Monday 29 November Year 9 Mind, Body, Soul Day Year 8 Camp (Monday to Wednesday)
Wednesday 1 December Year 9 City Experience
Thursday 2 December Afternoon of Excellence
Friday 3 December Years 7 – 9 final day (1 pm dismissal)
Thursday 16 December VCE results released
Friday 17 December College office closes
2022 Dates
Monday 24 January 2022 College office opens
Wednesday 2 February All students return
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Once again, the last fortnight has been a rich and exciting time for students and staff. While we know there are still many events to which we are looking forward to next week, in many ways this is a time of transition that heralds hope for the future as we draw closer to the conclusion of the 2021 academic year.
Firstly, congratulations to the Class of 2021 VCE students for completing their final external examinations with such commitment and positivity. We wish all our Year 12 students the very best as they now adjust to life post-secondary education and enjoy the next few weeks and months of celebration, time with family and friends, a resumption of the sporting and other opportunities they enjoy, and part time work. We look forward to formally celebrating with them and their parents and guardians at our Valedictory event that will be held in early 2022.
Congratulations also to our Year 10 and 11 students for completing their examinations with focus and an appreciation for the chance to develop their skills through this experience. Judging from my walk around the College last week, they were totally engaged in their SmartStart program which is designed to support them to have a positive start to their VCE and VCAL studies next year.
On Wednesday, we commissioned the 2022 College Captains who have had a very successful start to their leadership experience, supporting us with planning for next year and most importantly in the interview and selection process for the Year 8-11 portfolio roles. We see this as a very important aspect of student leadership at Our Lady of Sion College. As I often reflect with the senior students, leadership is much more than receiving a badge. We encourage them to actively engage with the leadership of the College by providing them with a voice in this decision-making process.
Another important transition this week involved our 2022 Year 7 students and their families. We hope they experienced a very warm welcome to Our Lady of Sion College through our Information Evening Webinars, Sion One Day and Orientation Day. I hope these key events support a very positive start to their journey over the next six years at our school.
It gives me great pleasure to share with our community the Positions of Leadership for the next three years. I sincerely thank the staff who have offered themselves in the service of our school.
Positions of Leadership 2022 – 2024
Staff member
Director of College Organisation
Bernadette Anderson
Senior Learning Leader
Dale Hunter
Learning Enhancement Leader
Nicole Flynn-Jones
Director of Pastoral Care
Paul Kerr
Years 7 to 10 Discovery Learning Leader
Rebecca Bennett
Year 7 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Stephanie Jones
Year 8 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Chris Wilkes
Year 9 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Jordyn Frood
Year 10 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Adam Rieusset
Year 11 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Beth Amos
Year 12 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Leanne Anderson
English Learning Leader
Amy Beale
Mathematics Learning Leader
Libby Kempton
Science Learning Leader
Cassie Marsden
Humanities Learning Leader
Sarah Chalmers
Religious Education Learning Leader
Anna Gionfriddo
Languages Learning Leader
Gail Amato
Health and Physical Education Learning Leader
Natalie Hall
Arts Learning Leader
Natasha Borg
Technologies Learning Leader
Anna Crow
Head of Sport
Monica Clarke
Head of Music
Martin Macaulay
Daily Organiser
Lynette Stancombe
SEQTA Co-ordinator
Heather Stewart
House and Student Leadership Co-ordinator
Jennifer Tilley
Literacy Co-ordinator
Laura Geilings
Social Justice Co-ordinator
Lucy Miotello
Finally, we have all experienced ongoing transitions over the course of 2021 and in some ways, it has become natural and very human to reflect on what we have missed. Change also provides for new learnings and insights, and most importantly it can help us to recommit to the values we uphold, especially in times of adversity. The essential element that sustains us during times of change is hope, not only the optimism that things will improve but the deeper recognition that the true meaning of life transcends the material things we enjoy and resides in the relationships we form with ourselves, with others and with the divine. It can be an unsettling period, but the faith traditions of our school can support us at this time.
This coming Sunday is the commencement of Advent, a time of remembering the birth of Jesus, and in the Catholic tradition, it is also a time of the anticipation of Christ’s return. In fact, Pope Francis describes it as a time of 'a continuous call to hope'. The four candles which are lit on the Sundays of Advent allow us to focus on four elements of this time: Week 1: Hope, Week 2: Waiting; Week 3: Joy and Week 4: Love. One way of looking at this transition is the journey from Hope to Love; the hope for and then fulfilment of God’s love for all people. What a wonderful thing to be a part of this experience!
I offer our students, staff and all families my prayerful support and best wishes for this special time of the year. I thank you for all the contributions you have made to the learning and wellbeing of our students. May God bless you and your family as we all prepare for what I hope will be a very happy Christmas and a restful and relaxing summer vacation, and we pray that 2022 will herald a new and hope-filled beginning.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
Sion Day
It was back in August when we were supposed to celebrate Sion Day. We traditionally begin with celebrating a Mass together, then there’s a Carnival before our House Performing Arts event. It’s usually such a great day. However, the past two years of COVID-19 have forced so many postponements and cancellations. August came and went and lockdowns meant no Sion Day. We pushed it back and back and back. Finally, we had to make a decision. Cancel Sion Day seemed the best and most rational decision to make. We couldn’t sing, we couldn’t dance, we couldn’t gather all together as a school - we could hardly do a thing .. so why don’t we just cancel?
Because we’re Sionian!!!
We celebrated Sion Day last Friday - in the midst of this pandemic. We said it wasn’t about us but that it was about a very small faith community called the San Luis Lumad Community High School in the Philippines - an indigenous community that has next to nothing. The Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, who have, for so long, inspired this world with their care for others, brought us to know this community and inspired us to raise funds to support them.
Fr Mark Reynolds, our College Chaplain reflected with us: 'We meet truth as we encounter the life of Jesus. A life that brought compassion, mercy, love, warmth, inclusion, peace and so on. These are the truths that our world so desperately needs to experience. We are the ones who are invited to be the bearers of the truth. So that we need to be the ones who challenge the world around us, a world that thinks that truth lies elsewhere, so often in selfishness, thirst for power and control, in the accumulation of possessions and wealth. We need to live out our College motto each and every day. We need to speak the truth, yes, but always in love. But we can only do this if we 'see as God sees.'
Below I share with you some reflections that some of our students shared with me from Sion Day. We will continue to do what we do.
On Friday 19 November, I participated in Sion Day. There were things such as McFlurry stalls, market stalls, sausage sizzles and Open Mic. As the Social Justice captain, I was in charge of running the McFlurry stall. I helped serve and handle the cash. Sion Day is a fundraising opportunity to assist the San Luis Lumad High School in the Philippines. All the funds go towards new school supplies for the kids who are less fortunate than us. At the start of the day, we all participated in a Eucharist together. After that, we then had time to walk around the school and engage in many activities. I had a go at the coin slide, but sadly, I didn’t win anything. All I really cared about though was that I was helping raise money for the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion. Samantha O, 7 Red
On Sion Day, Friday 19 November, we started the day with a whole school Mass to begin the day of celebrations. We then went back into our Homerooms and separated into our House colours. In our House groups, we participated in a whole school Kahoot! that was based on eight different themes. After that, everyone made their way onto the oval and collected their sausage and drink. There was an Open Mic with some magnificent singers participating in it. The day concluded at 1 pm and we all had a wonderful time. Erika P, 7 Red
Last Friday, 19 November, was Sion Day and I had lots of fun. The day started with a Mass and then we participated in a House Kahoot! Then we were able to go outside and get some food and listen to people sing which was really nice as lots of our students are really good singers. I enjoyed being able to hang out with my friends all day and wear casual clothes. I also enjoyed the Open Mic singing and finishing early. Overall, it was a great day. Maya R, 7 Red
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
There is an ironic energy to the final days of classes within a school. As we wind down towards the Christmas break, there is also a renewed excitement and spurt of energy. In the last week, I have been fortunate to be present for final assessments, exam feedback sessions, excursion, incursion and camp planning, all while teachers are finalising reports and making judgements about the courses for 2022.
The VCAA exams finished exceptionally well and the general consensus was that the papers were fair and the students well prepared. Now is the waiting game for the Year 12 students as they await their results, and ultimately their tertiary offers. All of the students should be commended for their approach to their studies, two years of alternating learning approaches did not deter this cohort of students and we are looking forward to celebrating with them at the Valedictory Dinner in 2022.
Moreover, the 2021 Year 12 students have modelled very positive learner behaviour for the Years 11 and 10 students, both year levels undertaking school-based exams and assessments in a very mature way, practising and applying skills that will hold them in good stead. As we said goodbye to these students in the Investiture and Academic Awards ceremony, the whole community was heartened by the support they showed each other in their academic successes, and we look forward to the new student leaders taking their place at the table in 2022.
The Years 7, 8 and 9 students are in full project swing as they prepare for a very busy final week. At any time, students can be seen up at the boards in classrooms, leaning over poster papers in small groups, creating and filming plays and skits on their iPads. It will be a pleasure to lead this group of students on their final day with their Academic Assembly and showcase for them what it means to be a learner at Sion.
The Afternoon of Excellence will be another triumph of the Sion community as it once again showcases the collective power of the group to make positive changes in the world, big or small. The Colours program reminds us that we can all be excellent in a manner that fits with us.
I hope that the Christmas and January period restores and enlivens everybody as we spend time with our families, our faith and ourselves.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Not the Lion King but still a circle of life
On Friday, the College along with the Senior Student Leaders, welcomed a new cohort of students to our community at the Year 7, 2022 Orientation Day. It was wonderful to see all the interested faces of students and their confidence grow as they took part in a number of activities that allowed them to have a ‘taster’ of what life at Sion is like for our students. Our Senior Student and Peer Support Leaders went out of their way to help the girls feel a part of the community from the beginning.
The Masters of Ceremony for the afternoon assembly were our two College Captains Alannah and Chelsea, and they led the eager audience through presentations from students showcasing some of the opportunities that are offered at the College as well as tips on how to manage transition. Drama, Visual Art, Music, Sport and Liturgy Captains spoke about what their areas have to offer new students. Unanimously, the message was, ‘Embrace Life at Sion’, though it may have been delivered as '...give everything a go as it is a great way to build skills, share talents and make new friends.'
As the year concludes, the Year 8 cohort also head off next week to a long-awaited camp at Lake Dewar Lodge. A great deal of time and effort has been put into the organisation of the camp with every effort being made to try and ensure that students have been placed with some of their friends. Inevitably, there are always some disappointments. This is an ideal example of where parents can help to develop resilience by encouraging their daughter to embrace the camp program.
Camp is a wonderful chance for the girls to experience new things, set challenging yet achievable goals, develop new friendships and make connections after being at home for so long this year. It is an opportunity for students to develop some approaches and habits that encourage resilience including positive attitudes and emotions, feelings of competence, development of social skills and physical health.
I would like to encourage every Year 8 student to embrace the opportunities available to them and wish them and the staff a safe and enjoyable camp.
As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank the College's wonderful Pastoral Care team. They are a remarkably hard-working and professional team who have ensured the wellbeing of students remains at the centre of our work.
I sincerely wish our families a very safe and restful Christmas break.
In Remembrance
Our particular thoughts and prayers go to College Receptionist, Mrs Julia Rapp, following the passing of her father-in-law in the US, and to our staff member Ms Kerry Wilson whose partner passed away. Also, to Mrs Lynne Shaw whose mother-in-law passed away, and to Ms Sofia Stagnitta whose uncle passed away.
We remember the families of Mrs Rapp, Ms Wilson, Mrs Shaw and Ms Stagnitta in a special way at this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace,
Year Level News
Year 12 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
On behalf of the Year 12 Pastoral Team, Ms Anna Gionfriddo, Ms Cara Callum, Ms Tricia Smith, Ms Ellie Van Der Westhuizen, Mr Michael Hein, Mr Rob Steward, Ms Dale Hunter, Mrs Brooke O’Hara, Mr John McInerney and I, congratulations to all families on the completion of the final examination period. Although the students are at the centre of all that we do, the Year 12 journey is one experienced by all members of the family and the sense of pride, relief and joy that the final examination would have created, no doubt resonated right throughout the family unit.
Congratulations to you all and for all that your daughter(s) accomplished throughout this year. As a family, you have every right to celebrate in this success.
Although still a little time away, on Thursday 16 December, Year 12 results will be released, and whilst the waiting can be challenging with the sense of expectation, it is important to keep these results in perspective. They are reflective of all the work that has been done throughout the year on all SACs, folios, units of competence and of course the VCAA exams.
These results will certainly help with the transition from secondary into a tertiary environment (be that Uni, TAFE or other providers), apprenticeship or other desired pathways. However, they will not define the person you will become. They do not identify all the natural skills and talents that you possess and will continue to develop.
When these results become available, ensure that you:
look at them, don’t hide away and not look, make sure you look at them (might sound funny)
tell your parents and those who have helped you throughout this year, no matter the results; these people will continue to help and support you on results day
if you think you need help, make contact; that help might be for many reasons, but make sure you actively seek out this help as there are many support networks available to you with school obviously being one of them
look at the order of your preferences; now you have your results you can do lots of really good, strategic work around your preference and what your next step looks like
Finally, hug those who have supported you and be proud that your best was good enough.
As this is our last opportunity as a Pastoral Team to communicate to you all, we would like to thank all Year 12 families for your continued support and encouragement throughout the year. Thank you for your resilience, passion and understanding, and finally, thank you for being willing to work and journey with us throughout 2021.
We wish you all a safe and enjoyable Christmas and look forward to catching up as a community when we hold the 2021 Valedictory celebration in 2022.
On behalf of all of the Year 12 Pastoral Team, stay safe, be proud and always push your boundaries each and every day.
Year 11 – Jessica Baddeley, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Year 11 Final Day
This week, we celebrated the year that was; a year full of challenges, surprises, achievements, disappointments and everything in between.
It was a warm, positive and nurturing atmosphere in the Year 11 space on their final day as we came together to enjoy each other’s company one last time (before the big dance that is 2022). There were exchanges of gifts, sharing of food and an abundance of love all day. It was such a wonderful way to finish our year together.
The Year 11s are truly inspiring and have so much to look forward to in their final year of school next year. I am extremely proud of each student for all they have, and will, achieve.
Thank you to our Homeroom Teachers, without whom we would not have had such a supportive and compassionate environment to continue to grow and learn.
Congratulations to our Year 11 Class of 2021!
In the wise words of our year level artist: 'I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.'
Year 10 – Paul Kerr, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Examinations and SmartStart
This last fortnight has seen the end of the examinations and SmartStart begin. The students have been very impressive in their approach to both of these important elements of the Year 10 program. The examinations ran incredibly smoothly with the girls being punctual and well aware of procedures and expectations. This is a direct result of the cooperation of the students during this time and has given them an examination experience prior to Year 11.
SmartStart is a great opportunity for our Year 10 students who are effectively in Year 11 now. They have ended the year soundly, which is a credit to them and they are ready for the challenges of Year 11 in 2022.
Final Week
As I reflect on the year that was, it has certainly been full of challenges, but it has also been a year of opportunities where we have managed to celebrate many successes.
I would like to thank our Year 10 parents and guardians for your partnership this year, in particular, your support during Online Home Learning and throughout the many transitions back to school. I wish you and your family a safe and relaxed Christmas.
Year 9 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As the year draws to a close, I would like to congratulate all of our Year 9 students for their wonderful efforts throughout the year. Despite the challenges, it has been a privilege to witness the growth in each of them.
This week one of our Year 9 students Molly B participated in the Virtual Indigenous Science Program organised by the University of Melbourne. This online program provides Indigenous students in Years 9 and 10 with the opportunity to immerse themselves in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in a culturally supportive and responsive space. Congratulations to Molly for taking up this opportunity.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank our Year 9 Leaders for 2021 who have been so willing to participate and lead their peers in a range of activities. It has not been an easy job but they have been creative and have shown initiative in supporting one another throughout the year.
Leadership Position
SRC Leaders
Georgie B and Sienna A
9 Blue Homeroom Leaders
Bianca D and Holly D
9 Gold Homeroom Leaders
Sameera K-K and Tia M
9 Orange Homeroom Leaders
Isabella P and Isabella T
9 Purple Homeroom Leaders
Nat B and Lillie D
9 Red Homeroom Leaders
Liv G and Hannah T
9 Silver Homeroom Leaders
Hanna H and Cara R
9 White Homeroom Leaders
Summer H and Tess D
Liturgy Leaders
Cathy v R and Alyssa G
Social Justice Leaders
Paige H and Michelle Y
Drama Leaders
Severine C and Teghan V d B
Environment Leader
Anna Sawatski
Music Leaders
Emma Gorry and Elizabeth C
Sport Leaders
Ally C and Bianca M
Visual Arts Leaders
Abbey M and Niki B
Carmel House Leaders
Maddie S and Kiara S
Fatima House Leaders
Bethany S and Hayley M
Lourdes House Leaders
Abigail Hilson and Chloe K
Loreto House Leaders
Pippa L and Stephanie C
As you are aware we have some enjoyable activities planned for next week including our Mind, Body, Soul Day on Monday 29 November and City Experience on Wednesday 31 November. If you have any queries regarding these events, please don’t hesitate to contact Rebecca Bennett or myself. I hope these experiences provide students with the opportunity to truly celebrate the end of another school year.
Year 8 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Congratulations Year 8s on a wonderful year of growth, not only within yourselves but as a cohort and we still have our Year 8 school camp to look forward to next week!
I have seen you embrace our theme, OHANA ‘Family’ and you should be very proud of all you have achieved this year, especially under difficult circumstances.
You have been involved in and achieved so much and your participation and ability to adapt online was admirable.
There was Friendship Day, Retreat Day, Sion Day, Carnivals, Feast Days, Girl to Girl Program, Brainstorm Productions, The Generosity Collective, Gift Giving, Christmas Hampers, Camp, the building of new friendships and the creation of many new fantastic memories. We also had students engaged in some impressive cooking during Online Home Learning in Food Studies class, and some beautiful art projects were completed throughout the year, including a recent lino cutting task.
It has been a privilege being your Wellbeing and Growth Leader this year and I hope you all look forward to what’s to come in 2022 as a Year 9 student.
I couldn’t go without announcing the final amount raised for The Generosity Collective. Even throughout Online Home Learning, the generosity and level of participation were fantastic. I am so proud to announce that the Year 8 cohort raised an amazing $1,057.75 and this will go such a long way to supporting those in need.
Thank you to the parents and guardians who have supported the Year 8s this year. You have been an integral element of their Year 8 journey. I would like to wish you, and the Year 8s, a magical Christmas season and a very happy and joyous new year.
Year 7 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
What a crazy year 2021 has been! As it comes to a close, it is hard to believe that the nervous, shy students who began Year 7 at the beginning of this year are now almost Year 8 students. It is so wonderful to see how far they have come since their first day at the College. It has been amazing to see the Year 7s blossom, especially given all of the uncertainty they faced. Throughout the year, they have taken hold of the many opportunities provided to them both onsite and online, and thrown themselves whole-heartedly into activities, demonstrating all that it means to be a Daughter of Sion.
Throughout their first year at Sion, a number of students have applied for various leadership positions. Thank you to all students who nominated for these positions and congratulations to the following Year 7 students for all of their efforts in serving as SRC, Portfolio and House Representatives. You have brought great enthusiasm to the role and should be very proud of yourselves.
Leaders throughout the year:
Bani K and Olivia P
Sophie K-S and Cecilia B
Social Justice
Samantha O’D and Anria A
Alice H and Sarita T
Zara T and Alannah B
Alexandra B and Chiara M
Olivia O’F and Athena H
Jessica P and Zara O
Visual Arts
Tiana K and Maya L
Carmel Olivia McD and Aurelia H
Ella S and Akybe M
Lily D and Abbey G
Elody D and Zahra N
Blue Mietta A and Chiara G
Ebony S and Cilla S
Ananya D S and Isabelle T
Ava M and Charlotte M
Elizabeth B and Mietta G
Asmira A and Siena F
Thank you, Year 7s for a wonderful year. As your Wellbeing and Growth Leader, it has been a pleasure to work with you all. I wish you and your families a happy and safe Christmas holidays. Best wishes for 2022!
Learning Area News
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
Sion Learning Resource Centre
It has been lovely seeing students again in the Learning Resource Centre after such a disruptive year. Despite the online environment offering us opportunities to do things differently, especially with clubs like the Sion Writers Club, it is the casual discussions about reading, researching and learning that we have certainly missed.
We have had a surge in book borrowing as the summertime borrowing period has commenced. Students can borrow as many physical books as they would like for their summer break, so long as they do not have any overdue books.
The due date for summertime borrowing is Wednesday 9 February, 2022. After this date, books borrowed over the summer break will be classed as overdue and students will not be able to borrow any more physical books.
Overdue books
Students with overdue books have been approached in the last week to pay for or replace the book that they might have lost. Ms Branson has given students several opportunities to resolve their overdue items on the system.
We would love to start 2022 with a blank slate with no 'overdue books' in the system. If you have any concerns about overdue books, please call Ms Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services on the school number.
Pop-Up Library
Ms Lawson has been zooming around the College with her trolley of books, visiting classes with a Pop-up Library. The trolley can carry 100 novels and for each class the LRC Team has been choosing books based on the previous borrowing data of that class and also the year level.
Students have been encouraged to borrow a handful of books over the break and to engage the 'three chapters or 100 pages' rule when deciding whether to give up on a book or not.
Looking forward to 2022
We wish all the students a very relaxing summer break and hope that they find a book that they fall in love with, and tell us all about it next year. When we return in 2022, we will celebrate Library Lovers' Day on Monday 14 February, 2022.
Arts – Natasha Borg, Learning Leader
What a year it has been for us all! In the latest Visual Arts competition, we provided students with an opportunity to reflect on this past year and to offer viewers a window into the year that was 2021. Please find below some of the outstanding entries. It has been great to see students participating in this competition, earning themselves Visual Arts points which will contribute to College Colours in 2022.
Our next opportunity for students to get involved is the College’s Annual Sion Young Archie’s portraiture competition. This competition presents students in Years 7-12 with an opportunity to have their work exhibited at the College and considered for display in the Gallery of NSW if the work is selected. This competition invites students to create a portrait of someone who is special to them – someone who is known to them and who knows them and plays a significant role in their life. Please find below the pictures of our Top 10 entries from 2021 which were sent to the Gallery of NSW for consideration for their Young Archie’s showcase as part of the annual Archibald Prize exhibition. As one of our most popular competitions, we look forward to receiving the students portraits and seeing all the effort they have put in to complete this over the Christmas/New Year period. Entries close February 25.
By Emily W, 9 BlueBy Layla N, 7 BlueBy Maya L, 7 BlueBy Mieke V, 9 GoldBy Sareana B, 10 WhiteBy Severine C, 9 RedBy Tayla M, 7 PurpleBy Tobey S, 11 BlueBy Zaneta S, 9 PurpleBy Demi A, 12 Red
The final week will be an exciting conclusion to the school year for our Year 9 students. On Monday they will spend the day participating in a range of workshops focusing on techniques and activities that will build their capacities to nurture their minds, bodies and souls. This will include activities like Mindfulness, Zumba, Yoga, African Drumming, Healthy Baking, Pilates and more.
To follow this up, on Wednesday, the year level will once again join together for a day of activities, this time in the CBD for their City Experience Day. Students and staff will travel from the College into the city where students will undertake the Race Around the City Program. This will see students in groups of three to six navigating their way independently around the CBD to complete questions and challenges that will see them explore the history, culture and layout of Melbourne. They will need to make their way to five different checkpoints where staff will be waiting for them throughout the day. Families are reminded that students will need to have a valid Myki card to travel into the city, a charged mobile phone and may choose to bring some money to purchase food and drinks if they wish. For the City Experience Day, students are also required to wear their PE uniforms, including hats, and may choose to use either the College school or sports bag.
The Year 9 Homeroom and Ayin teams look forward to sharing these days with the students and are sure it will contribute to a positive finish to what has been a great year in Ayin.
Religious Education – Anna Gionfriddo, Learning Leader
It is hard to believe that we have arrived at the end of Term 4 with students from Years 10 and 11 already finished for the year.
The students in Years 7-9 are completing their work for Term 4 which has allowed them to embrace opportunities to continue to make connections with our College theme See as God Sees as they study the scriptures, enter into dialogue and reflect and pray.
The nature of prayer in the Christian tradition has been the focus for the Year 7 students this term. They have been introduced to a range of prayer styles which has included prayer through Scripture and the Rosary and have had the opportunity to write their own prayers and reflections.
The Year 8 students have studied the lives of some contemporary Christians who have interacted with Jesus in a personal way and have been inspired by his words and actions, as well as the importance of justice for all to effect change in their lives and the world.
Through the concept, Made in the Image of God, the students in Year 9 have explored types of human relationships and there has been much rich discussion about the nature of a good relationship that reflects an appreciation of each person’s inherent dignity.
Congratulations to all students for their efforts in Religious Education throughout what has been a rather challenging year, and thank you to all of our departmental staff for their continued dedication and passion for Religious Education.
Wishing all families a very happy and safe Christmas.
Languages – Gail Amato, Learning Leader
We have come to the end of 2021 and once again this year, some of the incredible language opportunities that would have been available to our students were cancelled as a result of the pandemic. In spite of this, our students have demonstrated significant maturity, flexibility and creativity in their language studies. In particular, they have demonstrated excellent self-management during Online Home Learning and great resilience as they returned to onsite learning in Term 4.
We were fortunate to have been able to hold Languages Week in April, before the extended lockdown. This was a highlight of the year for our students, during which they enjoyed Italian, French and Chinese food and films, and a number of incursions, competitions and language related activities.
Thank you to all of the Languages staff who have made an invaluable contribution to what has been a challenging yet successful year. We would also like to thank our Principal, Mrs Apostolopoulos, and the Leadership Team for their ongoing support. Finally, we would like to thank our students for their passion for learning languages, and in particular, wish our Year 12 students all of the very best for their upcoming results and future endeavours.
A very merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year to all!
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Australian Music Examinations Board External video submissions
We have 35 students busily preparing video recordings for their AMEB external instrumental and vocal examinations. As we near the submission time for the AMEB repertoire video exams, it is important to review how the performance needs to be captured to fulfil requirements set by AMEB Victoria. Key information is on the AMEB Victoria website. Please view the ‘Guide to recording a video performance’ here.
The exam video needs to be in one continuous take
Please frame the video so you and your instrument are in the shot
To start the recording, adapt this script: 'My name is (insert name). Today is the (insert date) and I am presenting for an examination in Trombone, Grade 1. My first piece is (insert title)'
Each subsequent work should also be announced, e.g., 'I will now play (insert title)'
A short break in between pieces is fine. It can be helpful to plan for this – e.g. set up the next pre-recorded backing track, take a sip of water, turn the page to the next piece, empty water from the instrument. No need to rush.
Do not pause the video in between pieces – it must be recorded in one take.
Wear your school uniform
Share the final video with your teacher by dropping it into the school Drive.
Sion First 2021 Graduation
Congratulations to the 2021 Sion First Music Program graduates in both the String Ensemble and Concert Band who completed the program last week. Highlights of the year were:
debut concert performance in May
remote recordings of ‘Barrier Reef’, ‘Freedom’s Road’ and ‘Ritual Dance’
using the collaborative SoundTrap digital audio workstation to compose soundscapes based on the piece ‘A Little Matrix Music’
getting together onsite at Sion for the final two sessions of the year
making a bunch of new friends.
Sion Day Music performances
I would like to congratulate the members of CVE who prepared pre-recorded material for the Sion Day mass and 2022 Music Captain Natalie K-S (11S), Chelsea L (11W) and Rebecca T (11W) who performed songs that were live-streamed to the various locations around the school. It was tremendous to get back to performing live again as we also had a cohort of singers who performed at the Sion Day Open Mic. The Notre Dame deck and oval were buzzing with some fantastic vocal renditions.
Instrumental Music 2022
Applications are now open and being accepted for Instrumental Music lessons in 2022. All of the details including fees and instrument hire charges are available in the official brochure which is available on the College website here. Confirmation of enrolment needs to be completed by using this link. Please note that charges will be applied to your College fees statement in early 2022. Please address any enquiries to the Head of Music:
Jazz Club – a message from Mr Ryan Parks
As the school year is coming to an end, many of us are trying to make the best of what time we have left in a more normal setting. Though many are excited for the much-anticipated summer holiday, we also feel a desire to make up for the time we may have lost in certain activities due to Online Home Learning. There are few activities where this feeling of dissonance is more prevalent than in ensemble music-making. For the entirety of Online Home Learning, ensembles did the best we could to stay connected and make music with each other. Sadly, there is no substitute for being in the same room as one another.
With the easing of restrictions, we have been taking advantage of these precious few rehearsal opportunities to introduce new members to the groups, refresh ourselves in the procedures of ensemble music-making, and most importantly just having some fun! The Jazz Club was a superb example of the commitment and artistry of Sionian musicians. At the recommencement of rehearsals, the group welcomed several new members who had been identified as students who achieved a high level of growth during the year and who would make crucial members of the developing ensemble. Many of these students are finishing up Year 7 and have never had an ensemble experience due to Online Home Learning! Regardless, those students attended rehearsals with instruments in hand and eagerness in their hearts. Returning members of the group were sure to make them feel welcome and comfortable to participate, make mistakes, and grow.
By the time rehearsals started, there were only three rehearsal periods remaining for the school year, and only 20 minutes each. With welcoming new members, the significant time off, and the time restrictions to our rehearsals, playing a tune or two and setting up good habits for the 2022 school year would have been a great accomplishment. Despite all these factors, the students of the Jazz Club showed their passion and how much live performance is an important part of their lives. In only three 20-minute sessions, the Jazz Club was able to learn an entire chart from start to finish. Though we are unable to perform it for a live audience, recording it in person was certainly better than at home!
Social Justice Co-ordinators – Lucy Miotello and Alice Dawes
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Thank you to our Sion community for making our Vinnies Christmas Appeal such a success. We had a number of hampers filled with generously donated non-perishable food and toiletry items. These items will help numerous families within the Box Hill community who otherwise would struggle through this Christmas period. These hampers were received with gratitude by St Vincent De Paul Society.
Sion Day
This year the Social Justice team ran two stalls on Sion Day, the ever-popular Sion Flurry and a market stall. Thank you to the Humanities department who kindly donated all the items sold at our market stall. The Social Justice representatives all did an amazing job manning the stalls and raising much-needed funds for the San Luis Lumad School in the Philippines.
Finally, thank you to the Social Justice leaders of 2021. Despite the circumstances we found ourselves in, you have worked as a team to raise awareness and fundraise for the many initiatives and organisations that Our Lady of Sion College supports.
We hope you all have a joyful Christmas and restful break. We look forward to 2022 and continuing the great work of the Social Justice team.
House and Student Leadership Co-ordinator – Francis Nguyen
A very successful year on the 2021 House calendar came to a close, with our final House event being held on Sion Day. A whole school Kahoot! (Trivia) Competition brought us all together to compete one last time with an eight part, 100 question quiz, which was divided into the following categories: Fame, Music, Movies, Memories, Crack the Code, Earth, Australia and Staff at Sion. Students worked collaboratively as they competed in their House groups. Well done to all Fatima students for your collective effort in being the champions of the House Trivia competition. Congratulations to Loreto House for taking out the 2021 House Cup!
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the leadership of Mr McInerney and Mrs Day on the day, along with all staff who kindly offered to share some very interesting facts about themselves - I definitely learnt a few new facts about my colleagues. In addition, I would like to thank the 2022 House Captains for their assistance and enthusiasm with hosting the Kahoot!, along with creating the questions themselves.
I would finally like to wish you all a restful summer break and a happy new year, as we once again look forward to another eventful House calendar in 2022.
Sport – Katrina Gurciullo, Head of Sport, and Liam Cox, Sports Administrator
Homeroom Competitions
It has been fantastic to see all Year 7, 8 and 9 Homerooms compete with such spirit and enthusiasm throughout the Homeroom competitions. Well done to everyone involved and for bringing so much energy to every game!
Year 7 Netball Grand Final: 7 Red (11) defeated 7 Purple (4) – MVP Samantha O (7 Red)
Year 8 Kickball Grand Final: 8 Red (13) defeated 8 White (12) – MVP Aleisha D (8 Red)
Year 9 Volleyball Grand Final: Winner to be announced next week!
2022 Term 1 GSV Trials
Trials for Term 1 Indoor Cricket, Softball and Tennis teams have been taking place over the past few weeks. A big thank you to all staff/coaches and students that assisted with the sessions.
Please keep an eye out for information regarding our Swimming and Diving program set to commence the first week of Term 1, 2022.
GSV Morning Workouts
We would like to thank the community of students who have regularly attended the GSV Morning Workout sessions (both online and in person) striving to better themselves and motivate others around them to do the same. We adapted to the challenges of lockdown, stayed connected and active within our community and are now excited to build on our strong position in 2022!
Thank you
It has been an absolute pleasure and honour to lead the Sports program at the College during the last nine years. I would like to thank all students, staff and parents who have participated in and supported us during this time, particularly the Health and PE department and Sport Administrator, Liam Cox. The program is in excellent hands and I look forward to seeing the great heights the College can reach in the future. Wishing you all a safe and restful Christmas and holiday break. Go Sion!
Parent News
College Psychologist – Sofia Stagnitta
The end of the school year has come around quickly! This last semester may have been a lot for some of our young people, and I am sure they are looking forward to a rest. Please see below some information and advice for the holiday period.
Headspace suggests six ideas for parents to support a young person’s mental health and wellbeing in the holidays:
1. Encourage them to stay connected
2. Encourage them to stay involved
3. Encourage physical activity
4. Encourage a regular routine
5. Encourage healthy eating habits
6. Encourage play and fun!
For further information about this, please click here or see the factsheet below.
This video by Michael Carr-Gregg on Surviving Christmas is also worth watching.
I also wanted to provide details of organisations to contact should support be needed over the break. Although Christmas can be a wonderful and relaxing time for families, it can also be a time of great stress, especially given the year we have had. If you feel like you or your family are struggling over this time, please contact the following services:
beyondblue – 1300 224 636; 24 hour information and support line, daily webchat from 3 pm-midnight and online email service
Parentline – 13 22 89; telephone counselling and support to parents in Victoria available 8 am-midnight every day
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800; 24 hour counselling and support line for young people aged 5-25, various webchat hours and email service
headspace – range of counselling and support services available
eheadspace – 1800 650 890 or; phone and online support for young people and their parents
CYMHS Box Hill - 1300 721 927 should you need immediate support over the break. Specialist mental health service for children and young people up to the age of 25 years who are displaying symptoms of psychiatric disorder or severe emotional and behavioural disturbance.
If you require any face-to-face to telehealth referrals please contact us directly.
If you are concerned about support over the holiday break, please contact the Counselling Team before 9 December and we can discuss this further – 9890 9097 or
On a personal note, I would like to let you know that I will be commencing parental leave before the students return to school next year. My replacement will be introduced in a newsletter early next year, but for now it is farewell and take care from me – Sofia.
Wishing everyone a safe and restful break over the summer holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Sofia, Janine and Vanessa – College Counselling Service