Monday 14 February Year 7 testing this week Library Lovers' Day Senior Play Auditions 3.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Tuesday 15 February School photos Year 7 and 10 Parent Information Evening (online)
Thursday 17 February Senior Play Auditions 3.30 pm – 5.00 pm
Monday 21 February House Swimming Carnival Parents' Association Meeting
Tuesday 22 February Talk and Tour Morning
Wednesday 23 February Year 8 Geography excursion
Thursday 24 February Year 8 Geography excursion Senior Play Rehearsal 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Friday 25 February Lourdes Feast Day
From the Principal
Principal's Message
Welcome back to all staff, students and families for what we hope will be a year of ongoing and fruitful collaboration as we support the needs of our students. It gives me great pleasure to report that we have experienced a very positive start to the year. Students have enjoyed the opportunity to re-establish relationships, and our Year 7 and other students new to our school are settling into life at our Lady of Sion College very well. Thank you to the many families who joined our online Information Evening sessions this week. Your participation provides us with great hope for the year ahead. All families will receive a recording of the evenings, and we encourage you to contact your child’s Homeroom teacher if you have any queries or would like to share information that is pertinent to your child at this time.
As a staff, we launched the year by reflecting on our achievements over recent years and the elements of school life that were disrupted by the pandemic. While there is much cause for celebration, especially in the way our students showed great adaptability and resilience, we have also committed to ‘resetting’ some of the traditions of the College going forward. An ideal place to begin is with our Vision and Mission Statements. The image below in many ways captures the Vision of our school which calls us to: Sow the seeds of hope, uncover excellence within and inspire a commitment to justice. Providing students with opportunities for them to learn and grow, and to enjoy and benefit from the fruits of their efforts and the efforts of our teachers and staff is the direction we always set for ourselves. What we hope will be more particular this year is a refocus on what it means to be a Sionian school from a learning, wellbeing and faith perspective.
This year we have chosen a College theme that distinctly defines who we are and the values that underpin our school. The theme is part of St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians where Paul encourages the people of Ephesus to recognise their individual God-given gifts. He wanted them to experience the love of God through coming to better know and follow Jesus, and to do that together as a community. As I explained to our students, his message speaks to us today. He is also calling us to see Jesus as a role model and for each of us to grow into mature people who have courage as well as compassion, and who work to make this a better and more just world for everyone.
The 2022 theme ‘Speaking the Truth in Love’ will support us to return to what is central to our school community. The symbol that represents our theme is the beautiful piece created by Mrs Davidson, one of our Art teachers, several years ago.
‘The open book, the Bible, invites us to learn – not just from a faith perspective but also from an academic and life perspective.
The stance of the figure captures the freedom, joy and celebration that come with learning. It represents how life opens up to us when we embrace learning, and how we grow as a person.
The arc coming from the Bible and surrounding the figure may convey the all-encompassing love of God.
It could also reflect how each student and staff member use their learning to create a loving and just world.
I look forward to what the year will hold for us as we learn more about this theme.
I would also like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate the Class of 2021 and invite you to visit the College website to read about their achievements. We are very pleased that the median ATAR improved to just shy of 80. This represents a significant outcome for all students after two years of disruptions. We are also very pleased that since receiving their results, 96% of the Class of 2021 who applied through VTAC have been offered a tertiary place with the majority gaining a place in a course of their first, second or third preference. A small number of students has also taken up tertiary opportunities interstate. This is an inspiring achievement and we are very proud to have supported the students to experience this success.
At the end of last year, we farewelled several staff who have now retired, have taken up positions at other schools or were replacing staff while they were on leave. We now welcome the return of teachers who have been on leave: Mrs Michelle Arnold, Mrs Jennifer Gatehouse, Mrs Laura Geilings and Ms Kerry Wilson.
I also welcome teachers and staff who are joining us this year: Ms Kate Apostolopoulos (Science), Ms Cristina Cardaci (Health & Physical Education), Ms Anna Crow (Technologies Learning Leader), Ms Sharon de Wacht (Food Studies), Ms Belinda Duncan (English/Religious Education), Ms Tahnee Fisher (Ayin/English), Mr Brady Hamilton (Science Laboratory Technician), Ms Renae Hill (Director of Business Operations and Infrastructure), Mr Nathan Johnstone (Health & Physical Education), Mr Ben Kelly (Accounting, Humanities), Ms Libby Kempton (Mathematics Learning Leader), Ms Tracy Le Fevre (English/Humanities), Mr Joshua Larkins (Mathematics), Ms Hannah McLean (Science/HPE), Ms Hannah Muller (Science), Ms Diana Murphy (College Counsellor) and Ms Jerani Pettikiriarachchi (Numeracy Coordinator/Mathematics).
Finally, I welcome the following students who are new to our school this year: Year 8, Megan E and Maddysn V; Year 9, Anita K, Alicia G and Amy Y; Year 10, Tayah B and Emma W; and in Year 11, Timaya F.
I wish all new members to our community a very positive start and thank them for the experience and expertise they will bring to our College.
With every blessing for the fortnight ahead.
Tina Apostolopoulos
From the Deputy Principals
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission – John McInerney
The reality of COVID-19.
Welcome back to the new school year everyone. I hope and pray it will be a great one for us all.
We’ve been back now for just over a week. I imagine, you, like me, were hoping that all of the COVID-19 restrictions would have been behind us. But, alas ….
However, we continue to find ways.
On the first day that our staff returned, we gathered together to celebrate Mass in the Piazza. We would usually gather in the Chapel but there we were, all socially distancing and wearing masks, sitting outside. But we were there together – to celebrate – together, to welcome those new staff to our College – together.
Then, last Friday, when our whole school Mass in the Louise Humann Centre with our College Chaplain, Fr Mark Reynolds, couldn’t go ahead, we live-streamed a prayer liturgy into every Homeroom – where we welcomed all of our new Year 7s, as well as new students from other year levels, new staff, and everyone returning.
Welcoming is such an important element of who we are at Our Lady of Sion College.
We did it again, earlier this week when our Yr 12s participated in their Retreat. The theme of this Retreat was 'Who are we called to become?' Time was spent reminding ourselves of the importance of welcoming others into our lives and dialoguing with them. This is how we learn and grow.
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching – Allison Stott
Welcome back to the whole community
It was a pleasure to greet the students as they walked through the gates last week and to hear the buzz of learning in each of the classrooms as I walked through the school. A particular welcome to our Year 7 families and students. This week we had the opportunity to recognise and celebrate our Class of 2021 Top Achievers.
Our 2021 College Dux, Hanna Gassmann, directed her speech to the senior students but had this to say to our incoming families:
'I still remember my first day of Year 7. My blazer was way too big, I didn’t know that we didn’t have to have our socks pulled up all the time, and I constantly forgot the combination to my locker. For all our new Year 7s – don’t worry, it’s completely normal, and you’re welcome for the heads up. However, I also remember the first piece of advice I was given here and that was to not leave any door unopened. This is what I proceeded to do over the next six years, and now I would like to pass this on to all of you. Sion really has given me countless opportunities to learn and develop myself across all areas of school life, such as travelling to South Australia three times for the Generations in Jazz Festival, the zoo and Marvel Avengers Exhibition with the Denise O’Hara Science Academy, multiple Maths Games Days, and even France in Year 10 because of my choice to study the language. Thanks to Sion’s decision to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award which begins with work experience in Year 9, I have now been working at a vet clinic for four years and have developed an even deeper respect and love for the career I wish to pursue. I strongly advise that you take any and all opportunities offered to you, in particular now that we are not all stuck at home, as you never know where they may lead.'
2021 Dux Hanna Gassman
We are proud of Hanna, and all of our graduating class, not just because of their outstanding academic results and pathways, but because of the people that they have become; indelibly marked as Daughters of Sion.
At each of the Parent Information Evenings, you would have heard or will hear the important message of families maintaining communication with the College. Your daughter’s Homeroom teacher, or the relevant subject teacher, is generally the first point of contact to discuss any concerns or considerations you would like to raise.
All of our new students will undertake PAT testing in the upcoming weeks and this will be added to the wealth of information we have about each student, allowing our teachers to target learning to their individual needs. Students will have the opportunity to join Numeracy and Literacy Masterclasses (as support and enrichment) and the Tutor Learn Numeracy and Literacy program will commence shortly too. Once again, the Maths department will host Maths Assist at lunchtimes and select Year 8 students will have access to the Getting Ready in Numeracy (GRIN) program.
More information about these opportunities, as well as many others, will be shared with families throughout the year.
Top Achievers Assembly Award Recipients (ATAR of 90+)Top Achievers Assembly Award Recipients (Dux of their subject)College Principal, Mrs Tina Apostolopoulos2022 College Captain, Chelsea Lim2022 College Captain, Alannah Marino
Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing – Christine Kralj
High Expectations; Strong Effective Support
As we start a brand-new year together, the College has set a number of goals so that we are able to return to authentically experiencing a Sion education. Now that we are being afforded an opportunity to re-build our community face to face, we need to set high expectations and provide plenty of support to enable our goals to be reached.
The 2021 MACSSIS survey gave us a valuable insight into our students' perceptions of life at Sion and a road map as to what is important to them and what needs to be focused upon this year.
After two years of significant disruption to the on-campus program, it was no surprise to read that our students wanted to:
Feel more connected to each other
Build better strategies to cope with setbacks both academic and personal
Have a significant adult at the College that they could go to if they had concerns
Staff to hold them to high expectations and provide the support they need to meet these
Continue to increase the use, and diversify, student voice at the College.
The Pastoral Team is looking at several ways to foster these goals in the school through Homeroom activities, co-curricular offerings, classroom approaches and working with student leaders to ensure feedback is maintained.
A wonderful example of student voice has been the introduction of pants to the College academic winter uniform. During 2020 and 2021, a group of students worked with me to assess the viability of pants and help select the final material and design. I trust that students will welcome this addition to the uniform and appreciate the College commitment to work with our students.
Continuing COVID Safe Mitigations
This year, we continue to put in place COVID Safe mitigation to increase the safety of staff and students. The surveillance Rapid Antigen testing has enabled families to identify students who are positive before they come to school. Families have been wonderful in reporting cases, and we truly appreciate your understanding of the College processes.
More Rapid Antigen Tests have arrived at the College and will be handed out during morning Homeroom on Tuesday 15 February. This will take students to the end of the four weeks of surveillance testing recommended by the Government. Students and visitors to the school, including parents and carers, must wear a mask when inside school buildings or when social distance is not possible. Hand hygiene remains an important practice as does maintaining social distancing.
2022 Student Wellbeing Team
I would like to introduce the 2022 Student Wellbeing Team. They along with myself and the Homeroom teachers are the cornerstone of student pastoral care at the College.
Staff member
Director of Pastoral Care
Paul Kerr
Year 7 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Stephanie Jones
Year 8 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Chris Wilkes
Year 9 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Jordyn Frood
Year 10 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Adam Rieusset
Year 11 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Beth Amos
Year 12 Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Leanne Anderson
College Psychologist
Vanessa Cheng
College Counsellor
Janine Crociani
College Counsellor
Diana Murphy
Pastoral Care
Director of Pastoral Care – Paul Kerr
Start Here, Go Anywhere!
This week, we welcomed the Year 7 cohort and a range of new students from Years 8 to 11. I would like to especially welcome our Year 7 students, who I had much pleasure working with on their first day of school and during Orientation Day at the end of 2021. I would also like to warmly welcome our Sion One students, who have made the solo journey from their primary school to Our Lady of Sion College. I was in a similar position when I started high school, so I completely understand the challenges of this new and exciting beginning.
When a young person transitions from primary to secondary school, they face multiple changes. The physical environment is different, they have a range of new teachers, routines are very different, different timetables, and of course, many have spent a substantial amount of time at home over the last two years.
As parents and teachers, we can normalise and validate those feelings as we have probably been through a similar process during our own schooling. For example, in my first Religious Education class while introducing the first unit on ‘Belonging’, I shared my own transition story, particularly as I was on my own as all of my friends went to Whitefriars. I spoke about going from a three class Year 6 cohort, to one with ten Homerooms in Year 7! I also spoke about how I made friendships along the way.
We can also continue to acknowledge the strengths of the young people in front of us by problem-solving together, assisting in organisation and letting them know that they will find their "tribe". They may not find close friends straight away, however, they will have many instant acquaintances in their Homeroom and in the Emmanuel Learning Centre, where many of their classes take place. As the year progresses and the students participate in their classes, Friendship Day, music, sport, House activities, art and creative competitions, and, of course, the annual camp, friendships will develop. As a team, we will reinforce that secondary education is not an unreasonable or unattainable jump, but a natural progression from their primary experience. We acknowledge and take into account the impact of Online Home Learning over the last two years.
Throughout this year, our Pastoral Team will strive to give our students the belief, resources and capabilities to manage challenging situations. One of the keys will be teaching students to be organised for the day, managing a locker that is not in their classroom, and a timetable that may take time to get used to. If possible, maintain as many routines outside of school that are familiar to your daughter including keeping up with primary school friendships, where possible. It is positive to have a wide range of friendships and this can be reassuring for our students when they share stories of their own new beginnings in different settings with their primary school friends.
There is no question that many students may feel uncomfortable letting go of what they know and love. This is normal and we don’t ignore it; we acknowledge it as normal human emotions and encourage the growth that can come in such an exciting year.
Tilly R (8R) and Emily R's (11R) dog Ezra finds the Sion spirit!
Year Level News
Year 12 – Leanne Anderson, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
As this is our first newsletter for 2022, I would like to extend a warm welcome back to the new school year. I am very much looking forward to working with our current Year 12 students and you as their parents and carers.
Thank you to those of you who attended the online Information Evening on Tuesday night. If you were unable to attend, the presentation will be sent to you via email. Please do not hesitate to contact Dale Hunter or myself if you have any queries or would like further clarification regarding the content of the presentation.
The evening also provided the opportunity for the Year 12 Homeroom teachers, as listed below, to introduce themselves:
We are very much looking forward to supporting our Year 12 students and sharing in the events and experiences that will be a part of their last year at Our Lady of Sion College.
Year 11 – Beth Amos, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back to all Year 11 students and their families for 2022! After a much-needed summer break, the Year 11 students now start the new year as senior students residing in the Notre Dame building. Returning from the summer break always brings a sense of hope and excitement for the year to come, but can also bring a lot of concern regarding the ‘unknown’. The unknown of VCE and VCAL will soon become familiar to our students, but for now, there are new routines, processes, and plenty of questions to be asked.
During this transition period, the Year 11s have the opportunity to develop new relationships with their peers, find their feet in Homeroom and their new subjects. Moreover, they will be working closely with their subject teachers to navigate their approach to learning and engaging in subjects that they enjoy.
The Year 11s also have the support of their Homeroom teacher throughout the year. We thank them in anticipation for their ongoing support, assistance, and guidance for your daughter’s progress and wellbeing.
The support and care for your daughter rely on a partnership between the College and the broader community. Please contact your daughter’s Homeroom teacher or myself if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year.
If you were unable to attend the Parent Information Evening, the presentation has been sent to all parents and carers via SEQTA.
Year 10 – Adam Rieusset, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to all Year 10 families and I hope that this year is a very exciting and fulfilling one for you and your daughter(s).
A new year allows new beginnings. For the Year 10 class of 2022, our new beginning will focus on actively looking at ways to discover our excellence within. We all have gifts that make us special, and we will use these gifts to find our place in the Sion community as we embark on our Year 10 journey. Many opportunities will be presented to support this journey, including the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, ballroom dancing and leadership development.
Most importantly, each school day, Homeroom, lesson, meeting and gathering provide us with the chance to discover excellence. It will take courage, it will take moments of bravery, it will present in moments of opportunity, and when they do I encourage all our Year 10 students to grasp that moment.
We have all been so pleased with the very positive tone with which the Year 10s have commenced the new academic year. We have seen lots of energy, enthusiasm and a willingness to engage in activities.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Year 10 Homeroom team:
Until next Tuesday and our Year 10 Parent Information Evening, when we have our first opportunity to gather as a whole community, take care and remember, should you or your daughter need any support, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Year 9 – Jordyn Frood, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to Year 9 2022, I hope that you and your family had a wonderful holiday and that you are ready to be a part of your child’s Year 9 journey.
A big welcome to the enthusiastic and experienced Year 9 Pastoral Team (Homeroom teachers):
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Alicia G, Amy Y and Anita K who are new students to Our Lady of Sion College this year. We are thrilled to have you in Year 9 and hope you feel welcome.
Our year level theme for 2022 is ‘Have courage and be kind’. We want to encourage our students to have the courage to create new friendships, try new activities/opportunities and not be a bystander if they see poor behaviour from other students. We also want them to show kindness and gratitude, to parents and carers, staff and their peers and to actively seek to make the day brighter for others.
We have so much in store for our Year 9 students this year. Our dynamic Ayin program provides opportunities for students to make connections with the broader community and encourages them to step out of their comfort zone as well as take risks with their learning.
I would like to thank the many parents of our Year 9 students who attended the Information Evening on Monday night. If you were unable to attend the presentation containing important information about the year ahead, don't worry. The Homeroom teachers will be sending the presentation to all parents and carers by the end of this week.
I wish you all the best for the year ahead.
Year 8 – Chris Wilkes, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome back! The first week of school has been a busy one with many tasks and information being provided to your daughter. They are no longer the new ones at the school and are now setting the example for what it means to be a Daughter of Sion.
Year 8 poses a slightly different set of challenges. They are familiar with the school and the expectations; however, they still have new students in their Homerooms that they will have the chance to get to know throughout the year. The Homeroom teachers will be regularly changing seating plans to allow each student to have a chance to meet new people and make new connections. We would appreciate your support in reminding your daughters over the next few weeks that new connections do take time to build; they do not form overnight. We have to continually put time and effort into making those first connections, so that friendships can form and then flourish. Please encourage your daughters to approach this task with an open mind and to reach out to their Homeroom teacher if they are struggling to make these new connections. As introduced at the Parent Information Evening this week, the Year 8 Homeroom Teachers are:
I am delighted to be your daughter’s Wellbeing and Growth Leader again this year. Hopefully, the fact that they know me and I know them already is of some comfort after the unconventional couple of years we have had and that this provides a sense of stability. Year 8 is another exciting year of change and growth and I look forward to supporting and going on this journey with you and your daughters in 2022.
Year 7 – Stephanie Jones, Wellbeing and Growth Leader
Welcome to Our Lady of Sion College! I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members of the Sion community, our Year 7s and their families. The first two weeks of school have been busy, with many tasks and information being provided to students. Some of these are:
First-day orientation
Receiving and organising lockers
iPad induction
Getting to know new people and making new friends
Opening School Mass and Top Achievers Assembly.
Secondary school is a great opportunity for new habits, friendships and passions to form. During this time, there are going to be many questions as well as times where support may be needed. I encourage both Year 7 students and families to reach out to me and the Homeroom team when this occurs.
Following two years of uncertainty, lockdowns and Online Home Learning, students may find the first few weeks challenging. This may present as anxiety, headaches, stomach aches, and at times, not wanting to come to school. I strongly urge all families to encourage and support each Year 7 student to attend school as regularly as possible so that they may form key connections with peers and staff and settle into life here at Our Lady of Sion College.
Year 7 is an exciting year of change and growth. The Homeroom team and I are looking forward to seeing what exciting opportunities each student will embrace as part of this journey.
Learning Area News
Learning Resource Centre – Margaret Lawson, Head of Library and Information Services
Sion Learning Resource Centre
Welcome to 2022! What a glorious summer it has been and we hope that you have managed to take some time to curl up with a good book!
To start the year, here is some housekeeping information:
Students are asked to bring their student cards when borrowing. Although we can type in their details into the system, using their student card speeds up the process and decreases errors, especially when you have a whole class wanting to borrow a book!
If students have an overdue book, they will not be able to borrow any more books until the overdue items are returned.
Overdue process:
Reminder notice sent to the student's email address
Wellbeing and Growth Leader notified of overdue book
Infringement issued
Letter sent home requesting payment for the lost book.
If there are any questions in regards to overdue resources, please do not hesitate to email Students are also welcome to speak to us at recess or lunchtime.
Importance of reading
There was a great article published on The Conversation website about the power of reading for pleasure and the positive effect it has on academic achievement and mindfulness.
There are many ways in which parents and carers can encourage reading at home:
Creating time and space for reading with a technology-free afternoon on the weekend
Model healthy reading habits by showing your teenagers that you are reading regularly. Talk about the book you are reading or recommend books to them
Reading the books that your teenagers are reading so you can have a chat at the dinner table about them. Remember that what you take away from Young Adult novels, may not be the same as what your teenager might pick up on.
From Monday 14 February, the Learning Resource Centre will celebrate Library Lovers' Day where students can borrow a 'blind date' book to read. We encourage students to participate and be daring. If students write a review of that book on the catalogue system, they will be awarded a community spirit point.
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
Friday: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm
Senior Learning Leader – Dale Hunter
It has been a busy start to the year for Notre Dame students. During Scheduled Program, Year 12 students were presented with the key points from the 2022 VCE/ VCAL Handbook and Year 11 Students will be presented with this information next week. This handbook is essentially our ‘rule’ book for the management of VCE and VCAL at Our Lady of Sion College. All students have this handbook and a copy is available here.
I urge all parents to read through this document as it outlines the policies related to such aspects of VCE as attendance, special provisions and authentication of work.
A note on Special Provisions for Unit 3 and 4 Studies
Your child may be eligible for a type of special provision called ‘Special Examination Arrangements’, if she has a chronic condition that has been diagnosed and is currently under the management of an external medical professional. A successful application will approve varying conditions that will be applied to the GAT and final examinations and is a VCAA decision, not a school decision. The application for Special Examination Arrangements involves a report which must be completed by the treating medical professional and a report which is filled out by the school which cites school-based evidence related to the condition. The deadline for the lodgement of this application is 29 March. If you believe your daughter is eligible for this type of special provision and you do not have the required forms, please ask your daughter to come and see me or email me at the College. If you have the forms, can you please complete them and return them to me, as soon as possible. The application for students who completed a Unit 3 and 4 Study in 2021 with Special Provisions is due on 21 February.
Whilst applications for chronic conditions close on 29 March, there is the provision to apply for Special Examination Arrangements during the year, if a new condition or situation presents itself where there is no prior evidence. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you would like to discuss this further.
Literacy Coordinator – Laura Geilings
Over the next few weeks, the Year 7 cohort will be taking the ACER PAT test for Maths and Reading. We will be using this data to get to know our students better and know how best we can support their learning. These tests will take place in your daughter’s Maths and English classes.
Literacy Masterclass
In 2021, a Year 9 Literacy Masterclass was launched with great success and it will be offered again this year to our Year 9 students. This half an hour session on a Monday after school at 3.30 pm, will teach those involved specific literacy skills that will support their growth in literacy. Ms Tricia Smith will be running the sessions that will also directly link to what the students are studying in their English classes. For more information, please see the letter that will be coming home for all Year 9 students. For any further questions please contact me at
Writing Competitions
The Whitlam Institute What Matters? Writing competition is running again this year and all students from Years 7 to 12 are invited to participate. The competition invites students to write a 400 to 600-word piece about what matters to them. This is a great opportunity for those looking to extend their writing skills. For students interested, please speak to your English teacher for more information or visit the website
Drama – Alex Bleazby and Laura Geilings, Drama Teachers
It is wonderful to have all our students back in the classroom ready to perform some wonderful drama this year. There are lots of drama activities and events scheduled for the year so we encourage all students to keep an eye out for information in the College Bulletin about drama events. It was also exciting to welcome our Year 7 students who participated with great enthusiasm in their first class.
Our Year 11 Drama girls have performed mini solo pieces from their Smart Start work this week. This was a great start to the year with characters featured such as Gaston, The Time Lord and Thor. If this is a sign of things to come, this comical class will be producing some wonderful performance work over the year to come and see.
The launch of our Senior Play was a great success. This year our Year 10-12 students will have the opportunity to be involved in CLUE, a murder mystery based on the classic boardgame Cluedo. The play will be staged in Term 2, so look out for updates in the College Newsletter and perhaps a few extra mysteries around the school. We wish all of our auditioners luck for next week!
Congratulations to Livinia T, Class of 2021
Livinia T, a graduate from the Class of 2021, will be performing her Drama solo ‘The International Rescue Team Member’ at the combined Drama/Theatre Studies Concert on Monday 28 March at 6 pm at the Arts Centre. What a huge achievement for Livinia and acknowledgement of a great deal of dedication towards her solo examination piece. You can book tickets to this performance through the Arts Centre website.
Health and Physical Education – Natalie Hall, Learning Leader
It has been wonderful to welcome back our students into Health and Physical Education (HPE) classes for 2022. A reminder that students can wear their full PE uniform to school on the days they have timetabled PE lessons. They must wear their caps during Term 1 and sunscreen is encouraged to be applied at the start of the lesson.
Students are encouraged to use the sporting equipment that is available outside the Louise Humann Centre (LHC) during recess and lunchtimes. It has been wonderful seeing the students kicking the footy and playing totem tennis at lunch and recess with their friends.
We also have a bike rack at the back of the Emmanuel Learning Centre (ELC) building to encourage your daughters to ride to school to increase their incidental activity and reduce their time spent sitting each day. Physical activity not only benefits your body, it benefits your mind, social life, mood and sleep too!
As we get our HPE units underway we will see students practising their athletics, testing and improving their fitness, designing fun minor games, studying nutrition and the body systems, just to name a few!
Co-curricular News
Music – Martin Macaulay, Head of Music
Music 2022 is off and running!
We are certainly looking forward to a fantastic year of music-making in 2022. Please note the following times for all ensemble rehearsals throughout the week. Ensemble directors will be in touch as to what we can and can’t do due to ongoing restrictions.
Year 7 Music Program
During the first two weeks of classes, all Year 7s completed trials on a range of instruments. The next step is to complete the Instrument Preference form, which your daughter will receive in class. This process needs to be informed by her availability for one of the following compulsory ensemble rehearsals, which will begin at the end of February:
AMEB external examination results from the end of 2021
Congratulations to the following girls who received some outstanding results for the external Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) video repertoire examinations that were undertaken at the very end of last year.
Ashley W (8 Silver) High Distinction for Trumpet Grade 1
Alexandra B (8 Silver) Credit for Trumpet Grade 1
Cecilia B (8 Gold) Credit for Alto Saxophone Grade 1
Siena F (8 Red) High Distinction for Clarinet Grade 1
Olivia O’F (8 Gold) Honours for Clarinet Grade 1
Ava D (9 Gold) Honours for both Piano Grade 4 and Singing Grade 2
Zoe F (9 Gold) Honours for Alto Saxophone Grade 2
Reema H (9 Purple) Credit for Flute Grade 2
Madeleine M (9 Silver) Honours for Grade 5 Alto Saxophone
Emma G (10 Silver) Credit for Flute Grade 5
Tianna D (10 Silver) Honours for both Singing Grade 3 and French Horn Grade 2
Rose N (10 Orange) Satisfactory for Clarinet Grade 2
Emma S (10 Silver) Credit for Flute Grade 3
Ella C (11 White) Honours for Singing Grade 5
Sara D (11 Red) Honours for Piano Certificate of Performance
Megan M (11 Red) Honours for Grade 5 Alto Saxophone
Tayla M (8W) High Distinction for French Horn Grade 1
Eliza A (8B) Honours for Trombone Grade 1
Abbey G (8G) Honours for Trombone Grade 1
Maya T (8G) Honours for Trumpet Grade 1
Emily W (10S) Honours for French Horn Grade 1
Abby F (11R) Credit for Tuba Grade 4
Emma Q (12S) Credit for Trombone Grade 4
Bella C (12R) Credit for French Horn Grade 5
Bec T (12R) Credit for French Horn Grade 6
Instrumental Music 2022 Applications – it’s not too late!
It is not too late to apply for private instrumental music lessons for 2022. Singing, strings, brass, woodwind, percussion and guitar tuition are available.
Please click here to view our Music Program brochure which outlines all the details, costs and procedure
The online enrolment form can be accessed here - this needs to be completed to confirm enrolment
Caitlin W (class of 2021) performs at the Top Achievers AssemblySenior Music students perform at the Opening School Liturgy
Careers and Pathways – Brooke O'Hara, Coordinator
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Students and families can find the Fortnightly Careers newsletter here.
In this fortnight's newsletter there is information relating to:
upcoming Events – Year 12 RSA short course
Careers in the Spotlight – Occupational Therapy
things to consider – 2022 Year 10 Work experience, Year 10 Work Experience opportunity (The University of Melbourne STEM), Year 12 Responsible Serving of Alcohol course, The Hansen Scholarship, Tax File Numbers
research ideas – iCanMed resource for students interested in studying Medicine, La Trobe University News, Swinburne reimagined Arts degree.
Sport – Monica Clarke, Head of Sport
2022 is underway and Sport has commenced in full force. We have seen over 150 students participate in GSV trials as well as swimming and diving training in the first two weeks. We look forward to a full year of sporting opportunities and success.
2022 Sport Leadership
Congratulations to our 2022 College Sports Captains Mia M (12W) and Sienna S (12R) as well as the individual Sports Representatives.
Mia M (12W)Sienna S (12R)
Year 11 - Ella M (11S) and Lara H (11S)
Year 10 - Pippa L (10S) and Sienna A (10R)
Year 9 - Meika V (9R) and Katia T (9S)
Year 8 - Alexis L (8W) and Ella S (8B)
Year 7 - TBC
Sport Reminders
Monday 21 February - House Swimming Carnival
Please ensure you have returned permission slips to Homeroom teachers and completed the transport booking Google Form by Friday 11 February.
Parent News
College Counsellor – Diana Murphy
Welcome to 2022. Our lives are filled with beginnings. It is important that your young person’s experiences of beginning the year at Our Lady of Sion College sets them up for a great start for the school year. A good beginning has the potential to shape how the year ahead will be.
There are plenty of things that you can support your young person with, that can positively contribute to an optimistic beginning:
A healthy mind and healthy body- healthy food, sleep, exercise, relaxation, recharge, mindfulness, hobbies, interests, sport, art, nature…
Review, reflect and create helpful routines and habits. This can help manage feelings of being overwhelmed and worried, that can lead to procrastination and avoidance.
A strong sense of belonging helps with new beginnings. Reflect with them on how they want to be, as a member of the College community and the communities that they interact with outside of school.
Ask them to consider, what is their purpose, what do they want to achieve, what are their goals?
Remain connected to family and friends. Seek out new friendships.
Open mindset versus closed or fixed mindset. A good example of a closed mindset is 'I can’t do this' whereas 'I am still learning how to do this' is an example of an open mindset.
RUOK? Ask them to read signals for when they might begin to feel that things are not going the way they were hoping. Encourage and promote reaching out and talking with someone.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Counselling Service: Janine, Vanessa and Diana by calling College Reception on 9890 9097 or
Parents' Association – Cassandra Hill, President
We would like to offer a warm
welcome to all parents and carers to what we hope will be an exciting 2022 for
the Parents’ Association.
The Parents’ Association is involved in a number of exciting
events during the school year, such as Open Day/Year 7 Family
Eucharist/Significant Women’s and Men’s Breakfasts, and we would love to invite
any interested parents and carers to our first meeting on Monday 21 February 2022, commencing at 7.00 pm. Further
details about the meeting will be provided closer to the date. The Parents' Association meets once a term and does not conduct any
If you have some time and passion for the school community, we
look forward to warmly welcoming you at our first meeting. If you would
like further information about the Parents’ Association, please email our
Secretary, Caroline Athey at