school dress is worn at the knee and no higher.
I ask that shorter dresses are lengthened over the holidays and students return to school in Term 4 with alterations already made to the uniform.
PE Uniform is to be worn only on days when a student has a practical PE class or GSV. The PE uniform is to be worn without a scarf and track pant and jacket must be worn as outer garments when travelling to and from school. On hot days, the students will be notified if they may leave the College without the track pant and jacket.
A reminder that any lash-extensions, fake nails, hair colour or extra piercing that students may have enjoyed over the holidays are to be removed before the commencement of Term 4.
In wearing the College uniform correctly, students display a sense of self-discipline and school pride that benefits the school community as a whole.
In Remembrance
Our particular thoughts and prayers go to Lucy C (9 Purple) and Abbey M (10 Gold) whose cousin passed away recently, and to Emily W (10 Silver) whose grandfather passed away. Also, to Maeve G (8 Red), who recently lost her grandfather.
We remember Lucy, Abbey, Emily, Maeve and their families in a special way at this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
Pastoral Care
Director of Pastoral Care – Paul Kerr
R U OK?Day 2022
When students entered the gates last Thursday 8 September they were greeted by students handing out yellow ribbons to tie in their hair, pin to their blazer or even place on their locker. The day highlights and reinforces the ability to support friendships and relationships in our community. Sometimes we need to revisit when to ask if a friend is okay and then how we might proceed depending on the answer. We need to be able to listen with an open mind, encourage action and then check in a few days later to see how things are going.
Some of the activities and highlights included a guided mediation in homeroom, information in our Student Wellbeing hub, the R U Okay Art wall in the Piazza with sections to write words of encouragement. The Counselling Team were in the Lower Notre Dame with prompt cards to encourage conversations and video material displayed on the screen. It may be that one day of yellow and highlighting mechanisms of support, however, it is acknowledging the importance of how we support students every other day of the year that we must keep front of mind.
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As the term draws to a close I would like to congratulate our Year 12 students on their continued efforts during the past 10 weeks.
As you would be aware, the Year 12 trial exams are taking place next week from Monday 19 September to Thursday 22 September. An email was sent to all students and parents outlining details of the trial exams. Although our students will have limited time to revise for these exams the experience is valuable in allowing students to practise exam techniques leading into the final exams.
At our assembly on Thursday morning, I reinforced to the students the importance of factoring in some rest and relaxation in the second week of the holidays. I also emphasised the importance of maintaining routine on their return to school after the break, to ensure consistent application in the lead up to their exams.
Amidst the academic rigour there will also be many opportunities for the students to celebrate their six years together at Our Lady of Sion College. I have provided an outline below of some key dates that are important for the students and their families. Further details will be communicated to you leading into the special events that have been planned.
If you have any queries regarding the end of year activities please do not hesitate to contact me.
Key Dates
Monday 19 - Thursday 22 September Year 12 Trial Exams, Notre Dame, 30 minutes prior to start, warm casual clothing
Thursday 29 September VTAC applications due
Friday 7 October SEAS applications due
Tuesday 11 October Morning tea for Year 12 teachers hosted by Year 12 students, Notre Dame, recess
Thursday 13 October
Farewell and Investiture Assembly for all students and staff, Louise Humann Centre, following Homeroom
Final day of classes for Year 12 Students, Notre Dame, normal school day
Friday 14 October Year 12 Celebration Brunch, Louise Humann Centre (time TBC)
Monday 17 - Tuesday 25 October SWOTVAC
Wednesday 26 October – Wednesday 16 November Exams, Notre Dame, as per VCAA timetable
Friday 18 November Valedictory Mass and Dinner, Victory Room Marvel Stadium, arrival at 5.15 pm for a 5.30 pm start
Monday 12 December VCE results available
Wednesday 14 December VTAC Change of Preference due
Please note Year 12 Graduation Evening date to be confirmed.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Well done to the Year 11 cohort for making it through Term 3!
Well done to all students who completed the application process for Leadership 2023! Throughout this term, students were invited to complete a written application, present a speech to the cohort, and partake in an interview with relevant staff. Congratulations to those students who were successful in their appointment to a Leadership position for 2023. Also a big congratulations to those students who did not secure a leadership position for 2023. Thank you for taking the time to put yourself out there, and reflect on your own abilities and hopes for this role. Overall I would encourage all students to consider what they were able to learn from this process. What did they learn about themselves? What else could these young people get involved in to demonstrate their leadership qualities and aspirations? Leadership can be pursued in a variety of contexts. I encourage them to look for these opportunities to make a difference in the community.
With only one more term to go, students really only have a short amount of time left of Year 11 to either complete final projects, tasks and/or assessments for VCAL or VCE before the year ends. Amongst our cohort, there are several students who have been undertaking their Unit 3/4 subjects this year. With assessments finalised for Unit 4, students really are directing their focus towards their final exam and final lessons for revision.
Well done Year 11 students! Acknowledge and celebrate your successes. Consider what you have learned across the past 10 weeks.
Have a great break, stay safe, and have fun. We look forward to seeing you back at school for Term 4.
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Congratulations to Year 10 students and families on completing our first full Term 3 since 2019. You should be very proud of yourselves.
Over the last two weeks, we have completed our ballroom dancing program, spoken about how scholarships can play a positive role post Year 12 and earlier this week we listened to our aspiring 2023 Year 11 leaders present their speeches for the role of SRC, portfolio and House leaders.
As we continue to transition into the final elements of Year 10 and into Year 11, last week Mrs Stott and I introduced to the students how scholarships can be very beneficial to help them assist with their education post Year 12. Some Scholarships, like the Kwong Lee Dow scholarship offered through the University of Melbourne are now open for Year 10 student to apply for. Below I have listed the scholarship offerings that Melbourne, Victoria University, Deakin, Australian Catholic University, La Trobe and Monash University have on offer. Many of these, the students won't be able to access until they are in Year 12, however, I feel that with making decisions around subjects for Year 11 and 12, scholarships are another element worth investigating early. So as you progress through the next few years you are able to be fully aware of what is available to you as a family.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all the students and families who participated in our final Ballroom Presentation Evening. From the students who danced, to the students who came and served supper and all family members who attended, it certainly was a great night and one that I am sure the students will remember fondly for years to come.
Term 3 Break
As this week concludes Term 3, I encourage all families to spend time reconnecting again. Take the time to do activities as a family, detox from electronic devices and enjoy the simple things, play that game of Monopoly, Uno or Guess Who. See who is the best ‘Just Dance’ dancer in the family. Remember, it's ok to have fun, reconnect and enjoy each others' company.
I share the following two links with you for activities that are on offer in and around Melbourne during the break that you might like to consider.
Term 4 sees a return to the summer uniform and I do ask that all families ensure that the summer uniform is ready to go from day one. I also ask for your support to ensure each student returns in Term 4 presenting as we would expect with regard to earrings, hair, make up, etc.
On behalf of the Year 10 Pastoral Team, I wish all Year 10 families a safe, restful and hopefully warm Term 3 break and we look forward to seeing all students returning on day one of Term 4. So, until our next newsletter, we hope that all Year 10 families will continue to discover their ‘excellence within’ by taking on new opportunities.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As the end of Term 3 draws to a close, we can look back and say what a term! It has definitely been an action-packed one, but I would personally like to thank and congratulate Year 8 students for their ongoing commitment to life at Our Lady of Sion College! The Homeroom teachers and I have been so impressed by their enthusiasm!
This week, we had a couple of exciting events; our Pastoral lesson incursion by Brainstorm Productions on Tuesday and Friendship Day on Wednesday.
Brainstorm Productions performed ‘The Hurting Game’, which is a live theatre experience that explores the skills we need to cope with life’s challenges and build meaningful connections.
It highlights the games we play to give ourselves a false sense of power and belonging, which can lead to anxiety, loneliness, and disconnection. It challenges students to think about how they treat themselves and others, both online and offline, and provides strategies for breaking unhealthy behaviour patterns. Issues such as (cyber)bullying, mental health and body image are unpacked in the post-performance Q&A and help-seeking information is provided.
This was followed up the following day with our Friendship Day. This day revolved around three sessions: Becoming a better friend to yourself, weaving a friendship and the power of words. They all touched on the idea that we and our friendships are constantly changing, and this is completely normal. They provided our students with the skills needed to be respectful towards each other and to be kind to themselves as well.
If any concerns were raised for your daughter, please contact their Homeroom teacher or myself. The following external supports are also available:
Congratulations to our Year 9 cohort on the success of their Ayin Suffragette Campaigns last Friday. Students collaborated in their class groups and combined their collective skills to create a political campaign inspired by the Australian suffragettes of the 19th century.
Taking influence from the likes of Vida Goldstein, Mary Lee, Louisa Lawson, and the countless others who secured the women of Australia the right to vote and stand for parliament, Year 9 students elected leaders, wrote speeches and developed campaign materials, including posters, jingles and ads, to present to the cohort.
Each class took turns to launch their individual campaigns with the aim to convince that they would best represent the rights, wants and needs of the cohort on issues affecting the women of Australia today.
By democratic, preferential voting, 9 Blue’s The Next Suffragettes were elected as winners of the campaign; congratulations to the class on their success.
Humanities – Sarah Chalmers, Learning Leader
Humanities News
Recently the Humanities Learning Area celebrated Humanities Week. Some of the highlights were the Business Management Sion Market Day and the Year 9 student’s participation in a Parliamentary Convention.
Sion Market Day
The market day stalls give students an idea of all the facets and requirements of starting and running a business if they are thinking about starting their own business. Through this, we discovered all of the steps to starting a business, and the challenges that come with it. Challenges such as manufacturing the products, minimising costs in order to make a profit and connecting to the target market effectively through marketing.Elise B (11 Red), Amelia I (11 Blue) and Frances T (11 White) from Zen small business
On market day, serving customers was challenging because it became very overwhelming with the amount of people looking to buy our goods. We learnt that starting a business is much harder than we anticipated, but rewarding. Making the products was enjoyable and seeing them sell out was gratifying as we all worked very hard in the creation of them. Erin K (11 White), Daisy S (11 Purple) and Megan S (11 White) from Hook’d on Hot Chocolate small business
We really enjoyed participating in this task, as we learnt many good hands on skills that gave us insight into how hard it is to operate a business. Through this experience we got to understand much of the content we learnt in class and were able to apply it in a real life situation. The Market Day Stall will definitely be a memory and experience that our group will remember.Jordyn W (11 Gold), Brina I (11 Blue), Rosemary K (11 Purple) and Chloe H (11 Purple) from Ringz N Thingz small business
The most enjoyable part of running our own business was working as a team and creating an interactive business that was successful and popular amongst the year levels. Throughout the process we each developed a sense of what it is like to establish a business and the challenges that come with it.Macey C (11 Purple), Ellexa (11 Gold) and Sophie B (11 White) from Clips and Co small business
Parliamentary Convention
The trip to Donvale Christian College was an exciting one, as we collaborated in teams with different students from various schools to create a debate regarding whether freedom of speech should be enshrined within the National Constitution. The day was dedicated to understanding this topic and preparing for the parliamentary vote. We listened to guest speaker, Kieth Wolahan, the Federal Liberal Party member for Menzies, who gave an insight on his opinion of debate, as well as other guest speakers working in the legal area who also shared their insight. The teams then presented their opinion on the debate through their selected team leader, in a formal manner that replicated what it is really like to speak in Parliament. Donvale Christian College catered for us so well and the excursion helped me learn how to form my opinion on this issue. Maddison McG (9 Red)
I was the leader of the Blue team. I delivered a speech and then was asked more questions than any other group leader. This taught me that I can keep my cool and answer the questions in a composed way. It was a good experience and it was really good to hear my teachers and friends congratulate me for the job I did in leading our team. Especially because we were the youngest students there on the day.Abbey D ( 9 White)
Year 10 Food by Design – Brooke Johnston, Food Studies Teacher
Year 10 Food Studies
The kitchen has been busy these past few weeks with Year 10s continuing on with their ‘Me-Too’ projects –creating their own versions of commercial products – and learning about the role that eggs play in everyday cooking.
Food by Design students made a commercial comparison of Tim Tams whilst the Food Styling class made light and airy sponges complete with jam and cream and learnt the technique of feathered icing.
Congratulations to our participating classes.
Science – Cassie Marsden, Learning Leader
This week we have had a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) visit Our Lady of Sion College , loaned to us from the University of Melbourne. A SEM scans the surface of specimens up to 10,000x magnification and gives a very detailed image of the microscopic world. Analysing the microscopic structure of objects we never see this close up, gives us a glimpse of a world we can’t see, yet exists in front us. We viewed, crystals, sea anemone shells, rose thorns, pollen, leaves, hair and different insects under high magnification.
It was very fascinating to look at the images an electron microscope can produce. Especially linking to our current topic, I was able to apply the knowledge learned in physics to explain what was happening in the microscope. Interesting to see the world in another light!Winnie W, 12 Purple
It was really amazing to be able to see such tiny objects with such sharp details. We got to look at the stamen of a flower, which was such a crazy thing. To see something that tiny so vividly was really unique. I'm really excited about what types of things that other students will explore with it and hearing about it. Abby F, 11 Red
AnemoneGarden soilSaltThorn
Health and Physical Education – Natalie Hall, Learning Leader
Year 11 Physical Education, Let’s Get Physical and Amazing Body Classes
This past week has been a very exciting week with Mr Rieusset’s Year 11 Unit 2 Physical Education, Year 10 Let’s Get Physical and Year 10 Amazing Body classes. Our Year 11 students have been learning about how policy changes can lead to supporting all community members to be more active. To see how policy changes can allow this to occur, we spent our practical period this week at the Box Hill Gardens and explored the different play spaces available for the community to use.
The Let’s Get Physical and Amazing Body classes experienced their first session at the Box Hill Hawks weights room. Here both classes had the opportunity to work with some of the fitness equipment that the current Hawthorn AFLW women's teams are using to increase their strength and conditioning.
All of these opportunities are a great example of the recent community partnerships that the school has in place to support the Physical Education program over the coming years with our building program commencing.
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Commissioning Concert – World Premiere
The Our Lady of Sion music program is back to making music in the way that music has always intended to be made: together! Earlier this week, the Senior Concert Band, under the direction of Mr Ryan Parks, performed the world premiere of the piece ‘rising’ commissioned by Sion and composed by young local composer Robert McIntyre – a piece with some interesting and thought-provoking themes about climate change and global temperatures. It was particularly significant that we were able to welcome back some former students from the class of 2021 to also perform this work as ‘rising’ was originally intended to be premiered in 2021. The commission was started with a desire to celebrate the students' dedication to the ensemble over the course of virtual rehearsing. The concert was also supported by our wonderful Silver award winning Intermediate Concert Band, under the direction of Mr Joel Dullard, and special guests for the evening were the Brass Ensemble from the University of Melbourne, Conservatorium of Music, led by Associate Professor, Dr Joel Brennan. What a great night of entertainment!
Celtic Fiddle Workshop
Students studying string instruments were treated to a special Celtic Fiddle incursion earlier this week with special guest presenter Ms Coral Reid. Celtic music is a tradition of music that evolved out of the folk music traditions of North-western Europe and Coral certainly presented to the music students some incredible techniques that are used in this fundamentally aural tradition. A lot of Celtic music is instrumental and is based on folk-dances; jigs, reels, airs and hornpipes. Instruments commonly played include the fiddle (violin), bagpipes, accordion, flute, whistle, mandolin and banjo. Coral took the girls through a series of exercises that focused on the stylistic conventions of Celtic music, techniques to help achieve this style and ways to assist with the memorisation of melodies.
CVE Perform at NCEC Conference Mass
The National Catholic Education Conference was held in Melbourne last week and our very own College Vocal Ensemble was excited to be asked to perform at the conference Mass, which was overseen by Archbishop Peter Comensoli, in the beautiful St Patrick’s Cathedral. It was a huge honour for the girls who performed along-side the primary school choir from Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Sunbury.
Auditions for CVE – Come Sing with the Best!
The College Vocal Ensemble (CVE) currently rehearse on Monday afternoons from 3.30 – 5.00 pm during term time. We are looking for students who have a high level of singing ability, can hold a part and love working as a group to audition. CVE sing at school events, liturgies, masses, and competitions (and we have loads of fun!)
Audition requirements:
Prepare a song of your own choice that shows off your range and voice
Record a video of yourself singing – you can use backing tracks or be unaccompanied
Email Mrs Jones at jjones@sion.catholic.edu.au for the link to the CVE Google Classroom and upload your audition video
If selected for the next round, you may be required for a live audition early in Term 4
Audition video due Date: Friday 7 October.
Year 7 Spring Concert – Save the Date
All Year 7 ensembles, small groups, and those Year 7s in Intermediate level ensembles will be performing at the annual Year 7 Spring Music Concert, to be held on Tuesday 15 November at 7.00 pm in the Louise Humann Centre.
Upcoming Music Department dates:
Intermediate Strings Performance Saturday 8 October 11.00 am, Holy Spirit Primary School Fete (Ringwood East)
Year 7 Spring Concert Tuesday 15 November 7.00 pm in the LHC
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
The end of the term is always busy and we have much to celebrate this term.
Book Week Celebrations
Our Book Week celebrations allowed students to vote for their favourite books in the Sion Book Battle, with Heartstopper by Alice Oseman being voted the top book for 2022. We surveyed students to find out their favourite books and then created an online Book Battle that students could participate in. There was a great deal of discussion about which book was shredded for our “Guess the book in the Jar” and not one person managed to guess the “Match the teacher to the book”. All the Bookmark Competition entries were uploaded onto the LRC display screen so that students could see the designs submitted. Congratulations to those students who won a prize during Book Week for participating in our various competitions.
Charging your Printing/Photocopy account
We have been phasing out the ability to add money to your Printing/Photocopying account via the LRC Service desk. Students will have to use Flexischools to add money to their account from the start of Term 4.
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge (VPRC)
We now have a total of 100students that have completed the Challenge for 2022 and a total of 4005verified books. What an effort!
Congratulations to the following students that have completed the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge since the last newsletter:
Year 7
Olivia O’H (7 Blue), Kaelyn F (7 Blue), Samantha B (7 Gold), Kayley C (7 Gold), Elli C ( 7 Gold), Asha Q (7 Gold), Sophie P (7 Gold), Zara D (7 Gold), Leticia G (7 Purple), Maddison R (7 Purple), Ashlee E (7 Silver), Jade S (7 Silver), Claire R (7 Red).
Year 8
Grace B (8 Blue), Charlotte K (8 Blue), Tiana K (8 Blue), Olivia P (8 Gold), Maya J (8 Gold), Alessia Di S (8 Purple), Anria A (8 Purple), Bani K (8 Purple), Aisha Mishra (8 Red), Ananya De S (8 Silver), Elana V (8 Silver), Olivia McD (8 Silver), Anika G (8 White), Olivia M (8 White), Jess M (8 White), Cassandra B (8 White), Matilda R (8 White), Stephanie K (8 White).
Year 9
Keira K (9 Gold), Macy C (9 Red), Meika V (9 Red), Sarah W (9 Silver), Madeline B (9 Silver), Pamela F (9 Silver(, Isla D (9 Silver), Mietta de S (9 Silver), Vailava L (9 Silver), Alison B (9 Silver), Jemima F (9 White), Gisele C (9 White), Chloe M (9 White).
Year 10
Sasha A (10 Blue), Claudia R (10 Blue), Kiera Di S (10 Gold),Emily O’R (10 Gold), Sameera K-K (10 Orange), Amy C (10 Purple), Tianna D (10 Silver), Alice H (10 Red), Sienna A (10 Red).
4th 7 Purple - 182 books 8 Silver - 178 books 9 Red - 127 books 5th 7 White - 119 books 8 Red - 165 books 9 Purple - 66 books 6th 7 Red - 87 books 8 Blue - 164 books 9 Blue - 63 books
VPRC 2022 Top Readers
Year 7 Violet D (7 Blue) - 53 Emily K (7 Gold) - 38 Cherie C (7 Purple) - 37 Sophie F (7 Silver) - 24 Shaelle L (7 Gold) - 23
Year 8 Holly Y (8 White) - 152 Anria A (8 Purple) - 46 Abbey G (8 Gold) - 38 Jayde B (8 White) - 37 Ava B (8 Gold) - 27
Year 9 Venus L (9 White) - 46 Chloe E (9 Silver) - 40 Pamela F (9 Silver) - 33 Sarah W (9 Silver) - 28 Natalie A (9 Silver) - 25
Year 10 Rose N (10 Orange) - 122 Sasha A (10 Blue) - 39 Alice H (10 Red) - 23 Sameera K (10 Orange)- 22 Emily O (10 Gold) - 17
Jennifer Tilley, House and Student Leadership Coordinator
On Tuesday 6 September, the College celebrated the last of its Feast Days for 2022 with Loreto Feast Day. The Loreto Captains greeted students at the gate in the morning and led prayer over the loud speaker. The College then came together to participate in lunchtime activities that were green themed to build connection to the House of Loreto. Congratulations to Georgia W (12 Gold) and Ariana C (12 Gold) for leading their House throughout the day.
As we look ahead, I would like to thank the Year 12 House Captains for their contributions to the House Program this year. Each Captain has brought a passion and enthusiasm to their role which has allowed us to facilitate events that build student connection to their House community. I look forward to announcing the House Cup Winners at the Investiture Assembly next term.
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
We need to accept that we don’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes. Understand that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.Arianna Huffington (Founder and CEO, Thrive Global)
Students and families can find the fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnightly Newsletter there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events: Deakin campus tours, RMIT – Get set to study at RMIT, Apprentice expo 2022
Career in the Spotlight: Architecture
Things to consider: Year 12 VTAC applications
Research ideas : Bachelor of Educational Studies, Monash University Elite Student performer schemes and University of Melbourne Elite Student Performer Schemes.
Sport – Monica Clarke, Head of Sport
We farewell the students into the holidays after a busy Term 3 of sport. Qualifying badminton, soccer and volleyball teams into finals. Additionally, track and field saw some of our athletes compete in finals evening which is the top 10 athletes in each year level in their respective events.
Year 7
Sophie F - 800m (5th)
Lara W - High Jump
Sylvie W - 80m Hurdles (5th)
Year 8
Erin M - 800m (1st) & 1500m (1st)
Zoe O - Triple Jump (10th) & Long Jump
Alexis L - 100m (9th), Long Jump (9th) & 4x100m
Maeve G - 80m Hurdles (6th) & 4x100m
Samantha O - 4x100m
Jessica P - Javelin & 4x100m
Year 9
Grace N - Shot Put (1st), Discus ()
Madeline B - Triple Jump (6th), Long Jump & 90m Hurdles (7th)
Natalie A - 400m (5th)
Year 11
Emily N - 100m (10th) and 400m (4th)
Sports Awards Evening
This week we also celebrated HPE/Sport week where students enjoyed a variety of physical activity. We celebrated our sporting achievements with the annual Sports Awards evening which included a Q&A with guest presenter Jemima Montag and we congratulated all the students who received awards as well as everyone who participated in sport this year. Some key awards included:
Carnival Champion - Olivia M (8 Silver)
Overall Sportswomen of the Year - Chloe T (9 White)
Year 7 Sportswomen of the Year - Sophie F (7 Silver)
Year 8 Sportswomen of the Year - Erin M (8 Purple)
Year 9 Sportswomen of the Year - Teagan M (9 Gold)
Year 10 Sportswomen of the Year - Alyssa G (10 Purple)
Year 11 Sportswomen of the Year - Ally L (11 Blue)
Year 12 Sportswomen of the Year - Sienna S (23 Red) and Mia M (12 White)
Throughout the week students participated in sport quizzes, staff verse student matches and morning activities. It was great to see the students physically active in a variety of ways.
GSV Volleyball Finals
Volleyball this semester was very fun and successful. Our three teams, Intermediate A, Junior A and Junior B all placing top of their division but sadly being knocked out in the first semi-final. Being part of the Intermediate team was a massive learning experience, we all learnt different skills and set ups to help us win and I’m sure Juniors were the same. We learnt all different skills like spiking, blocking and many others to help us get points and stop the other team from getting them. Having a huge help from our coaches Ms Bennett, Ms Teicher and all GSV assisting, really supported us to improve massively throughout the whole season. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this season happen!Maisy B (9 Purple) - Intermediate volleyball player
GSV Soccer Finals
On Wednesday 7 September, the Inter B Soccer Team headed off to Darebin Sports Centre for their semi finals. After 40 minutes of running around in the sun, the final score was 1-1 resulting in a draw against Sacré Cœur. Unfortunately we ended our soccer season in a sudden death penalty. The final score was Sion-2 and Sacré Cœur-3. On behalf of the team we would like to thank our coaches and staff for making it possible and thank you to all the girls for an amazing season.Lucy C and Isabella T (10 Purple) - Intermediate soccer players
GSV Badminton Finals
This term students in Years 9 and 10 were given the opportunity to participate in GSV Badminton after two years. During this period of time, we worked with partners to practise our skills, and learnt many different techniques to hit the shuttle. Students worked very hard each week to upskill and work on areas they were not confident in. Both A and B teams always played with dedication and always had that competitive spirit. Even though some games were tough and we were unable to win, the team continued to show perseverance and resilience. The B Team were able to participate and qualified in the semi finals where all teams won. We were fortunate enough to be able to make it to the finals and play our last game of the term. Although we weren’t able to win, our overall performance was extremely outstanding. Team B won out of their zone and ranked second out of all the zones! We are all very proud of ourselves and now know what is possible when hard work and dedication is achieved. A special thanks to Ms Frood who dedicated her time to learn and teach us what we needed to know for this season! Sameera K (10 Orange) - Intermediate badminton player
Athletes of the Week
Coming Up
Term 4 Week 1 Trial dates:
Parent News
College Psychologist – Vanessa Cheng
For many senior students, the Term 3 holidays are the unofficial beginning to the exam period. Following the GAT, VCE and VCAL students will be completing trial exams over the holidays. Year 10 and 11 students may also begin preparing for their end of semester exams. Even for younger students they may feel the impending stress of final assignments and tests.
Over the holidays when students do not have ready access support from teachers and staff at school, parents and carers can support their children through this busy period at home:
Set up a dedicated study space at home where they can study without distraction or disruption (e.g. a spare bedroom, a desk in their room, or closing the door if they are using the kitchen or dining table).
Assist your child to develop a study timetable and schedule, as without school routines they may find it difficult to manage/direct their own study.
Encourage them to use their social relationships and friendships to help with their study (e.g. organising a ‘study date’ with other parents or taking them to the library to study in a group).
If you notice your child becoming overly stressed or worried, encourage them to take a break to focus on their wellbeing for a bit. When they feel ready, support them to return to studying by focusing on small, achievable steps or goals.
Above all, encourage your child to schedule some enjoyable activities and relaxation time during the holidays too. This will support students’ emotional and mental wellbeing and allow them to return to school feeling well-rested and energised for the final term.
If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Homeroom teacher, their Wellbeing and Growth Leader, or the Counselling Team (counselling@sion.catholic.edu.au).
Parents' Association – Wrapping of the Roses volunteers needed
A wonderful Sion tradition will happen again this year after a two-year absence due to COVID –The Wrapping of the Roses. These roses, which have been grown from cuttings taken specifically from the Sion rose located in the garden at the front of the school, are to be presented to Year 12 students on their final day.
We are looking for volunteers.
If you are able to assist on Wednesday 12 October from 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm please email Caroline Athey at carolineathey02@gmail.com.
2022 Westfield Knox Local Hero
We are thrilled to share that Sophie A (11 Purple) has been awarded the 2022 Westfield Knox Local Hero winner! $20,000 will be awarded to Pinchapoo as a result to further their amazing work! Sophie, who lives with Down syndrome doesn’t let ANYTHING stand in her way contributing to and belonging in her community.
This prize is a true testament to the incredibly passionate and dedicated young woman Sophie is. Thank you all for your support! Congratulations Sophie!