Monday 25 July Maths Week begins Year 8 Medieval Day
Tuesday 26 July Years 9 – 12 2023 Web Preferences Open 4.00 pm Year 11 (current Year 10) 2023 interviews 9 am – 7.00 pm
Wednesday 27 July Year 11 (current Year 10) 2023 interviews 9 am – 1.00 pm Victorian School Music Festival – Intermediate Strings House Maths Competition
Thursday 28 July VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 10 Ballroom classes 4.00 pm Monash Youth Music Festival – CVE Friday 29 July College Assembly – Principal's Awards
Monday 1 August Year 9 – 12 2023 Web Preferences close 8.00 am Year 10 Ballroom classes 4.00 pm Year 12 VTAC Information Evening 7.00 pm (online)
Friday 5 August Australian Mathematics Competition
From the Principal
Principal's Message
While we have already concluded the second week of term, I warmly welcome back all staff, students and families for what I hope is a successful Term 3. I hope everyone enjoyed valued time with loved ones over the break and is looking forward to this term’s programs and learning opportunities we hope all students will embrace.
As we are all aware, positive COVID-19 cases are on the rise and with most of winter still ahead of us, this is likely to continue. Masks are not mandated at this stage but are still strongly recommended. They are a simple measure that can protect students and staff from illness and the disruption this causes to our lives. As per Christine Kralj’s recent communication, students may wear additional under garments, their school scarf and black gloves to keep them warm this term.
Learning updates
During the last week of Term 2 and the first week of our term break, a unique learning opportunity was embraced by ten Years 7 - 9 students who experienced Ocean School on the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Forest. The program is run by the Actura company with whom we have partnered in the past for our Space School program. Thank you to Paul Kerr who accompanied the students. I hope you enjoy reading about their learning experience in this newsletter.
Semester 1 reports were released on the final day of Term 2 and the term break provided students time to reflect on their achievements and the strategies that have proven successful for them to date. I encourage students and families to consider the Approaches to Learning feedback. They encompass behaviours such as:
Bringing required materials to class
Completing set tasks on time
Engaging effectively with class work
Demonstrating motivation to learn
Seeking feedback
Responding to feedback
And when all is said and done, if students are consistently demonstrating these behaviours, they are to be congratulated for giving themselves the best chance to reach their full potential.
On the last day of Term 2, Year 12 students enjoyed our annual Mentors’ Breakfast with past Sion students. This is a valuable opportunity for our senior students who are currently discerning their tertiary pathways beyond Our Lady of Sion College. Our Keynote speaker, Sandra Rigo (Class of 1988) attended University of Melbourne where she graduated with a Bachelor of Planning and Design (Honours) in 1993. Her career spans over 27 years of experience in statutory and strategic planning in both local government and now in the private sector. In 1999, she joined Hansen Partnership P/L starting as a senior planner and worked her way up to become an Associate, and now a Director. Sandra is a great example of how a Sion student can pave the way for women in a male dominated industry. For several years, she was the only female director of the company, and she has taken a leading role in the mentoring of other female staff, fostering their career development and opportunities, and promoting gender equality in the workplace. We hope that Sandra’s story and that of the 23 past students who joined us for the breakfast not only support our Year 12 students but also inspire them to pursue their passion, look for opportunities and to aim high.
Late last term saw the commencement of our subject selection process for students who will be in Years 9 – 12 in 2023. Information about our subject and elective offerings were provided at our Subject Selection evenings and assemblies. I wish students in these year levels all the very best as they embark upon the next stage of their learning program. For our Year 10 students, the Work Experience program which concluded last week is another way for students to make informed decisions. We hope they have found it of value. You can view a short Work Experience video here.
During the term break, Australia marked NAIDOC Week, a week which celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and represents an important opportunity for us to learn about the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. I invite all to learn more by visiting the following link: NAIDOC history.
Later this term, Ms Alice Dawes, Mrs Allison Stott and I will accompany 24 students on our Indigenous Immersion in central Australia where we will have first-hand opportunities to learn from indigenous communities and share this learning upon our return. In the lead up, students and staff will undertake a weekly formation program in preparation for the experience.
Masterplan update: STEAMD and Administration Centre
Recently, I wrote to families announcing the next stage of the College Masterplan. As outlined in my letter, the construction of the STEAMD and Administration Centre will support innovation in the teaching of Science, Technologies, Engineering, and the Arts and Design. It will foster the creative and critical thinking skills and encourage and support our students to continue to pursue their interest in STEAMD. We are now at the Town Planning stage and while cognisant of the current challenges in undertaking this project at this time, it is anticipated that the project will begin in January 2023 with expected completion at the end of 2024. The College Board will continue to monitor the context and exercise due diligence in our decision making.
New Staff
Welcome to the following staff who have joined our College recently: Kim Elliott (English & Literature), Karyn Humble (Food Technology & Health and Human Development), Sharon Tomy (Psychology & Science), Ilana Sztal-Susman (Communication Officer) and Vineeth Jayachandran (ICT Manager).
College Board invitation
Our Lady of Sion College Ltd is a company limited by guarantee which is governed by a Board of Directors. The Directors oversee the College's operations and monitor its performance against the College's mission and vision, master plan and finances. From time to time, board vacancies arise, and we encourage those who may be interested in serving on our wonderful College Board to visit our website for further information. Expressions of interest may be made by contacting our company secretary, Renae Hill with a brief summary of your interest and skills. Renae may be contacted via:
Year 7 Enrolments
As noted below, Year 7 2024 applications close on 19 August 2022. If you are aware of families who currently have a daughter in Year 5 and who are seeking a place for their child at our College, please invite them to visit our website for application information.
I hope families enjoy reading about how Term 3 has started for their daughter as reflected in our first newsletter for this term. A lot has certainly happened in the first two weeks!
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
Do you have a daughter currently in Year 5?
Applications for Year 7, 2024 are closing soon
Families already enrolled at the College still need to submit an Application of Enrolment Form for each additional child wishing to attend Our Lady of Sion College. If you have a daughter in Year 5, please ensure you submit her Application for Enrolment by Friday 19 August 2022.
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
Chapel prayer
For the past few years at the College, we have been participating in Chapel prayer.
Once a fortnight, each year level comes to the Chapel and the Liturgy Representatives lead students in prayer. Over the past couple of years, due to COVID-19, many of these Chapel prayer sessions have been conducted online. Fortunately, with the easing of restrictions, this year we have seen a return to the Chapel, with my enormous thanks to our Liturgy Captain, Caitlin G (12 Blue), who has supported and led these sessions so beautifully.
We have now begun a Voluntary Chapel prayer session once a fortnight, every second Friday morning. There is no compulsion for anyone to attend. We will gather, allow all to find their space, and simply invite those present to offer their own prayer to God.
All are welcome.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
Subject Selection
Planning for 2023 is in full swing with the subject selection process well underway for our Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students.
Families are reminded that web preferences for 2023 Years 9 - 12 open on Tuesday 26 July at 4 pm and close again on Monday 1 August at 8 am. Students have been given Subject Selection Preference forms to assist with the discussion and planning at home, and electronic copies are also available on SEQTA Learn under Forms/Info.
2023 Year 11 families (current Year 10) are reminded of the Year 11 2023 Subject Selection Interviews which are being held on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 July in the upper Notre Dame. This is a very important part in the counselling process as Year 10 students make the step into VCE and becoming Notre Dame students. Bookings are made through PTO and a teacher will be allocated once appointments have been made. Select a time that suits your family. Contact the College if you are not able to make an appointment.
The end and beginning of term has been a busy time for learning and teaching with lots happening. A group of students visited NSW and Far North Queensland to learn from experts about Marine Biology with Ocean School, the Year 10s have had an amazing week of Work Experience, the Year 8s have made some awesome simple machines with multiple energy transfers, a group of Denise O’Hara Science Academy students have produced some fantastic work with Bioeyes and once again, the Library Resource Centre has hosted some fantastic opportunities for innovative learning during Library and Information week. A big thank you to the range of staff who make these learning experiences possible and we look forward to building on our new skills and knowledge.
Spotlight on Humanities
There are five Humanities subjects offered at VCE level at Sion: Accounting, Business Management, Geography, Modern History and Revolutions and Legal Studies. Although very diverse, all Humanities subjects have a strong focus on real world issues and skills and many include elements of practical application. Students often choose more than one Humanities subject within their VCE program.
Accounting involves modelling, forecasting and providing advice to stakeholders through the process of collecting, recording, reporting, analysing and interpreting financial and non-financial data and accounting information. This data is used to inform decision-making within the business with a view to improving business performance. Accounting plays an integral role in the successful operation and management of businesses.
Business Management
Business Management allows students to develop knowledge and skills that enhance their confidence and ability to participate effectively as ethical and socially responsible members of society, managers and leaders of the business community, and as informed citizens, consumers and investors.
Geography students will develop a range of skills, many of which employ geospatial and digital technologies. Students investigate, collect primary and secondary data, interpret, critically evaluate and present and communicate findings based on case studies and fieldwork. The focus of study is Hazards and Disasters and secondly Tourism: Issues and Challenges. The study of Geography is just as much about people as it is about the physical environment.
History is the practice of understanding and making meaning of the past. Students learn about their historical past, their shared history and the people, ideas and events that have created present societies and cultures. It builds a conceptual and historical framework within which students can develop an understanding of their own time and place. It develops the skills necessary to analyse visual, oral and written records. An understanding of the link between accounts of the past, and the values and interests of the time in which the accounts were produced, is also a feature of the study of history.
Legal Studies
Legal Studies enables students to become active and informed citizens by providing them with valuable insights into their relationship with the law and the legal system. Legal Studies examines the institutions and principles which are essential to Australia’s legal system. Students develop an understanding of the rule of law, law-makers, key legal institutions, rights protection in Australia, and the justice system. They develop an appreciation of how legal systems and processes aim to achieve social cohesion, and how they themselves can create positive changes to law and the legal system.
If you would like further information about any of the Humanities VCE subjects and career ideas associated with these please visit VCE Humanities at Sion.
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
Child Safe Standards Seven and Eight
In this article I continue to unpack the next two new Child Safe standards. If you have queries about the Standards, please contact me at the College.
Standard Seven: Requires the College to provide processes for child focused complaints and concerns.
Examples of enacting this Standard:
Support flow chart provided to parents at Information Nights and staff at Profession Practices meetings
On the College Website: Grievance Resolution Policy; Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy; and Code of Conduct
Culture of reporting led by the Child Safety Team
Professional Learning - Mandatory reporting e-module
Newly appointed Child Safety Team
Building a culture in classrooms that is safe and supportive, and where poor behaviour is addressed
College Board, Leadership Team and Positions of Leadership Professional Learning including sessions from LAWSENSE and Moores: Lawyers & Solicitors Melbourne.
Standard Eight: Requires staff and volunteers to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Examples of enacting this Standard:
Staff undertake annually:
Mandatory e-learning module
First Aid training
Restorative Practices
Induction training of volunteers via the Volunteer Pack
Mandatory Reporting resources - Flowchart and Child Safety Team with 24/7 contact for staff
Thorough Risk Documentation for every event/excursion/camp with Child Safe risks, mitigations and treatments listed
Information Sharing Protocols and documentation
Student Wellbeing surveys that are fed back to staff
Child Safety as a standing item at Board, Parents Association, Leadership and Staff meetings.
In Remembrance
Our particular thoughts and prayers go to Mrs Christine Kralj, Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing whose mother passed away recently, and to Sienna G (9 Gold) whose grandfather passed away. Also, to Caitlin B (9 Silver) who recently lost her grandmother.
We remember Mrs Kralj, Sienna, Caitlin and their families in a special way at this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon them. May their soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back to Term 3. It was good to see our Year 12 students looking refreshed and ready to continue with their Unit 4 studies on their return to school. Some were lucky to head up north while others caught up on some much needed rest and relaxation at home during the term break.
It was also pleasing to see many of our Year 12 students taking up the opportunity to attend the Mentor’s Breakfast on the last day of Term 2. I hope the students who attended found it a valuable experience as the time for them to be deciding on pathways and preferences is approaching. A VTAC Information Evening for students and their parents or carers has been scheduled for Monday 1 August at 7.00 pm. Further information regarding this will be communicated to you.
I would like to confirm that the Winter Sleepout that was scheduled for this Friday evening has been cancelled. The main aim of this event was to provide students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for those experiencing homelessness in their local community and to raise funds to support the mission of St Vincent de Paul.
Although the students are on the home straight to completing Year 12, I encourage them to remain focused and consistent in their approach to their studies. I understand that illness is still prevalent in the broader community and has impacted some of our Year 12 students. If your daughter is affected by illness and as a result requires extended absence to recover, please do not hesitate to contact your daughter’s teachers or myself so that we can provide the necessary support.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
What an incredible evening the Year 11 cohort had for their Year 11 Formal last Friday night. It was such a great celebration as a cohort, with the attendance of several guests and staff.
The moment students and guests arrived, they were so excited and happy to be there. The Year 11 students missed the opportunities to take part in the Social and Ballroom Dancing due to COVID-19 restrictions, so expectations and anticipation for the Formal were high! Some of my favourite moments were watching the students marvel at each other’s outfits as they entered the venue and to see them interacting with so much joy and love.
The Centre Ivanhoe was beautiful, whereby the service and assistance from wait staff, ensured everyone was looked after on the night. The students and guests had plenty of photo opportunities from the roaming photographers and the photo booth. 2022 lights and balloons were courtesy of Big Day Little Booth and Events By Carol, respectively. In between conversation and eating at the tables, DJ Emily was delivering plenty of great tunes to get everyone dancing.
All who attended contributed to the positive energy of the night. I was so impressed by the respectful and appreciative way students and guests conducted themselves throughout the evening, even greeting and thanking staff on their departure. A lot of work and planning went into the night to ensure everyone had an incredible time – it was absolutely worth it! Thank you to all students, guests and staff for making the Formal such a memorable night!
Excitement was an understatement leading up to the Year 11 Formal. Local beauticians, nail salons, hairdressers and makeup artists were inundated with Sion students as the Formal approached last Friday night! There had been a big build up and everyone was looking forward to enjoying the evening. We were all very pleased it went ahead and are thankful for the teachers, parents and student contributions that made the fun night possible. Ally L (11 Blue)
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back Year 10 students and families to Term 3. I certainly hope you had a relaxing term break.
Our theme this year continues to be ‘discovering your excellence’, and over the past two weeks Year 10 students have had plenty of opportunities to explore, develop and put into practice their ‘excellence’.
We started the term with Work Experience and a big congratulations to all students on completing a great week. Many thanks to Mrs Brooke O’Hara for all the work she did to ensure that this week ran so smoothly.
I’d like to share some reflections that the Year 10 students have made about their Work Experience:
Question one: What have you learnt about yourself from completing Work Experience?
From undertaking Work Experience, I have discovered the significance of workplace relationships, self-discipline and healthy work habits.
I learnt that I value face-to-face interaction and am more suited to an environment where I am able to do that.
I have learnt that I need to try and open up to my colleagues from the start. At the beginning of Work Experience, I was shy around those conducting activities for me but towards the end, I was my normal self with these people.
I need to work on my patience and motivate myself more.
I've learnt that I need to ask more questions not only for clarification but also to convey my appreciation and interest to the speaker.
Question two: What changes or new skills will you bring with you into the remainder of the year?
I'd like to start working to my strengths a bit more and developing better work habits.
I'll ask more questions.
I will try to implement the confidence to express my curiosity and seek explanation into my daily school-life.
Don't be afraid to communicate with teachers because they would always be free to help.
I am going to be more confident when having conversations with people I don't know as well and try to be more punctual.
I really encourage all families to have these conversations with their children this week. Ask the following questions of your daughter to get her response. What inspires me about the above responses is the reflective nature of a forward thinking, growth mindset. They see what they have learned, and this is the action they want to take as a result. I for one, cannot wait to see all the students place their learnings into action throughout Semester 2.
On Monday our regular Semester 2 school routine that gives the Year 10 students another opportunity to show their ‘excellence’ within continued. There were plenty of nerves and excitement amongst our students and those from Whitefriars College when our Ballroom Dancing program commenced. That did not deter both sets of students from putting in their best efforts and by the end of the night they all did a fantastic job learning their first dance. Just as impressive was the way in which our students went about the afternoon. They were polite, respectful, and displayed a willingness to engage in conversations with the Whitefriars boys.
It has been a great start to the term for our Year 10 students and there are plenty more opportunities for excellence to be discovered, enhanced and celebrated.
Emily W, 10 Silver on Work Experience
Year 9 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
I would like to start by welcoming all the students and families back to Semester 2. The beginning of the year was full of extra-curricular opportunities, personal discovery and growth through learning. In Year 9 this Semester, we will be focusing on preparing students for their step into the senior years and we encourage families, as always, to have these conversations at home as well.
In Pastoral this week the Year 9 students began by learning about the differences between having a ‘Fixed’ or ‘Growth’ Mindset.
I have attached some links to the videos that explained these concepts to the students.
Having a ‘growth mindset’ is so important for all facets of school:
To push through challenging subject tasks
To find positives in mistakes that were made and see the learning opportunity when given feedback
To seek out new friendships/connections
To be flexible when confronted with challenges.
These are all things that will assist the students in their academic and personal lives both now and in the future and can be improved with hard work, dedication and motivation.
Students were also asked to complete a survey (below) to see if they have ‘Fixed’ or ‘Growth’ mindset traits and this was measured by the following:
Score: 32-45 = Growth Mindset
Score: 25-31 = Growth Mindset with some fixed ideas
Score: 16-24 = Fixed Mindset with some growth ideas
I also would like to remind you of some key items occurring in Year 9 at the moment:
Duke of Edinburgh's International Award hours (as we are approaching August, in particular the major component should be underway)
‘Significant People, Significant Lives’ interviews should be completed
Subject Selections (web preferences receipt due to Homeroom teachers August 1, web preferences open next week).
It is also worth mentioning that organisation is something that many students across the Year level are currently struggling with and is something worth working on at home.
Some suggestions:
'To do’ lists
Use of diary or electronic calendar
A board at home with all required upcoming school tasks
Effective emailing to teachers if confused by tasks
Regular and consistent study, rather than cramming in before an assessment
Planning out time to work on assessments if many are coming in at once.
These will also help better prepare students for the years ahead whilst still having enough time in Year 9 to practise these over the next two terms.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
It has certainly been fantastic having our Year 8 students back at school. The ELC has been buzzing since their return! Last week from Wednesday - Friday, they worked on the Beyond the Horizons program. This STEAM project required the students to work in small teams from their Homeroom and at least one other to create a Rube Goldberg-inspired machine. This enabled them to make some new connections and collaborate to come up with a reliable and entertaining machine.
Another aspect of this project were Pastoral lessons designed to build on their teamwork skills, such as escape rooms and a photo scavenger hunt around the school. The enthusiasm and healthy competition amongst groups was wonderful to see!
During Pastoral this week, we set some SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely, Evaluate, Re-evaluate) goals for the remainder of the year and worked on our Homeroom dance competition to be performed later in the term. This competition is designed to enhance team spirit amongst Homerooms to work as a whole class to deliver an amazing performance.
On another note, I would like to ask for your support in maintaining uniform standards at the College. We are noticing that skirts are looking shorter as the girls continue to grow, as well as an increase in make-up/mascara being worn. Please assist us by ensuring that your daughter’s skirt is at her knee and that she is not wearing any make-up or nail polish of any kind to school.
Beyond the Horizons program
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
The first two weeks of Term 3 have bought new opportunities for connections and growth for the Year 7 cohort. The Semester 1 results highlighted that we have a dedicated Year level who have many amazing gifts and talents to share. To continue to support each student to achieve their best we focused our Pastoral Lesson this week on Growth Mindset. One of our own school counsellors, Janine Crociani presented on the Power of Yet, discussing how we can have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset about different skills and activities we experience in our daily lives. Some people will have a fixed mindset around the arts - 'I’m not a creative person, I can’t draw'. Others will have a fixed mindset around STEM subjects 'I can’t do maths, science isn’t ‘my thing'.
Janine asked the Year level to be aware of their own thinking and to catch their fixed thoughts before they prevent them from avoiding opportunities and experiences. To illustrate the point, several Year 7s were asked to challenge themselves by trying to juggle at the front of the Miriam Theatre - with hilarious results! All students who were willing to have a go noted that while they had never tried to juggle before, they were willing to try something new and they can apply this way of thinking to school and extracurricular activities.
Heading back to Homeroom, all Year 7s were asked to make a paper plane (with no instructions) and see whose plane flies the farthest. Students were able to work in groups (collaborate), ask friends or staff for help (seeking guidance from experts), or search for digital tutorials (research) to complete the task. It was fantastic to see how the students were able to test and modify their planes, achieving better results each time. The Pastoral Team are looking forward to seeing how the students apply this lesson to their subjects throughout the remainder of the year.
From Wednesday to Friday last week the Year 8 students were engaged in the Beyond the Horizon Program where they worked in teams of five - six to collaboratively create a Rube Goldberg-inspired machine. The design brief called for an inventive, creative and entertaining machine that would incorporate a variety of simple machines and energy transfers to perform a select task at the end. Students navigated the brief in team roles to work out how to raise a flag, ring a bell or pop a balloon using the resources provided and incorporating their science and design knowledge into their machine. The students impressed with their creativity, problem solving and determination, culminating in the launch of many successful machines. However, whether their machine ran successfully in the launch or not, all students were encouraged to take pride and confidence in their capacity to collaborate, pivot in their plans and thinking, negotiate, be imaginative and resourceful, and take this with them in their future learnings.
Congratulations to the winners of the program awards, recognising excellence during the process and in the end task:
Student Choice Award Winners:
The Lightning Sharks – Ella S, Isabelle T, Anna F, Zara W and Mae B
CLAAN – Nasya S, Lena T, Amber T, Cecilia B and Ava M
Vecna’s Curse – Charlotte N, Michaela U, Macy V, Tayla M and Jessica M
Spirit of Horizons Award Winners:
The 8th Wonder – Sarita T, Zara T, Taylor P, Angelina S and Cilla S
Technical Excellence Award Winners:
The Lightning Sharks – Ella S, Isabelle T, Anna F, Zara W and Mae B
Science – Stephanie Jones, Science Teacher
Science at Our Lady of Sion College is off to a great start in Term 3. The Denise O’Hara Science Academy (DOHSA) Year 9 students participated in the BioEYES incursion facilitated by Monash University. Over five lessons students bred zebrafish (Danio rerio) to investigate embryo development and phenotypes of individual offspring. Students worked independently and collaboratively throughout the week, developing their microscope and research skills within the field of biology.
In VCE Chemistry, students took a hands-on approach to learning the heat capacity of water and its unique properties. By taking soapy water and creating bubbles filled with gas, students were able to light the bubbles in an incredible display - all of the wonder with none of the danger!
Year 7s have started Physics by taking a deep dive into the world around them, focusing on forces present in their everyday lives. They conducted multiple experiments involving tennis balls, coins and plasticine to investigate the effects of gravity and friction on the objects. The fan-favourite experiment involved charging a nylon rod with static electricity by rubbing it with a woollen cloth and observing the effect on flowing water.
Mathematics – Libby Kempton, Learning Leader
Maths Week
Next week is Maths Week and the Maths team is looking forward to celebrating all things mathematical with students. Each morning there will be a Problem of the Day for students to solve, with prizes for the most correct at the end of the week. Wednesday lunch is the Maths House Competition, and other activities will be run on Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. We hope to see everyone getting involved.
Australian Mathematics Competition
The Australian Mathematics Competition will be held Friday 5 August. It is a challenging set of questions, so any student who would like to extend themselves is encouraged to participate.
Years 7 - 10 will complete the competition in period 2, and Years 11 and 12 will sit the paper before school. Practice papers are available for students to attempt before the day.
Arts – Natasha Borg, Learning Leader
The Arts faculty participated in the Subject Selection Evening held on Monday 20 June from 4.30 pm - 6.30 pm.
Our team was available to discuss the Arts Subject Selections with students and families, and share how studying Arts subjects enhances student learning. Our display was clear and creative, providing engaging opportunities across each subject area. There was fantastic input amongst the team to present our cohesive curriculum over Visual Arts, Media Arts, Visual Communication Design, Drama and Music subjects.
The Arts enable students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally and globally. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts. They make, respond and learn to appreciate the specific ways this occurs in different disciplines.
Spotlight in the classroom
During Semester 1 our Year 7 students were given the opportunity to learn about the Intaglio Printing technique using Etching as the main source.
It focussed on the class taking photographs of their houses and then this became the theme for the print work. Students were taught how to use the etching tools extra carefully on the acetate paper to scratch in the house image and surrounding gardens too.
The classes were full of busy hands, often gloves covered in black ink and a production line waiting at the print press to print their masterpiece. The students enjoyed this topic as it was quite a process of steps to learn in achieving the final result. It was also wonderful to see students who had completed their work offer to help with the production line of printing, so at times we had a really busy setup and a collaborative clean up.
Asha Q, 7 GoldZara D, 7 GoldIsobel C, 7 Gold
Drama – Alex Bleazby, Drama Teacher
Last term was jam-packed with Drama performances, theatre excursions, workshops, VCE performances, Year 9 and 10 performances, the Senior Play, House Theatre Sports, and a brilliant Drama Week at the very start...*gasp*!
Thank you to the dedicated and passionate Drama staff and students for making last term such a successful and inspiring display of our talented young people's work. We finished the term with auditions for the Junior play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The cast has now been chosen and Mrs Bennett, our Junior play director, is ready to start working with this fabulous bunch of students in their first rehearsals next week. The play is set to be a magical evening for all ages. Listen out for some progress reports in newsletters through the rehearsal process and for how you will be able to purchase tickets to see the show next term!
Late last term we escaped the freezing cold in the Theatre for some epic improv battles between Lourdes, Carmel, Loreto, and Fatima. There was a great deal of laughter shared between actors and audience while students threw themselves into the fun with Space Jump, Expert Double Figures, Bus Stop and Tableaux Location. See some of the chaos and creativity in the pictures featured. We love seeing our students' imaginations run wild and this year's competition was no exception.
Junior Winners – Fatima
Intermediate Winners – Carmel and Fatima
Senior Winners – Lourdes
Overall winner – Fatima
Congratulations to all students who involved themselves in the fun, we saw safe risk-taking at its finest.
Senior Drama Club Sessions
Emma H, our passionate Drama Captain for 2022 has brought another of her initiatives to the Seniors this term. We have had our first Senior Drama Club session on Tuesday at lunchtime for any interested Years 10 – 12 students. Each week the workshops will be held on Tuesday at lunchtime in ND2.8. They will be student-facilitated and themed around a range of topics. All are welcome. The first session was a great success with some exuberant competitors in a theatrical quiz!
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Instrumental Music Lessons Semester 2
Please note if any student wants to enrol in Instrumental Music lessons in Semester 2 you can!
Please click here to view our Music Program Brochure which outlines all the details, costs and procedure.
The online enrolment form can be accessed here - this needs to be completed to confirm enrolment.
AMEB success at the highest level
Congratulations to Cady L (11 Red) who recently achieved her Associate of Music, Australia certificate (known as AMusA) on piano. To put this in perspective, this is two grades above the Grade 8 level, a standard usually attempted by university students. Cady prepared a program repertoire of 40 minutes in duration and then the examiners spent another 15 minutes asking her about general music theory and general knowledge of the pieces she presented. Cady was recently featured as the pianist for the Senior Production of ‘Clue’, is in the Senior Concert Band, Senior Jazz Ensemble and is an accelerated student in Units ¾ Music Performance as a Year 11 student. An incredible effort Cady!
Cady L (11 Red)Cady recently achieved her AMusA in piano
Year 8 Music class melody compositions
The musicians in Year 8 have been busy composing melodies using the iPad application ‘Flat’. Some students have imported these amazing tunes into GarageBand and created some very high standard works – worthy of broadcast on commercial radio! The next generation of Australian composers is secure!
Victorian Schools Music Festival and Monash Youth Music Festival – Term 3
The ensembles are working very hard at the start of Term 3, preparing their ensemble pieces for their performances at the Monash Youth Music Festival and the Victorian Schools Music Festival. The schedule of participating groups, dates and venues is as follows:
College Vocal Ensemble Monash Youth Music Festival Thursday 28 July, departing Sion at 5.00 pm.
Families wishing to attend the CVE performance can purchase tickets here ($5 for adults and children are free).
Jazz Club VSMF (20 students) Tuesday 9 August, departing Sion at 11.45 am
Senior Jazz Ensemble VSMF (18 students) Tuesday 9 August, departing Sion at 3.00 pm
Intermediate Concert Band VSMF (48 students) Tuesday 16 August, departing Sion at 8.45 am
Senior Concert Band VSMF (28 students) Tuesday 23 August, departing Sion at 12.30pm.
Save the Dates!
Please note the upcoming performance dates:
Sion First Music Program Year 6 Winter Concert – Wednesday 10 August 5.00 pm, Miriam Theatre
String Masterclass - Tuesday 16 August (all string students)
Term 3 Music Soiree, instrumental music students – Monday 29 August 5.00 pm, Miriam Theatre
Senior Concert Band Commissioning Concert with The University of Melbourne Faculty of Music – Wednesday 14 September 7.00 pm, Miriam Theatre
Year 7 Music Program Spring Concert – Tuesday 15 November 7.00 pm LHC.
Sport – Monica Clarke, Head of Sport
We welcome back students to Term 3 Sport. Weekly sport commenced this week including badminton, volleyball and soccer competitions. The track and field squad has been training hard on Monday and Wednesday mornings in preparation for up and coming training meets and carnivals.
Track and Field upcoming training meets:
Tuesday 26 July
Friday 29 July
Tuesday 2 August
If you wish to join the Track and Field squad please pick up a permission form from outside the Sport Office and let Mr Cox or myself know.
GSV Senior Basketball
Our Senior students participated in the GSV Senior Basketball tournament on 16 June at MSAC. The competition was high in Division One. The team had a mixture of two wins and two losses, just falling short of finals. Coaches Ms Bridie Macdonald and Mr Liam Cox supported the team for an enjoyable day. Thank you to the senior students who demonstrated the Sion culture with their fantastic attitude and commitment to training balanced with their VCE studies.
Aerobics State Finals
On Saturday 18 June the three Sion Aerobics teams competed in the State Championships in Geelong. Supported by Head Coach, Miss Jordyn Frood and coaches Mia and Julia, all three teams arrived prepared to perform at their best. It was fantastic to see other schools perform throughout the competition day and the excitement build towards the end of the day as the results were announced. All three teams scored their best for the season and qualified for the National Championship in Queensland in August.
SCSA Australian Football
On 19 July, the juniors, intermediate and senior Australian Football teams departed school at 7.00 am to compete in the SCSA Australian Football Competition. Lucky for us, the sun was shining and the day ran smoothly. All Sion players were energetic, encouraging and positive throughout the whole day. We had very tough head-to-head competitions with other schools, however all Sion teams came away with premierships in the Grand Finals. Massive congratulations to Maya L (8 Blue), Chloe T (9 White) and Georgie B (10 Orange) for winning the Grand Final Best On Ground for their respective teams, very deserving. Thank you to all the coaches, Saskia, Jorja and Georgia as well as teachers, Miss Clarke, Mr Cox and Mr Steward who supported and organised the day! Senior AFL Players – Lara H (11 Silver) and Ella M (11 Silver)
Athletes of the Week
Ocean School – Paul Kerr, Director of Pastoral Care
For the last week of Term 2 and the first week of the holidays, ten of our Year 8 and Year 9 students packed their bags with clothes and their workbooks and headed north to participate in Ocean School. The program is designed as a STEAM project experience covering climate, marine biology, ecology and economics. Students participated in a range of experiences both above and below the water. They worked in laboratories on land and sea and listened to expert speakers from relevant fields.
The program commenced with our arrival in Brisbane.
As soon as we stepped off the plane we all felt the warm air hit our faces. We stayed in Brisbane for six days that were packed with activities. We sampled and tested water off St Helena Island on our mobile testing vessel. We found many types of plankton and recorded our findings. Unfortunately, we also found micro plastics and other debris in the water. We visited universities, tested and recorded species on shorelines on Moreton Island and had a guided tour where we observed passing whales and dolphins playing in the surf. A great social activity was surfing and beach games. I found it a great way to learn new skills and create stronger bonds with my friends. We were fortunate enough to meet many amazing people on this trip and make new friends from Queensland schools who were part of our group. I am so grateful to have gone on this incredible experience. Jemima F, 9 White
The group were fortunate enough to hear keynotes from several inspirational guest speakers.
During our time at Ocean School, we were very fortunate to have guest speakers present to us what role they play in ocean science. One of the guest speakers talked about venomous creatures. She has a passion for box jellyfish and brought in some specimens to show us which were really cool. She is now working on a project that uses venomous creatures’ venom to cure human diseases and save millions of lives. Another guest speaker shared what he is doing to save bleached coral on the Great Barrier Reef. This man has planted ‘nurseries’ for the coral and will plant them back onto the sea-floor once they have enough algae and gain their radiant colours again. Our last speaker talked us through one of the missions he recently went on. During this adventure, he and his crew did forty dives into the ocean and discovered forty new species. This was awesome as it gave us a chance to look back at the reef and remind us what a beautiful mystery it is. Sara O, 8 Silver
After six extremely busy and exciting days we packed and headed for the far North starting at Fitzroy Island, just off the coast from Cairns.
We ferried to Fitzroy Island and experienced our first training dive and listened to some guest speakers. On our return to Cairns, we visited the Cairns Aquarium where we saw many animals including stingrays, sharks and fish. We experienced the fish and shark talk where we learnt many facts about the reef and species in the ocean. Although the rain had set in, we ventured on a boat tour along the Daintree River to see the crocodiles. Surprisingly, we saw many saltwater crocodiles in their territories from babies to big, old ones, who were looking for warmth in the water. With rain lashing the ferry we took a 90 minute ride out to the Great Barrier Reef where we went snorkelling on a huge pontoon. As soon as we entered the water in our snorkel gear, we looked down and saw the amazing and colourful corals that live beneath the surface. Even though there was so much wind and rain above the water surface, the water was so warm and beautiful. Seeing all the fish and corals that we had been learning about was by far one of the best experiences on our trip. After a break, we dived again with our life guards. Thank you to Sion and our families for the most amazing opportunity. Hannah G and Natasha N, 9 Gold
Jennifer Tilley, House and Student Leadership Coordinator
The term has started with a number of really exciting and much loved House events.
Monday 18 July saw a huge number of students enter the annual House Cupcake Competition. This year, we had three themes: House theme, the College theme of ‘Speaking the Truth in Love’ and the Library Week theme of ‘Rewrite. Renew. Reimagine’. Year level winners for each theme will be acknowledged at their year level assemblies in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to the following students who were the ultimate winners for each theme:
Lourdes House: Sienna F – 8R
Carmel House: Keira K – 9G
Fatima House: Grace N – 9R
Loreto House: Amelie Q – 9B
Library Week Theme: Anria A – 8P
College Theme: Asha Q - 7G
Today we celebrated the Carmel House Feast Day. It was a wonderful celebration of students in Carmel who were called to live their House values of being motivated, passionate and supportive. The students heard about the significance of Mt Carmel, the symbols on their House banner and were able to come together to enjoy a range of activities that were facilitated by the Carmel House Captains and Representatives.
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. Babe Ruth
Students and families can find the Fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnight's newsletter there is information relating to:
Upcoming Events: Melbourne Careers Expo – this weekend, Year 12 2022 VTAC Information Evening, Monash Information Evening (HASS), 2022 Tertiary Open Days, Schindlers Apprentice Open Night
Career in the Spotlight: Paramedicine
Things to consider: Year 12 2022 VTAC timely applications, SEAS and Scholarships, Monash Direct Entry to Medicine, Undergraduate Scholarships at CSIRO
Research ideas: Courses at VU city campus, Swinburne University – New Majors in the Arts Degree.
Parent News
College Psychologist – Vanessa Cheng
Welcome back to Term 3. Coming back from the holidays, we hope all students are feeling refreshed, energised and ready to take on new opportunities and challenges in the remaining two terms of the year. However, getting adequate rest and taking breaks should be a priority throughout the year, not just over the holidays.
Just like taking a power nap when driving long distances, regular breaks can reduce fatigue, prevent stress build-up, and help maintain consistent performance or productivity. When working on a complex problem, studies have shown that short breaks help us to come up with more creative solutions and solve them more quickly compared to when we persist with no breaks. Further research has also indicated that breaks reset our mood, promoting positive mental health and psychological recovery.
Therefore, it is important to ensure students are also scheduling rest breaks at regular intervals to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. Some techniques that parents can implement at home to support their child include:
help schedule regular breaks during the week/term and remind them if they have forgotten
encourage them to do activities they enjoy as breaks – some students are outdoorsy, others creative and others may just want some quiet time
model taking breaks at home – sometimes we may feel the need to ‘keep up’ or be worried about looking ‘weak’ if we do not see other people around us taking breaks even if we really need one.
If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Homeroom teacher, their Wellbeing and Growth Leader, or a member of the Counselling Team (